he latest video in the Napo safety cartoon series, covers working on a construction site and shows some of the common hazards and risks to be found there. The video can be found at, https://www.napofilm.net/en/napos-films/napo-safe-site
Napo is the hero of the cartoon series. He is symbolic of an employee working in any industry or sector. Napo is not limited to one specific job or work environment but his personality and physical appearance remain the same in all the films. Napo is a normal person – neither good nor bad, neither young nor old. In this respect, he is neutral.
Napo is an original idea conceived by a small group of OSH communications professionals and their video resources are to enable organisations to use Napo films to raise awareness about health and safety topics within groups of their own staff and supply chains. The resources enable organisations to deliver advice on health and safety topics, and will help generate discussion around the topics. They are also suitable for use on vocational training courses. More information about Napo, and list of all the video resources can be found at, https://www.napofilm.net/en