New Sustaining Member – Equilibrant

New Sustaining Member – Equilibrant

Equilibrant Ltd is a Belfast based independent Civil and Structural engineering consultancy established in 2009, and specialising in the detailed inspection, Non-Destructive Testing and repair & protection of reinforced concrete and steel infrastructure. The Managing Director, Dr Jim Cromie, is a Chartered Engineer and has a PhD in the electrochemical de-salination of reinforced concrete, and the Technical Director, Robert Devenney, is a Chartered Engineer with a wealth of experience in the inspection, testing and repair of all types of infrastructure.

They work with Asset Managers, consultants and contractors, producing comprehensive reports with recommendations for Life Cycle Management of civil infrastructure and can accurately identify the cause, extent and significance of structural/electrochemical deterioration using specialist Non-Destructive Testing techniques, and propose remedial works strategies, considering whole life costing, to ensure clients schedule sustainable remedial interventions. They have a full range of NDT equipment in-house including half-cell potential units/linear polarisation devices/concrete resistivity meters, Proceq live ground penetrating radar unit, Schmidt hammers etc.

All types of structural infrastructure and across engineering disciplines from railway and motorway bridges, other highway infrastructure, marine structures, high rise buildings etc. have been assessed. Typically the structures are suffering from Biogenic Sulphate Corrosion, concrete carbonation + low cover to reinforcement, chloride contamination, sulphate attack, acid attack, cracking etc. They also have the in-house expertise to model chloride diffusion and rate of carbonation penetration.

They are completely materials independent and produce factual reports or interpretive reports with repair material performance specification in accordance with EN 1504.
Equilibrant Ltd also offer a Part 3 HSE Surface Supplied Commercial diver, one of, if not the only practising chartered engineer dive inspection service in Ireland.

New Sustaining Member – Helvetica Technical Consulting

New Sustaining Member – Helvetica Technical Consulting

Helvetica Technical Consulting’s vision is to safeguard the environment, the assets and the safety of people, and ensure a better and sustainable future. They deliver technical consulting to industries in terms of asset management, supply chain and quality control, from corrosion management to supplier qualification.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” and, for this reason, all their services are performed by certified, trained and qualified operators using in-house tools and covered by a liability insurance.

Coating is a technique used to prevent corrosion that creates a physical barrier to stop or slow the deterioration process. Thus, it Is very important that the entire coating process is carried out following strict parameters and rules, since corrosion affects the life cycle and fitness for purposes of equipment, tools or even structures, like bridges or high voltage pylons. It has been estimated that 75% of premature coating failure is due to poor surface preparation.

With their extensive experience, they can perform inspections during initial qualification, taking care of all the aspects involved in the process, or even perform condition monitoring of the coating on existing equipment, vessel or a structure and then make decisions for re-coating.

Their experience covers a range of topics including, pipes and fittings, coating qualification process, thermal spray ,concrete, galvanic protection, personnel qualification, and coating assessment surveys. They can carry out DFT measurements, surface cleanliness (Bresle test, CSN, amine blush), blasted surface profile (Testex replica tape, surface comparators, digital profiler), adhesion testing, pinhole and porosity measurement, and environmental monitoring and recording.


WELCOME to our 251 new members and 11 Sustaining Company Members who joined the Institute in 2018.

TOGETHER WITH THE CONGRATULATIONS of the Institute to all the following members who have attained Professional Status in 2018.


Jim C Galbraith
Muhammad Saleh 
Shokat Giteli
Paul Spikins
John B C Ritchie


Kumar Kolur Vadivelu
Ali Güneyli
Siva Prakash Kulandaivel
Lian Ling Beh
Marvin Sincioco
Jeroen Joannes Maria Van der List
Ben Magee
Muhammad Naveed Nawaz
Palanisamy Samuthiram
Solaimuthu Periasamy
Venkatesh Kundalagara Rajeshkar
Terence Marshall
Steven Slack
Abdel Rahman Ahmed Mohamed Hendawy
Chandresh Ellathuvalappil
Abdul Hakeem Olubayo Latinwo
Neil R Brown
Kamal Mohamed El-Sayed
David Bailey
Stefano Tassinari
Dinesh Selvaraju
Joseph Quinn
Rahul Ashokbhai Panchal
Intizar Hussain
Raja Sekhar Ganti
Bikku C John
Muhammad Asif Siddiqui
Robert J Allen
Erol Dag
Khushboo Sharma
Firoz Ahmed Makrani
Marco Facciotti
Edward Hall
Mark J Waterfield
Mushaid Nauman
Alan Peers
Madjid Afshari
Murugan Ramachandran
Jawwad Khan
Nagendra Mahableshwar Nirvaneshwar
Awais Manzoor Malik
John Samuel Selvaraj
Abdul Waheed
Arun Sudarshan Kiron Kannan
Okwuchukwu Ejikeme Nkem Nwosu
Vignesh Gopal
Elayaperumal Rajamani
Stephen Shapcott
Mohamed Ibrahim Hegazy
Seda Omercikoglu
Petra Ernst
Frederick Oritseweneye Pessu
Jaiprakash Narain Agrawal


Vikram Prabhakaran
Christopher J Everett
Chukwuma Candidus Onuoha
Markus Buchler
George William Mackenzie Hobbs
Syed Ibtesam Hasan Abidi
Arwind Kumar Dubey
Ahmed Ramadan Nassar
Ricardo Filipe
Zeeshan Farooq Lodhi
Muhammad Hussain
Itoro Lucky Akrasi
Sayee Raghunathan
Balasubramani Bakthavatchalu
Kumar Kolur Vadivelu


Following the busy end to 2018 with the launch of the new ICATS course material, 2019 promises to be another successful year for the scheme as we prepare to introduce the new website and we will shortly be announcing two additional Approved Training Centres.

We held a final Seminar in Northampton in January to introduce the new course to our Trainers. These seminars were a great success and included an overview of the ICATS development plans and a detailed look at the new programme.

A Company Trainer Course is planned for 19/20 February, at Northampton, and a Supervisor Course was held in January, and the next will be announced soon 

For further information on any of the above please contact the office at, or phone 01604 438222.

2018 AGM

The 2018 ICorr AGM was once again hosted by the Midlands branch of the Institute and held in the magnificent Birmingham Town Hall.

A festive mood was added by the presence of the continental street market outside, and the attendees enjoyed lunch and networking time before the excellent technical programme organised by Midland branch and the presentation of the U.R. Evans sword to Professor Anne Neville, Leeds University, by the new President.

The AGM itself was a well attended event at a time of many changes for the Institute. A new President was elected; the Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary continued in their posts, as did many of the existing Council members, all of whom will work to guide the Institute through the move into the building that we have purchased, and the many opportunities that this will allow for us to grow in 2019 and beyond.

A number of interesting and relevant questions were also raised regarding the future plans for the Institute, which were outlined to the attendeees. The current fortunate financial situation regarding surplus cash was also queried and it was explained that as ICorr is a charity, the Charities Commission encourages the retention of 2-3 years running costs as cash. This provision had been made by the Honorary Treasurer.

On behalf of the Institute, I wish you a Happy New Year and a successful 2019.
Dr Jane Lomas, Honorary Secretary