The Birth of Apprenticeships for Industrial Coating Applicators

The Birth of Apprenticeships for Industrial Coating Applicators

Introducing the First Ever Industrial Coatings Applicator Apprenticeship

With a high demand for skilled industrial coatings applicators in the UK and globally, it is surprising that it took so long for an entry-level apprenticeship to become available. Until recently, industrial coatings applicators were drawn from within the industry.

The first Industrial Coatings Applicator Apprenticeship (ICAA) has now been completed, and all apprentices who took part in the programme passed with distinction. The Institute of Corrosion spoke to the driving forces behind the ICAA programme, and asked how they not only developed the training programme, but also managed to get this much needed apprenticeship programme into the marketplace.

Why are apprenticeships for industrial coatings applicators needed?

The country’s infrastructure is under constant attack from the environment. Such infrastructure includes structures such as bridges, sports stadia, buildings, hospitals, lighting columns, and wind turbines.

Industrial coatings applicators prepare steel surfaces and apply protective coatings to protect them against corrosion. They may work closely with coating inspectors, for whom separate and specialised coating inspection training is available.

However, despite the critical nature of the work of industrial coatings applicators, employers in the sector are facing a serious problem. The average age of applicators has been rising for years. There is a danger that in a few years there will be very few qualified and experienced industrial coatings applicators remaining. In a nutshell, the industry needs new, younger employees.

What difference will ICAA make to industry?

The whole of the industry is trained and regulated, except for applicators. This apprenticeship, when coupled with the Institute of Corrosion’s applicator training scheme (ICATS), is the first time that this gap has been rectified.

David Mobbs had responsibilities for the End-Point Assessment on behalf of ICorr, and he recalls how one of Jack Tighe’s existing applicators, who was applying epoxy PFP in the factory told him, “There wasn’t anything like this when I joined. I just got given a paint brush.

An industrial coatings applicator is a highly-skilled role, and key to the integrity of the national infrastructure. Poor workmanship can have dire consequences, including increased risk of fatalities. Competent industrial coatings applicators are able to work autonomously, to the highest standards.

Industrial Coatings Applicator Apprenticeships – an idea is conceived

Stephen Hankinson, Chairman of Hankinson Whittle Group, explains how the concept of apprenticeships for industrial coatings applicators came from an idea to reality.

The journey really started at a meeting of the Advisory Committee for National Highways Sector Scheme 19A back in October 2015. 

An employers group was established from 19A accredited companies. We also established a sub-committee training group, chaired by David Horrocks from BAM Nuttall Ltd. David was ideally placed with a vast knowledge and experience in the coatings industry spanning some 38 years. The group also included other members from the Advisory Committee – Jeff Bowden and Lance Williams from Highways England, and also Pete Walker from the British Constructional Steel Workers Association (BCSA). All on the sub-committee were a great help in getting the standard developed.

19A specifically deals with corrosion protection and therefore has always had an interest in raising quality standards within this sector. As a committee, we recognised for a number of years that there was a shortfall of new young entrants coming into the sector.

(Watch the video on YouTube: ‘How the first Ever Industrial Coating Applicator Apprenticeship Was Created’.)

The passion behind the mission

David Horrocks, Materials Engineer at BAM Nuttall Ltd., chairman of the Professional Development, Training and Certification Committee (PDTC) for the Institute of Corrosion, and Fellow of the Institute, is passionate about the apprenticeship programme and says, “I was delighted to be a part of this apprenticeship development and to chair the committee was a real pleasure.

As a committee in Highways England, we were and still are very passionate about making sure that the UK’s infrastructure is protected for many years to come,” David says. “I think that one of the key things that was highlighted within that committee was that the government had started to demand that more apprentices were trained in various sectors.

The industrial coatings applicator sector didn’t have that in place, so there was a gap in the market that needed filling. We were clearly keen to see this come to fruition.

Peter Walker from the BCSA had described to the committee the new apprenticeships being developed for roles such as steel erector and steel fabricator. Thus, the committee was able to tap into the format of applying for a new apprenticeship and how the standard should be presented to the Institute for Apprenticeships.

The training committee took on responsibility for creating the standard, with a view to providing a pathway for training providers to deliver this much needed apprenticeship programme for industrial coatings applicators.

