An Introduction to Top-of-Line-Corrosion (TLC)

An Introduction to Top-of-Line-Corrosion (TLC)

​Understanding the Mechanisms Behind Pipeline Corrosion

Top-of-Line-Corrosion (TLC) is a phenomenon characterized by localised corrosive attack at the upper internal surface of pipelines.  TLC is primarily a consequence of internal condensation of water at favourable locations along a pipeline and typically occurs in untreated wet natural gas transport lines. 

Here the wet natural gas phase will invariably contain the corrosive agent carbon dioxide (CO2)-resulting in conditions often referred to as ‘’sweet’’ corrosion) but may also contain hydrogen sulphide (H2S) known as ‘’sour’’ corrosion, and volatile organic acids most commonly acetic acid (HAc).  However TLC can also be a credible corrosion threat in wet multiphase hydrocarbon transport lines operating under stratified flow conditions.

Understanding TLC is crucial due to its potential to severely compromise the structural integrity of pipelines if left undetected and not actively addressed.  Effective management of TLC can prevent costly repairs, environmental damage, and catastrophic failures, thereby safeguarding both assets and personnel.

Mechanisms of TLC

Corrosion is the process in which oxidation caused by chemical or electrochemical reactions causes a metallic material to deteriorate. Where the corrosive phase present is electrically conductive – contains ionic species – the resulting corrosion reaction is electrochemical in nature. Anode and cathode sites form on the metal surface which is connected ionically through the conductive corrosive phase and electrically through the metal resulting in formation of active electrochemical (corrosion) cells. 

In fact, all metal loss corrosion processes in the presence of an aqueous phase are electrochemical in nature and can result in general and/or localised metal loss corrosion depending on the anode-to-cathode area ratio, composition/chemistry of the aqueous environment present, the formation of corrosion product films and the level of protection they afford – as well as factors such as the properties of the metal, temperature, and presence of a static or flowing/refreshed aqueous phase.

TLC, where condensation plays a pivotal role, is a particular form of aqueous based corrosion that, if left undetected, can (in extreme cases) result in highly localised attack at the top section of the pipe. Under favourable conditions, this can lead to rapid penetration resulting in a leak, and, under certain extreme circumstances, complete failure of the pipeline material.

As warm, moisture-laden natural gas flows through cooler sections of the pipeline, water vapour droplets condense on the inner surface, creating a favourable environment for corrosion. The condensed water will rapidly dissolve corrosive gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and HAc from the wet gas phase.

In the most common case of the presence of CO2 in the wet gas phase the chemical and electrochemical reactions involved in TLC are:

  • Chemical Formation of Carbonic Acid – resulting from CO2 dissolving in condensed water droplets, forming carbonic acid (H2CO3).
  • Dissociation of H2CO3 – to bicarbonate ions (HCO3), carbonate ions (CO32-) and hydrogen ions (H+), the latter lowering the condensed water’s initial pH typically to <5 which determines its initial corrosivity.
  • Anodic Electrochemical Reaction – where iron (Fe) from the steel pipe dissolves into the condensed water droplets to form iron ions (Fe2+).
  • Cathodic Electrochemical Reaction – where hydrogen ions (H+) are reduced to hydrogen gas (H2) to complete the electrochemical corrosion cell.
  • Overall Corrosion Reaction – as the concentration of Fe2+ ions increase as corrosion progresses it has an increasing buffering effect on pH to a maximum when the water phase becomes Fe2+saturated (pH >5) with subsequent supersaturation resulting in surface formation and growth of an iron carbonate (FeCO3) film/scale that, dependent on its stability and surface coverage, can provide a level of protective under favourable conditions.

The presence of HAc affects Fe2+ saturation solubility and supersaturation limits and hence interferes with the formation of a protective FeCO3 layer.  The effect on FeS films formed when H2S is also present is less clear as these films are less soluble, i.e. they require a much lower concentration of dissolved Fe2+ to form and so form earlier then FeCO3 in the overall corrosion process. 

