Institute News
COMSOL is a global provider of simulation software for product design, engineering, and research in technical enterprises, labs, and universities. COMSOL Multiphysics® is a software environment for the modelling and simulation of any physics-based system with the ability to account for multi-physics phenomena. Optional add-on modules add discipline-specific tools for mechanical, fluid, electromagnetics, and chemical simulations, as well as CAD interoperability. Simulation experts can use COMSOL Server™ and COMSOL Compiler™ to deploy simulation applications to design teams, manufacturing departments, test laboratories, and customers worldwide.
Most corrosion occurs due to electrochemical reaction processes taking place underwater and in wet or humid environments. Modelling corrosion allows engineers and scientists to investigate these processes, gain an understanding of the extent to which corrosion could occur over the lifetime of a structure, and implement preventative measures to inhibit electrochemical corrosion, in order to protect their structures. The Corrosion Module, an add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics®, can be used to simulate corrosion at the microscale in order to investigate the fundamental mechanisms, and at larger scales to determine how to protect massive or long-ranging structures from corroding.
Institute News
Dear Member,
The Trustees and Council of the Institute would like to invite you all to the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Thursday 22nd of November 2021 at the National Conference Centre & The National Motorcycle Museum in conjunction with the Midlands Branch meeting, including technical presentations by corrosion experts from across UK.
National Conference Centre & The National Motorcycle Museum, Coventry Road, Bickenhill, Solihull, West Midlands B92 0EJ
Please confirm attendance (for lunch numbers and remote access to the AGM) or apology for absence by email to
Arrive and registration
Midland Branch Meeting
Institute of Corrosion presentations of current ICorr training courses
Chris Spence – CP
Richard Edwards – CP certification
Kevin Harold – ICATS and certification
John Fletcher – ICorr Surface Treatment Courses
Comfort break
11h00 – 12h00
Communication and Digitisation in the Corrosion Industry
Ian Sotherton – Omniflex
Dr Prafull Sharma – CorrosionRADAR
Jack Cornes – HausBots
Lunch and access to the museum
AGM Agenda
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the previous AGM November 2020
President’s report
Treasurer’s report
Any other business
The Trustees and members of Council will be available before the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding the Institute and its future.
Again, as in the case of 2020, the Institute’s accounts, and the minutes for the previous AGM, will be available via the ICorr website ( Please examine them, and the website in general, as we would appreciate your feedback.
This year the AGM will also be live streamed via Zoom or Teams meeting, please confirm your attendance as detailed below to receive further instruct ions for remote access on the day.
Comfort break tea coffee
ICorr Awards and presentations
Access to the museum – site closes at 17h30
Institute News
The intent of Young ICorr is to develop a network of younger professionals, who are either working or interested in the field of corrosion, and to assist in their career development as a member of the Institute. The vision of “Young ICorr” is to Recruit, Train, Retain, the younger generations of engineers and scientists, and to assist in increasing their experience, their corrosion network, and to improve their career opportunities.
In recent years, the Young ICorr community and network has rapidly grown under the leadership of Caroline Allanach who chaired the committee after participating in the 2018 Young Engineers Programme (YEP). Fellow participant, and team member of the 2018 YEP, Danny Burkle, worked closely with Caroline, as vice-chair, to help drive membership growth and assist in bridging the gap between the senior ICorr members, and the engineers, scientists, technicians and researchers in the earlier stages of their career.
Caroline, has recently completed 2 years as the chair and Danny is taking over the chair of the committee. Danny will continue to help continue the growth of Young ICorr and to assist the younger generation with the next steps in their career path. As chair, Danny’s first task has been to recruit a new vice-chair and to confirm the Young ICorr committee structure.
James McGladdery, who participated in the 2019 YEP and joined the committee after the programme had finished, has assisted greatly in the growth of the network and will become the next vice-chair. One of the first major tasks for the Danny and James will be to restructure and build the committee to assist with further membership development and growth and to plan the next 12 months of events. The new committee will be made up of professionals in both academia and industry related positions, and widely spread across the UK and beyond.
Young ICorr are currently looking for enthusiastic, motivated people to join the advisory committee, and if you are interested in joining, or interesting in learning more about our vision and future events. then please contact Danny for more information on The chair looks look forward to hearing from you and to welcome you to a network of like- minded peers.
Institute News
In July of this year, ICorr/CORREX had a very successful audit with LRQA and passed with no recommendations for action or non-conformances.
In the build-up to the audit, ISO 17024 was added to the audit schedule, and also added to the ICorr/CORREX Quality Manual. This meant that our forms and documents had to be changed to comply with this standard. All students being registered for ICATS training will now have to sign any application and ensure address and other details are correct. The forms also contain essential information for guidance to students and trainers. It is hoped to introduce the new forms during October.
The ICATS reqDoc containing all the guidance for ICATS training is also being updated to reflect ISO 17024 and other changes. Remote training and guidance as well as other information is being added. And it is hoped to have this document approved in the near future.
As the UK slowly returns to some normality, we are now beginning to consider ICATS training in Northampton in the Autumn. The proposed dates will be put on the ICATS website during September for Supervisor, Trainer and Manager courses.
Kevin Harold, CORREX Managing Director
Institute News
Welcome to this autumn edition of your magazine – I do hope you managed to enjoy the summer and got some vacation time.
Although the ICorr year runs from the 1st July to the 31st June each year it is at this time that our activities start to pick up again with branch meetings and other events. It’s exciting to see our Aberdeen and London branches re-starting in person meetings and exploring how we might be able to live-stream them as well for those who cannot attend. On the subject of branches, I’d like to thank everyone in the Northeast area who responded to our call for help with re-energising our branch there. We had numerous great offers and thanks to David Mobbs for coordinating the way forward – I look forward to attending one of the meetings.
On the 11th August we had our quarterly Council Meeting and I’m delighted to say our Institute remains in great shape. Our new cathodic protection courses are proving very popular and our new coatings courses are about to come on-stream.
With the easing of Covid restrictions I’ve been really pleased to attend two in-person events and meet some of our members. At the end of August I attended the opening of a new technology centre dedicated to pipeline pigging at Cokebusters in Chester, and in September I attended
the second day of the Corrosion Science Symposium at the University of Manchester. All the talks were excellent, and I was impressed by the progress being made in surface imaging at the nanoscale and the advances in modelling corrosion mechanisms at the atomic level. Whilst there, it was my privilege to give our UR Evans award in person to Professor Bob Cottis, University of Manchester for 2020 and to Professor Mary Ryan, Imperial College, London, for 2021. I’d like to thank Professor Stuart Lyon for organising a great event and you will be able to read more about the conference in the next edition.
Finally, I’d like to mention our approach to email communications with you. We work very hard to avoid sending you too many emails as we all understand the problem of email overload. Historically we have only sent you emails about events related to your branch activities as they were in-person events. However, since the arrival of Covid we have moved into the world of on-line presentations and live-streaming which means anyone can attend from anywhere in the world – albeit on UK time ! This has proved very popular and, as a result, we have agreed that if a meeting is exclusively an in-person meeting we will continue to send emails only to the relevant branch members. However, if it is an on-line meeting, we will send to all our membership as it may be of interest to a wider audience. We still believe this will be a relatively small number of emails and expect no more than a few each month.
As ever I’d love to hear from you on this or any ICorr topic you have thoughts on.
Until next time,
Bill Hedges, Institute of Corrosion President