Apprenticeships are real opportunities

There was a period when apprenticeships were scoffed at. Certainly, the Young Trainee Scheme (YTS) of the 1980s seemed to morph apprenticeships into cheap labour programmes. Thankfully, today’s modern apprenticeships provide real opportunities for youngsters to gain skills, qualifications, and a pathway into rewarding careers.

The apprenticeship standard in terms of the committee developing it, was something of a passion of mine to get over the line,” David Horrocks says. “Leaving school and getting an apprenticeship or ‘trade’ is the best way to start a career in this industry and certainly the first step towards further opportunities in this exciting industry.

It took a lot of hard work and dedication to get the ICAA standard developed, written, created, accredited, and available for employers to take on. But it has proved to be worth every ounce of effort.

In late 2018 the ICAA apprenticeship standard was accepted by the Institute For Apprenticeships, which was shortly followed by classroom candidates taking their seats in early 2019 at North Lindsey College in collaboration with Jack Tighe Ltd.

I met the apprentices at North Lindsey College during their initial introduction to the apprenticeship programme. This was an absolute privilege for me,” David Horrocks says. “I presented to the class in terms of how they could progress from being an industrial painter, into paint inspection, and even management.

Stephen himself is no stranger to the power of apprenticeships to change lives. Hankinson Whittle runs its own apprenticeship schemes, and has witnessed apprentices make similar career progression to that experienced by David Horrocks. “There’s something about seeing your hard work in developing others bear real fruit,” he says.

David Horrocks agrees. “It is this pinnacle of seeing this developed that gives me the passion to make sure this continues for many years to come.

In our next article, we meet John Whittaker, Training Manager, and Sam Panter, who is Health & Safety Director of Jack Tighe Ltd., the first employer to run the ICAA scheme in the United Kingdom. They tell us about their journey in taking the apprenticeship standard and developing a new apprenticeship programme for Industrial Coating Applicators.

In the meantime, whether you are an employer considering your workforce and business strategy, or a youngster considering your career options, to learn more about the ICAA, email the admin team at the Institute of Corrosion.

A Passive Fire Protection Course is Critical: The Experts’ View

A Passive Fire Protection Course is Critical: The Experts’ View

We Asked the Questions You Want Answered

A passive fire protection (PFP) course is critical for asset integrity and health and safety of employees. Poorly applied PFP systems put at risk both, as well as adding huge costs to the industry when rectification must be executed.

The Institute of Corrosion has been working with PFPNet to address these issues. The outcome is the Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme, led by the evolution of needs within the oil and gas industry.

Together with PFPNet, we’ve spoken to many industry experts, including:

  • Shivas Lindsay, Fixed Gas Platforms Process Safety Lead & Technical Authority, Woodside Energy
  • Bill Hedges, Chief Engineer, Materials & Integrity Management, BP
  • Sebastien Viale, Paint and Insulation Group Leader at Technip Energies
  • David Stowers, Associate Consultant at PFP Specialists
  • Gautam Arya, Managing Director at Muehlhan Middle East Holding Limited
  • Sarah Vasey, Global Project Director at Sherwin-Williams
  • David Mobbs, Business Development Manager at Corrosion Integrity Management Ltd
  • Gareth Hinds, President of the Institute of Corrosion
  • Simone Thurlbeck, Visiting Professor, University of Manchester and Director at PFPNet
  • John Dunk, Director of PFPNet and Passive Fire Protection Specialists

Why do we need this PFP course?

The PFP market over the past 10 years has become much more competitive,” says Bill Hedges. Though he says that more suppliers entering the market is a good thing, he adds, “This also means that they’re not able to provide the inspectors we need at our facilities when the PFP has been applied.

It’s become evident that the quality standards associated with PFP installation have become quite poor over the recent years,” says John Dunk. “Therefore, having a qualified inspector to inspect the installation becomes very much more important.

What are the consequences of poorly applied PFP?

Poor installation of PFP systems can have extreme consequences. The financial cost of poorly applied PFP can be colossal, and PFP is critical for health and safety and asset integrity.