Incomplete filming where FeS is present can support and accelerate highly localised corrosion (pitting) due to the electrically conductive nature of FeS compared to FeCO3.  Furthermore FeS can poison the hydrogen gas (H2) cathodic reaction raising the potential for atomic hydrogen (H) – intermediate step in formation of H2 – diffusing into the steel matrix and introducing a risk of localised hydrogen embrittlement and threat of cracking if the quality/type of steel and associated welds are not cracking resistant.    

Conditions Leading to TLC

Environmental factors such as temperature, rate of condensation, and the presence of corrosive agents significantly influence TLC. Fluctuating temperatures promote condensation cycles, which are highly influential for TLC initiation and progression.

Operational parameters including flow rate/regime, gas composition, and pipeline pressure affect the rate and severity of TLC. High flow rates can increase the frequency of condensation events, thereby accelerating corrosion processes.

Presence of acidic gases CO2 and H2S in the transported wet gas phase and volatile organic acids which singly and collectively contribute to TLC as they readily dissolve in the condensed water, forming weak acids that can aggressively attack the pipeline material.

Where is TLC most Common?

TLC is most prevalent in oil and gas pipelines where a wet natural gas is transported over long distances. The temperature gradients and varying flow regimes influenced by pipeline profile and surrounding topography – subsea and on land – and flow rate within a pipeline can conspire for condensation and subsequent TLC to occur.

Consequences of Top-of-the-Line Corrosion

Undermining the structural integrity of pipelines, leading to thinning of the pipe wall, leaks, and, in the extreme, catastrophic rupture especially if hydrogen embrittlement has subsequently occurred, TLC can result in significant operational downtime and maintenance costs. Direct costs such as repair and replacement, and indirect costs like production losses and environmental cleanup combine to substantial total economic impact.

Safety hazards associated with TLC include the risk of pipeline failure, which can lead to fires, explosions, and toxic gas releases. Protecting personnel and communities from these dangers is a paramount concern.  In the extreme the consequences may affect continuing Licence to Operate.

Detection Methods for TLC

Given TLC only occurs and becomes established at specific locations along a pipeline where conditions favour water condensation, how and where to conduct meaningful inspection and monitoring presents a significant logistical challenge. Particularly because flow rates and operating conditions along the pipeline can alter corrosive conditions, and because detection needs to be non-intrusive to have no lasting detrimental effect on condensation.

This highlights the importance of first undertaking systematic corrosion risk assessments which need to be routinely reviewed and updated accordingly.

Direct Detection

The most detailed and assured means of detection is to undertake periodic Intelligent Pigging of the pipeline which is a key to assessing and satisfactorily establishing a pipeline’s overall continuing Fitness-For-Service (FFS).  It is also a key feature of a Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) with frequency of running determined by all the credible corrosion threats identified and current condition of the pipeline.

An intelligent pig commonly uses either magnetic-flux leakage (MFI) or ultrasonic (UT) on-board inspection technology via a circumferential array of sensors; but ‘combo’ MFL-UT tools are also available.  Also development of secondary eddy current in-line inspection technology has proved effective at detection of shallow internal corrosion which TLC can exhibit.

It is important to note that Intelligent Pigging is a lagging indicator of the presence and rate of corrosion which may well vary over time and in response to changing operating conditions.

‘Real Time’ Monitoring

Simply relying on conventional intrusive weight loss coupon (WLC) and electrical resistance (ER) probe corrosion monitoring at the inlet and outlet of the pipeline, a common and convenient general approach, is of highly questionable value and relevance where TLC is concerned.

There are several non-intrusive and highly sensitive externally mounted Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) systems available using ultrasound or eddy current transducer technology suited to ‘real time’ pipe wall corrosion monitoring at selected locations along a pipeline.  They can be retrofitted including subsea and using sensor arrays give 3600 pipe wall coverage.  However, knowing where to meaningfully locate them requires very careful consideration and where correlation with Intelligent Pig inspection data is invaluable.     

