London Branch – Optimizing impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) anode sled locations for offshore jacket structure retrofits

On the 8th April London Branch had an online event titled: Optimizing impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) anode sled locations for offshore jacket structure retrofits.  The presenter was Dr Matthew Taylor (Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc.)


Choosing anode sled locations is a critical step in the ICCP retrofit design process. Typically, a CP engineer locates sleds based on site plans, experience, intuition, and some simple equations evaluating “remoteness” criteria.
3D CP Multiphysics software (both BE and FE) models have been used to evaluate the performance of a given CP design.  These models, typically proprietary in construction and calibrated by historical structure polarization data give general indications of system performance, often ignoring the effects of ICCP on associated pipelines.  Any attempted optimization procedure involves “guess and check” techniques, with no method of validating the results.
Pipeline CP measurements made during and after ICCP system commissioning has revealed that pipelines were more affected than previously believed given the “remoteness” criteria traditionally used.
This talk describes algorithms and analysis to optimize the placement, quantity and output of anode sleds to improve system efficiency, minimize risk to pipelines and reduce cost.

Download the pdf of the presentation here

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