If passive fire protection has been badly applied, it means that we don’t know how it would act in a fire. Therefore, the safety of personnel and facilities could be undermined,” says Shivas Lindsay.

It could also lead to corrosion under the passive fire protection, which is a problem,” says Bill. “If we need to repair it, it’s very expensive. We estimate it can cost anywhere between 10 to 100 times the original cost if we have to go back and repair.

Why are current inspection regimes missing PFP installation defects?

The need for an upgrade in PFP inspection competency across the entire industry is highlighted by many of the experts we have spoken to.

The main reason we miss defects is because we don’t have enough experienced inspectors to find them,” continues Bill. “We find this to be especially true in more remote parts of the world, where we’re constructing many of our facilities these days.

Simon Thurlbeck remarks, “In my experience of inspecting lots of PFP systems over the last 20 or 30 years, I’ve found many errors and mistakes in the way things have been done.

Some people have the misconception that passive fire protection is just like regular paint – even the paint you might apply in your own house,” says Bill. “That’s far from the truth.

Improving PFP inspector competence

There’s a clear gap in the market in passive fire protection. We’re looking to raise the bar and support industry to set higher standards for people who are qualified to inspect work on passive fire protection systems and sign off work on passive fire protection systems,” says Gareth Hinds.

Introducing the Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme

The comments from these experts give a flavour of the desire within the industry for a huge upgrade in the training and competency of PFP inspection. Which is why the Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) and PFPNet have developed a market-leading Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme specifically aimed at the training of inspectors who inspect installation of hydrocarbon passive fire protection coating materials.

We’ve really tried to write the course in a way that people are going to absorb it and enjoy it,” says Sarah Vasey.

The main purpose of this course is to properly qualify inspectors of hydrocarbon passive fire protection coatings used to resist hydrocarbon fires,” says David Stowers. “It’s not a fire engineering course, but we do start with an overview of the effects of fires on plants and structures – and, hence, the need for PFP.

The course isn’t a PFP application course, either, but it does look in detail at the application and quality control requirements of the most widely used hydrocarbon PFP materials. The course also covers installation issues that influence how well PFP will withstand operational and environmental demands.

At the end of the course,” says Simon, “there’s quite a detailed examination that covers all the course materials that participants have heard over the previous few days.

Then there is a peer review,” says Sarah, who is excited by the panel of people who will be conducting it. “People in the industry who we look up to,” she says.

Sebastien sums up the real-world benefits of this training when he says, “It’s great to have people like PFPNet putting together a course that will improve the knowledge of inspectors. For me, this is improving safety.

Who should attend the course?

The people who will benefit from this course in the first instance are those inspectors who are currently practising PFP inspection on major projects,” says David Mobbs.

We’re looking for those who have a minimum Level 1 Paint Inspector course. We would like to have seen them work in the PFP industry for a minimum of three years,” confirms Sarah.

In addition to these early-stage course participants, John Dunk says, “the course could also be of interest to engineers or other parties who just want to understand passive fire protection and its installation.

Those who will benefit from this course include:

  • Owner-operators who will need to build the course into specification, to ensure that PFP is fully considered and that the design and application of PFP meets improving standards and industry best practice;
  • Fabricators and applicators who will need to have their inspectors competently trained, demonstrating that they are committed to maintaining improved standards of application and inspection; and
  • Inspection houses who will need to have trained inspectors ready to meet the market requirement.

In summary

Developed by highly experienced industry experts – people who really understand the needs of the industry – this course will raise the competence of persons responsible for inspecting and signing off on the quality of installation of such systems, covering epoxy intumescent and cementitious PFP systems in the hydrocarbon industries.

With the need for improved PFP inspection, there is a career path for people in this discipline. This comprehensive Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme will be the springboard for all those who want to develop their career in this area.

We cover the course content in more detail in our article ‘PFP Course for Inspectors – Finally, Training That Meets Industry Needs’.

For more information, contact either John Dunk at PFPNet or David Mobbs at ICorr.

Not-to-Be-Missed Corrosion Conferences Online

Not-to-Be-Missed Corrosion Conferences Online

London and Aberdeen Branches Present More Events Online

The world may be in a state of continual flux and debilitating coronavirus restrictions, but there are some things you can rely on. One of those is the Institute of Corrosion, which continues to bring conferences, events, and meetings to your digital device.

