The President Writes

The President Writes

How quickly two years flies by! This is my penultimate article before handing over the Presidency of ICorr into the very capable hands Stephen Tate at our AGM on 9th November. Details of the AGM can be found in this issue and I hope you can join us.
As we approach the AGM two very dedicated and long serving members of our council have decided to stand down from their roles:
• Tony Collins has been our treasurer for many years and overseen our turn round to the very healthy financial situation we find ourselves in today. Tony has provided myself, many past presidents, the Trustees and Council with clear financial reporting and wise coaching for which I am very grateful.
• Brian Goldie is the editor of this magazine and under his leadership we have seen the magazine become increasingly popular by providing a great balance of technical topics, Industry and ICorr branch news. He has introduced several new themes such as “Fellows Corner” where experts provide an overview of their specialist technical areas.
• Sarah Vasey who is a recent past president has also unfortunately indicated her need to step down from Council at this time, due to her company commitments overseas in Cleveland, Ohio.

I want to thank Tony, Brian, and Sarah for their wonderful contributions over many years and for being such professional
and easy people to work with. We will miss you all.

Of course, this means we have two vacancies so if anyone is interested in either the Treasurer or Magazine Editor roles,
please let me know.

As I noted in the last issue our office is now being run by Becky and Trish. I’d like to thank them both for organising a very successful, two-day office clean up with the outstanding support of Kevin Harold and Rob Hurley. Over the years we had collected a lot of “stuff” which took a lot of space. One skip later and we now have a a clutter free store room. Kevin and Rob also put up our new ICorr office signs which had been delayed due to Covid.
A highlight for me was attending the Aberdeen Annual Corrosion Forum on 30th August. You can see more details in this magazine and I want to thank the Aberdeen team for planning an excellent event which was well attended. Despite being held in the oil and gas capital of the world it was refreshing to see a focus on all energy sources. I also had the pleasure of joining the Aberdeen branch committee for dinner that evening and hearing many of the ideas they have for the future.

Our new microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) training course is now finished and we have received lots of interest in attending – look out for dates in the near future. More details are in this issue.

Until next time.
Bill Hedges, Institute of Corrosion President