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Crowne Plaza Hotel, Stratford upon Avon
The conference and associated exhibition will cover recent research and experience related to corrosion and protection of internals and externals of pipes and pipelines in the drinking water, waste water and oil and gas industries.
The full Programme for this event can now be found on the congress website,, as are a registration booking form, and hotel contact details.
If you are involved in pipeline corrosion this is a must attend event. Registrations are already at 70% of capacity. Have you booked yet?
Corrosion Engineering Division, Latest News
A collection of recently edited and up-dated technical guidance documents from the CED Coatings group has recently been published in the member’s area of the Institute of Corrosion website. Each document includes extensive referencing to relevant standards and other sources of information. A summary of these documents is presented here. Please note that to access the members area you will need to register or re-register by filling in the on-line form at
CED/CT01 Inspection and testing – Surface preparation and organic coating-related inspections
This document discusses the purpose of inspection, the specific areas that a paint inspector might check, the relevant standards and methodologies, the reasons behind the various requirements, and the equipment used. Subject areas include: pre-coating (visual inspection, surface profile checks, extraction of soluble salts, surface cleanliness checks, ambient monitoring) and post-coating (coating thickness checks, adhesion testing, holiday detection). The focus is on those methods which are considered the best, or most commonly used, but an emerging test for post-coating corrosion protection monitoring, namely electrochemical noise measurement, is included as an Appendix.
CED/CT02 Surface Preparation Methods
CT2 provides an insight into the types of preparation methods that are available, the equipment used and how this is related to industry standards. The three common surface preparation methods, i.e. abrasive blasting, hand and power tool, and water jetting, are discussed, with particular attention given to water jetting, which is less well-known than the others. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are also highlighted.
CED/CT03 Organic coating application methods
This document provides an insight into the available coating application methods and the equipment used. The various application methods described are: brush application, roller application, spray application (including air-, airless-, HPLV-spraying, auto-deposition, and rotating discs and bells), dip coating and flow coating.
CED/CT04 Paint: a definition and generic organic coating types
This document provides an insight into the generic organic coating types that are available, highlighting the types and compositions of the coatings. It begins with a brief definition of what comprises a paint system and an outline of why, when and where anticorrosive paint is used. It provides definitions of resins (e.g. alkyd, epoxy, polyurethane/acrylic urethane, vinyl esters, and silicone-based resin systems), pigments and extenders, solvents, additives (driers, thixotropes, UV absorbers, de-foamers, wetting agents). Some examples of complete paint systems (primer, stripe coat, intermediate coat or coats, and finish coat) are also given.
CED/CT05 TMS: Thermal metal spray
CT05 defines the technique of thermal metal spraying, placing it in context and noting the relevant surface preparation standards. The methodology is then described in detail, including flame spray and arc spray. Properties such as abrasion resistance, galvanic protection, longevity and the permeability of thermal metal spray to water are discussed. This is followed by a section covering the appropriate uses of TMS, as well as noting where it is NOT recommended.
CED/CT06 On-site and off-site application of intumescent fire and corrosion protection coatings for steel structures
This document provides a definition of intumescent coatings and highlights the key issues concerning specification and use of the types of coating appropriate in particular contexts. It also covers, certification, development and handling of the coating, and preparation of the substrate surface, together with the advantages and disadvantages of off-site or on-site application.
An emphasis on the corrosion protection aspects of the intumescent system, and information on the types of system that will be effective in this context, are included in the sub-section on environment. A large number of sources of further information are included towards the end.
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The professional Yacht Designers and Surveyors Association (YDSA) contacted the Institute, via the Northampton office, requesting us to present a one day informative course on corrosion of steel hulled craft in fresh water service. This task fell to past President Trevor Osborne as being the most suitable on the basis that he was after all a small craft owner, albeit one with a plastic non corrodible hull. The presentation took place on March 1st at the Aqueduct Marina, Church Minshull near Nantwich on the Shropshire Union Canal.
In spite of the poor weather and driving conditions, the number of attendees exceeded twenty persons, all experienced and active members of the YDSA from around the UK. The ICorr presentation covered multiple subjects all related to corrosion of small craft and narrow boats operating in fresh water, including pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion, coatings and painting, cathodic protection, electrical isolation by decoupling of a.c. grounding and other subjects, some of which emerged on an ad hoc impromptu basis and were an aside to the prepared presentation.
The material presented was prepared to provide a greater background understanding of issues related to corrosion in the day to day work that YDSA members do while surveying narrow boats and other craft around the UK, and overseas. The issue of corrosion in pleasure and working boats is an important one and the YDSA are very active in investigative surveying. From post event feed-back it was clear that all who attended found the presentation and group discussion most useful, and that the learning outcomes will be put to good use in carrying out future surveys and preparing reports.
This was a long day, but a very worthwhile one spent in the company of a well experienced and professional audience. ICorr look forward to again meeting with the YDSA to further their understanding of corrosion and our understanding of pleasure boats and related surveying practices.
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Even though the weather seems to want to slow us down in the UK, the Institute continues to move forward at a pace. The last council meeting which was held at the end of February in Northampton, was very lively indeed, and shows the passion that is held by council members for the Institute. Further development plans are in motion and I hope that members are starting to see increased activity. New dates are planned for the “Fundamentals of Corrosion” course in locations around the UK. Branch activity is very encouraging, the informative and dynamic report from Aberdeen was a highlight!
Our search for a new home for the Institute is ongoing, and we are investigating a potential site as I write this.
The route to Chartered Status is moving along and if anyone would like more details on how to get involved with this, as either a mentor or candidate, please contact David Mobbs. The new season of the Young Engineers Programme is in full swing, with our great thanks to CB&I in Paddington for offering a venue for this excellent initiative, and also thanks to the sub-committee of George Winning, Trevor Osborne and David Mobbs, for putting in the effort to run this.
In May, the CEOCOR Congress will be coming to the UK, Brian Wyatt is the current President and together with an ICorr committee headed by Steve Barke, have organised what looks to be a fantastic event, and when I last checked looked like we will be soon reaching capacity. This is an event well worth attending if you are involved in the pipeline protection field. I will have the pleasure of being there and I hope to see ICorr being strongly represented.
As a final reminder to all, if you would like to progress your professional standing with the Institute, then we would welcome any applications, and if you have any questions on this process please contact the Northampton office.
Sarah Vasey, ICorr President
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After due consideration of the nominations for the CED 2018 Paul McIntyre award, the selection panel has agreed to give this year’s award to Dr. John Broomfield. He will be attending the next CED working day to receive the award