Following the success of our online events earlier in the year – such as the Week of Webinars – we have news of two further online events. These are corrosion conferences that you will not want to miss. Read on to learn more, including how you can participate from anywhere in the world.

London Branch ICorr Meeting Goes Virtual

The London Branch of ICorr has announced its first ever virtual branch meeting. This is an evening event, starting at 6pm UK time (7pm CEST) on Thursday 8th October 2020, and will be a joint meeting with the London Materials Society (LMS).

This technical session will deliver a case study under the title ‘A New CP Approach on Non-Isolated and Aged Pipelines’. The presenter is Pablo Merino, Cathodic Protection Technical Authority @ CLH PS.

Here’s the premise:

  • An aged pipeline
  • An oversaturated CP System NOT achieving full extent protection criteria
  • An in-line corrosion inspection showing several corrosion features and a deficient coating condition
  • In some locations the coating is non-existent

Questions that must be answered include:

  • What can we do?
  • How we can progress from this situation?

This is a real case. It’s a big dilemma, and there are several options available. All need to be assessed before the most feasible solution from both a technical and economical perspective can be selected.

By the end of this meeting, we will have discussed all the possibilities and shared the solution. It’s an amazing ‘learn from the expert’ event.

To attend, click the link below to register. You will then receive login details and the ‘rules’ for this online meeting. (Oh, and don’t forget, there is one thing we can’t supply – drinks and snacks for the event. Yes, the London Branch is famed for its refreshments, but this time they are down to you.)

Register for the London Branch Meeting on 8th October 2020

ICorr Aberdeen and MCF Lunch and Learns

The Marine Corrosion Forum (MCF) and ICorr Aberdeen Branch follow on from their well-received and attended April and July ‘Week of Webinars’, with another five days of online lunch and learn events between 5th and 9th October 2020.

Here is the week’s schedule, with detailed abstracts. Each lunchtime session starts at midday and runs for an hour. And each is FREE. You can register for one or all events by visiting:

Event #1: ICorr

A history of well integrity in the operations phase and its business impacts to the oil and gas industry

Presented by Simon J. Sparke, International Well Integrity Ltd.

5th October 2020, 12:00 PM

Abstract – Well integrity really impacted our lives and became part of our culture following the Piper Alpha disaster in 1988, and the publication of the Cullen report and the impact of the Design and Construction Regulations (DCR) 1996. 

Since then in United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS), Norway, and many other parts of the world, the industry is required to adhere to a wide catalogue of guidelines and standards such as the Oil and Gas UK guidelines (O&GUK), ISO-16530 well integrity standard, NORSOK D-010 and more, so that these have become part of the daily reading and way of life, to demonstrate how we as an industry should and do conduct our business of managing well stock throughout the well lifecycle.

This presentation will open with the history of well integrity, how it has developed, the implementation of key management software, the well examination process, and much more. We’ll also discuss how the industry has shaped our attitude on day-to-day business.

The on/offshore oil and gas production industry as well as the underground gas storage business with use of disused oil wells, and salt cavities, is highly regulated and governed. What is now becoming a common industry thread is the use of Well Integrity Management Software (WIMS), which typically follows the ISO-16530 standard, using the nine structured elements to look at the technical, operational and organisational element of the oil and gas sector in a structured way to allow reporting and independent review to the standard expected by a wide range of regulators.

This is further supported with institutions such as the International Well Control Forum (IWCF) and its certification programme for a wide range of staff working on wells, to ensure that they understand and recognize the risks associated with working on and around the well stock.

Finally, the recent work of O&GUK will be discussed, which has published competency guidelines to ensure that all operators maintain a transparent and auditable programme to ensure that workers are periodically reviewed for compliance to a minimum standard.

Event #2: ICorr

A review of glass flake technologies and short-term aerosol solutions for marine corrosion protection

Presented by Graham Greenwood-Sole, Managing Director of Corrocoat, Leeds

6th October 2020, 12:00 PM

Abstract – Corrocoat has been providing cost-effective anti-corrosion methods, materials and engineering rehabilitation expertise for over 30 years. They enjoy a proven track record in solving corrosion-related problems throughout industry, operating across five continents from more than 30 locations worldwide. Corrocoat’s business is extremely diverse, dealing heavily with the oil, power, mining, marine, petrochemical and many more industries that encounter corrosion issues.

