Professional Development

Career Development and Continuing Professional Development Development (CPD)

Institute of Corrosion are committed to maintaining, improving and increasing knowledge for all.

To find full details, click here for the ICorr CPD Brochure

What is CPD?

CPD comprises learning activities that you undertake to gain knowledge and experience in order to help you in your professional career as a corrosion scientist or engineer. CPD is additional to the normal duties of your day-to-day employment.

For example, training days, professional mentoring of colleagues or others and  attendance at conferences are all CPD activities.

The Institute of Corrosion offers its members a route to Chartered Status (e.g. CEng, CSci) through our links with the Engineering Council and the Science Council.  Members are also supported in their formal CPD requirements by our CPD returns proce



mycareerpath® is an online professional development system, designed by the Engineering Council and adopted by many professional engineering institutions for use by their members

Chartered Engineer

The title CEng is protected by civil law and is one of the most recognisable international engineering qualifications

Chartered Scientist

CSci represents a single chartered mark for all scientists, recognising high levels of professionalism and competence in science