Welcome to the summer issue of the magazine. Even though the lockdown is easing and companies are getting back to more normal operation, there is still little news from the industry to report on. This month, we have two detailed technical articles as well as the now regular “Ask the Expert” and “Fellow’s Corner” columns.
The first technical article is part one of a 2-part guide to CP for offshore renewable energy infrastructures from Brian Wyatt. This looks at the background to protecting near-shore structures and the need for additional requirements. The second article is by Carmen Andrade, the 2020 Paul McIntyre Award winner. Carmen describes the prevention and on-site measurement of concrete reinforcement corrosion, and includes some personal reflections of her career.
I would also like to echo the President’s remarks about printed vs online versions of the magazine, and welcome readers’ comments. I am always interested to receive articles describing technical advances or interesting Case Studies, for possible publication. This is your magazine, so please also let me know if there are topics of interest to you that have not been covered. You can reach me at, brianpce@aol.com.
Brian Goldie, Consulting Editor