This presentation will outline the benefits and function of glass flake within high performance linings, options for the technology using differing resin systems, for the protection of equipment operating in harsh process environments. It will discuss the advantages of this long-life technology and the critical importance of the right application techniques in pipework especially. Further, as the industry looks to shorter-term solutions to corrosion prevention, the use of surface-tolerant epoxies (which has recently become more prevalent) and the development of single-container two-pack epoxy aerosol technology will be discussed, as this may well prove an ideal solution for holding back corrosion ahead of major intervention programmes by plant operators.

Event #3: ICorr

What is proactive maintenance, and how does it differ from preventive and predictive maintenance?

Presented by Gary Whyman, Business Dev. Manager at Plantweb Solutions – Emerson Automation

1 hr Free 7th  October 2020, 12:00 PM

Abstract – As the world embraces a new age of digital transformation, staying on top of asset health is easier than ever before. Advanced communication tools keep personnel in touch to collaborate on developing production issues. Data from predictive intelligence applications and analytical tools are aggregated to create a holistic picture of equipment condition.

The challenge is getting the right information to the right person at the right time and making sure you can ‘close the loop’. 

This presentation will explain how you can leverage your existing ‘condition monitoring’ and process instrumentation infrastructure, alongside new digitalisation solutions. Integrating them with your existing Computerised Maintenance Management Systems will allow you to effectively close the maintenance loop and move to a proactive maintenance strategy.

Highly scalable digitalisation solutions mean that you can focus on areas that matter the most in the short term, evaluate the benefits and return on investment, and then expand to other focus areas. Implementing a new maintenance strategy may come with its own challenges; not only technical ones, but potentially procedural and cultural ones too.

This presentation will also touch on some of those challenges and weigh them against the expected benefits, to allow all the stakeholders – from those who will be using the new solutions through to management – to make an informed decision remotely.

Event #4: MCF

Integrity management of hydrogen transportation pipelines

Presented by Neil Gallon, Principal Engineer at ROSEN UK

1 hr Free 8th October 2020, 12:00 PM

Abstract – This presentation will illustrate a comprehensive integrity management approach supporting pipeline operators with the conversion of their existing natural gas grids and operations for transporting hydrogen. It will summarise the potential threats, and the changes or additions to current integrity management (and potentially operating) practices needed to monitor these new threats.

Event #5: MCF

Subsea surveys utilisation of high-sensitive field gradient sensor for optimisation of life extension

Presented by Svenn Magne Wige, Business Dev. Manager at FORCE

1 hr Free 9th October 2020, 12:00 PM

Abstract – A High-Sensitivity CP Field Gradient (FG) sensor was developed and has now been in use for several years. With the data recorded by the sensor, one can determine significantly higher accuracy on the CP status such as anode current output, overall potential distribution, and not at least repeatedly observed current drain to adjacent structures.

On mature structures it has been known for years that the true mean current demand is significantly below those recommended in the standards. Utilising the FG data from this high-sensitivity FG sensor, allows documentation of these low current densities, from which a very cost-efficient design basis for CP life extension can be formed.

You can rely on the Institute of Corrosion

These latest online events and virtual conferences demonstrate our continuing support for our industry – no matter what the environment and economic conditions. Coronavirus does not put a halt to corrosion. It will not stop us delivering on our mission of sharing corrosion expertise with the world. Just one of the benefits of membership of the Institute of Corrosion.

For details about membership of the Institute of Corrosion, visit our membership page.

A Passive Fire Protection Course is Critical: The Experts’ View

PFP Course for Inspectors – Finally, Training That Meets Industry Needs

PFP Inspection Training Developed by Industry Experts for the Industry

In the last few weeks, we’ve published several articles about passive fire protection. These include:

In this article, we briefly review the reasons why a comprehensive, market-leading PFP course for inspectors is considered essential by the oil and gas industry. We also examine the nuts and bolts of the new Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme that has been launched by the Institute of Corrosion and PFPNet.

PFP is failing too often

Market dynamics have reduced the level of qualified inspection that helped to ensure correct application of PFP systems before plant is commissioned.

Greater competition in the coatings market has pressured margins. A consequence of this is that suppliers of epoxy intumescent and cementitious PFP coatings no longer provide on-site technical services free of charge. Combined with the drive for the oil and gas industry to reduce project costs, there has been a reduction in available competence to ensure quality installations.

Additionally, there has been a tendency to treat PFP coatings like paint, despite specialist skills and understanding required for quality PFP installation.

The result of these factors has been a decline in the quality of PFP application. In turn, this leads to failure of PFP with the associated financial and human cost impacting the industry.

The huge cost of poorly installed PFP

The cost of correcting poorly-applied PFP systems can be huge. Where installations are sited offshore or in remote locations, maintenance and repair costs can be up to 20 times more expensive than when performed in the construction yard.

Currently, 85% of coating failures occur within one to three years. Most of these failures occur because of:

  • Incorrect specification choice
  • Poor surface preparation
  • Poor application
  • Climatic conditions

Inspection of PFP systems and applications should capture the issues that lead to such failures before they happen – thus reducing rectification needs and costs.

PFP is critical for health and safety and asset integrity

Protecting an asset from fire protects the asset’s integrity, helping to achieve your paramount priority – the safety of your people.

However, many lives have been lost in offshore fires and explosions over the years – lives that may have been saved if PFP had not failed. When compared to paint, PFP coatings are much more complex.

There are many stages in the application process and specific skills and controls are needed to ensure that final installation meets the requirements for the lifetime of the asset.

PFP inspection is a critical exercise

With PFP playing such a key role in keeping people safe and the added financial risk of requiring rectification of poorly installed PFP systems, inspection of PFP is a critical exercise that can help reduce costs and save lives.

Yet, the industry itself knows there is a massive shortfall of experienced people to perform PFP inspections, especially in remote locations. Hence the need for new, improved, comprehensive training for PFP inspection. Training that will meet the standards expected by the industry, and that equips PFP coating inspectors with the expertise to identify risks of failure before they occur – thus reducing the industry’s costs, improving its safety record, and saving lives.

What expertise does the Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme deliver?

This is the most comprehensive course available anywhere in the world – developed by industry experts for the industry, in response to the industry’s needs.

Accredited by the Institute of Corrosion and PFPNet, the course has four main modules:

  • Online, which is designed as a pre-learning module to ensure all candidates understand the basics of corrosion and corrosion protection
  • 4½ days of classroom study with an industry expert
  • A predominantly written examination which will take half a day at the end of the classroom sessions
  • A Peer Review in line with all L3 qualifications

In total, course attendees will spend 10 to 20 hours training online, and around 40 hours in the classroom.

The course will be delivered through the Institute of Corrosion’s normal channels via IMechE Argyll Ruane, and additionally through the PFP manufacturers to meet the demand from global operators.

The course will be invigilated, and the exam papers collected to be marked. The tutors, invigilators and exam markers are all independent. The Peer Review will be an online meeting arranged within one month of completion of the course.

Successful candidates will be recognised as being highly professional in the inspection of PFP and accredited by the industry as the only standard specific and meaningful to the application and inspection of PFP systems.

In brief, elements covered in the training programme include:

  1. Role and Duties of a PFP Inspector
  2. Introduction to PFP
  3. Normative Documents
  4. Classification Society Type Approval
  5. Qualification of PFP Systems
  6. PFP Materials and Systems
  7. Epoxy PFP Degradation Mechanisms
  8. Fire Performance and Defective Application
  9. Pre-Job Meeting
  10. Surface Preparation
  11. Epoxy PFP Extent and Thickness Details
  12. Epoxy PFP Application Equipment
  13. Final Thickness Determination
  14. Examples of Application Defects
  15. Reporting
  16. Health and Safety

The agenda is similar for the cementitious PFP course with specifics on these types of materials replacing the epoxy specific items on the above list.

How will this course impact the oil and gas industry?

The course will provide the industry with inspectors specifically trained in the inspection of PFP. Thus, it will raise standards in pre-commissioning application of PFP coatings. The industry should benefit from a decrease in the amount of re-work on this safety-critical area of a project build, leading to significant cost savings.

The training programme has been developed by industry experts in collaboration with PFPNet – the industry body dedicated to raising standards in the specification, testing, use, application, and maintenance of Passive Fire Protection systems.

Who should take the Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme?

The course will benefit anyone who is involved in PFP, but specifically those involved in inspection. Training delegates will come from owner/operators and engineering houses, but in the main from fabricators, applicators, and inspection houses, as well as private inspectors.

In the first instance, prospective candidates for the course are likely to be those currently working on PFP installations who wish to upgrade ahead of others. Inspectors who know their trade should pass with flying colours.

The general requirement to be considered for this training will be to have at the least L1 Paint Inspector qualification and a minimum 3 years in the industry. As with all L3 courses, all potential candidates will be vetted to ensure suitability.

For more information, contact either John Dunk at PFPNet or David Mobbs at ICorr.

Or register for the launch of this exciting new training programme here.

The Moon Is Rusting – Surely, NASA Needs a Corrosion Specialist

The Moon Is Rusting – Surely, NASA Needs a Corrosion Specialist

Outer Space – The Final Frontier for Corrosion Professionals?

As a corrosion professional, you’ll get to work in some amazing places. On the ocean. In the Antarctic. Along the Equator. Deep underground and high into the sky.

You’ll get to meet fantastic people, too. Other corrosion specialists, people in industry, perhaps a few politicians, and, of course, the colleagues with whom you work daily.

You’ll also have the opportunity to do incredible work and research. Perhaps develop new corrosion modelling, like soon-to-be President of the Institute of Corrosion, Bill Hedges.

However, corrosion professionals may soon go where no corrosion professional has gone before. The Moon!

The Moon Is rusting!

NASA scientists are baffled. They have found haematite on the Moon – a form of rust that usually requires oxygen and water.

The moon

The Moon courtesy of David Horrocks

Now, water was discovered on the Moon in 2008/9. Or, more correctly, water ice. No oxygen though. So, although we know that the Moon’s surface is peppered with iron-rich rocks, there should be no chance of any rust. The clue is in the name – iron oxide. Rust. Which is why scientists are stumped.

How can haematite form in a place where there is no oxygen and no liquid water? How is the Moon corroding?

Lead author of the research that made the haematite discovery, Shuai Li of the University of Hawaii, has said, “It’s very puzzling. The Moon is a terrible environment for haematite to form in.

Why Is the Moon Rusting?

In the research paper, a theory for rust on the Moon is put forward. Here’s a summary:

There are trace amounts of oxygen on the Moon. In 2007, the Japanese orbiter Kaguya discovered that oxygen from Earth’s upper atmosphere could ‘hitch a ride’ on the magnetic field that trails behind the Earth. The theory is that some of this oxygen has made its way to the Moon.

This still leaves the problem of no liquid water. But wait! Even though the haematite has been found a long way from where the water ice was found, Li theorises that dust particles that bombard the Moon could release surface-borne water molecules.

These water molecules mix with iron on the Moon’s surface, and when oxygen from the Earth is present, corrosion occurs to produce haematite. Hence, the moon is rusting.

More Data Is Needed to Explain the Rusting Moon

Of course, the research only theorises why there is haematite on the Moon. For a conclusive answer, more data is needed. This data may also provide the answer to another question that is puzzling NASA’s finest: why is there also haematite on the dark side of the Moon? Oxygen from Earth (if that is where the oxygen comes from) shouldn’t reach the dark side of the Moon.

Could a corrosion specialist soon be working on the moon?

Could a corrosion specialist soon be working on the moon?

Could Artemis Provide the Answers?

Artemis was the Greek goddess of hunting, wild nature, and chastity. She was Apollo’s sister, and daughter of Zeus. Artemis is also the name of NASA’s next mission to the Moon.

NASA proposes to land the first woman and next man on the Moon by 2024. With the incredible find of rust on the Moon, should NASA include a corrosion specialist in the Moon Crew? If so, when should corrosion professionals start their astronaut training?

Outer Space – the Final Frontier for Corrosion Professionals? An amazing place to work with fantastic people, doing incredible research. (By the way, did you know that Bill Hedges’ boyhood ambition was to become an astronaut and travel to different galaxies?)

(All images courtesy of ICorr’s David Horrocks.)

A Passive Fire Protection Course is Critical: The Experts’ View

PFP Training – A Global Event

Who Will Benefit from PFP Training, and How Can You Get On Board?

In previous articles, we have discussed the financial cost of getting passive fire protection wrong and why PFP is critical for health and safety and asset integrity.

We’ve uncovered the need for improved standards in training, knowledge and expertise to prevent damaging and costly accidents occurring, especially in dynamic environments; for example, where modification to existing structures may require removal of or damage to the original PFP installation.

Simply put, well-designed, properly applied, and comprehensively inspected PFP protects people, assets and businesses. If the application process is not controlled and aligned with QA/QC standards for the coating used, you risk:

  • The final system not meeting the design’s fire specification
  • Flaws in the coating system leading to corrosion underneath the coating which is not externally visible and has consequent impact on fire performance
  • Degradation of the coating over time due to severe environmental effects

Market dynamics are directing a new approach to PFP inspection

Market dynamics are directing a new approach to PFP inspection. This approach is industry-led rather than mandated by legislation.

As margins have reduced for manufacturers of PFP coatings, the free-of-charge on-site technical service personnel provided by manufacturers are no longer extensively offered. In addition, the oil and gas industry has sought to keep project costs down, with the effect that nobody in the contract chain wants to pay for PFP specialist qualified inspection services. The result is little or no inspection from individuals who can identify and prevent problems with PFP installation.

The knock-on effects of this reduction in expertise for the oil and gas and hydrocarbon processing industries, where PFP is critical, are expensive complications further down the line:

  • The cost of substandard PFP can be experienced in the tragic loss of human lives
  • The financial cost of rectifying problems is many, many times the cost of initial application

Consequently, there has been a strong desire from companies and individuals in the industry to develop best practices, navigate regulations, and improve standards that remove confusion and conflict. This has culminated in the development of new PFP training courses designed to accredit individuals who are involved in PFP installation and inspection.

Who will benefit from PFP training?

Driven by industry needs and defined by industry experience, the new and unique Institute of Corrosion/PFPNet Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme will qualify inspectors of epoxy intumescent and cementitious PFP coatings used to protect against hydrocarbon fires. The course is designed to provide evidence of distinctive competence to properly understand and inspect PFP installation in new construction or retrofit situations.

In brief, there are three categories of operator who will benefit from this training:

  • The owner operator/engineering house who will need to build the course into specification, to ensure that PFP is fully considered and that the design and application of PFP meets improving standards and industry best practices
  • The fabricator/applicator who will need to have their inspectors competently trained, demonstrating that they are committed to maintaining improved standards of application and inspection
  • The inspection houses who will need to have trained inspectors ready to meet the market requirement

Gain PFP expertise through blended learning

Blended (sometimes called ‘hybrid’) learning combines online training with traditional ‘classroom’ training to maximise effectiveness. The decision to present this PFP course in this manner was easy to make. It also means that COVID-19 risks are minimised, as you’ll be doing around 10 to 20 hours of study online.

The online part of the course will prepare you for the classroom learning. In the classroom, you’ll benefit from working in a group, gaining different perspectives, and improving the effectiveness of learning. The classroom sessions are delivered over four and a half days.

When you have completed the classroom sessions there will be a half-day exam, with peer review completed within 28 days.

Who is delivering the training?

Training of this status deserves to be delivered by the best of training establishments. The Institute of Corrosion is pleased to have been selected as a partner, and training will be delivered via IMechE Argyll Ruane.

In addition, you will also be able to access this training via the PFP manufacturers. In alphabetical order, these are:

  • Carboline
  • International Paint
  • Jotun
  • PPG
  • Sherwin-Williams

The official launch of this exciting new training is set to take place on 23rd September, via a Teams meeting to be delivered in the East and then delivered in the West later the same. At this launch, you’ll also be introduced to some of our expert course presenters for this PFP training.

To register for the launch, or to discuss which of the three training mechanisms will be best for you, contact either John Dunk at PFPNet or David Mobbs at ICorr.