Prevention/Mitigation Measures Against Top-of-Line Corrosion

Key to effective prevention and mitigation is having a ‘real time’ picture of how the pipeline operating conditions affect the threat presented by TLC and its likely locations.  This should be a key feature during design and supporting subsequent operation over life of the pipeline drawing on dynamic multiphase flow modelling to define flow rate of phases present, flow regime (e.g. stratified, annular, slug), temperature and condensation rates as they all vary through the length of the pipeline.


Most likely addressed at design but could in principle be a retrofit action:

  • Drying before entry into the pipeline – removal of all co-produced liquid phases and drying the associated wet gas to a water dew point temperature below the lowest operating temperature to be expected along the pipeline. This has a cost impact on upfront CAPEX and life of pipeline OPEX but if well managed is extremely effective as gas export pipelines containing very high levels of corrosive CO2 (>20%) have shown.
  • Using a suitably qualified Corrosion Resistant Allow (CRA) – either fully fabricating the pipeline out of or as an inner liner in a low alloy carbon steel pipeline. This a very high CAPEX option that really receives consideration for short safety-critical sections of pipeline – e.g. export risers, pipeline entry into onshore processing facilities.


  • Treatment with corrosion inhibitor is the most commonly employed mitigation method and invariably a first consideration over prevention options at the design stage. While having a CAPEX element associated with installation of deployment facilities, the main associated cost is life of pipeline OPEX.  The active presence of corrosion inhibitor is a continuous requirement to be effective where inhibitor efficiency at best lies between 95% and 99% supported by a Corrosion Allowance built into the pipe wall thickness.
  • Corrosion inhibitors have a somewhat chequered history with reliance solely on deployment by continuous injection in effectively mitigating TLC. This is due to commercially formulated inhibitor products having limited volatility to be transported for any significant distance in a wet gas phase along the length of a pipeline and so not being accessible to readily dissolve into top of line condensation where conditions are favourable pH stabilisation – promoting formation of a very protective FeCO3 surface film by directly raising the pH of an aqueous phase to pH≥ 7 – has received attention and limited use as an alternative lower recyclable OPEX approach for inhibiting corrosion in wet gas pipelines but again its ability alone to directly inhibit TLC is questionably.

Other methods of inhibitor deployment such as regular batch treat and/or use of specifically designed pigs that spray inhibitor to top-of-line may be required in support of continuous injection or even replace it for achieving overall effective corrosion control including TLC.

Mitigation of TLC by corrosion inhibitor requires rigorous prequalification testing preferably including use of large diameter flow loop testing supported by a sound and regularly reviewed corrosion management programme.

  • Presence of external insulation to minimise through-wall thermal loss and rate of fall in operating temperature profile across the pipeline to limit and possibly prevent condensation accumulation, thereby mitigating TLC. External insulation is only suited for use with land-based pipelines; and care needs to be exercised to prevent ingress of moisture into/under the insulation introducing the risk of Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) occurring which could become a comparable or more severe corrosion threat than TLC.

Upshot of Top-of-Line Corrosion

Mitigating Top of Line Corrosion in wet gas pipelines requires a multifaceted approach, including appropriate material selection, operational adjustments, and advanced monitoring and inspection technologies. Understanding the conditions that lead to TLC, such as condensation of water containing corrosive agents, and implementing effective preventative/mitigating measures can significantly enhance pipeline longevity and safety.

Integral to maintaining our infrastructure in the oil and gas and other industry primary product pipelines is effective inspection. It’s an exciting area of work, with job opportunities around the world.

If you are new to the subject of TLC and want to know more about it, then ICorr’s Fundamentals of Corrosion Engineering training course would be an excellent starting point.

Level 2 Coating Inspector Training: Preparing You for a Supervisory Role in Coating Inspection

Level 2 Coating Inspector Training: Preparing You for a Supervisory Role in Coating Inspection

Accreditation That Takes you from Learning to Leading

Making the leap to the Institute of Corrosion’s (ICorr) Level 2 Coating Inspector training is the next logical step when you have completed your Level 1 Coating Inspector Course and gained two years of experience in the field.

This more advanced stage is designed not just to deepen your understanding and skills in coating inspection – it is an essential steppingstone in preparation for supervisory and leadership roles. It’s your gateway to making a bigger impact, ensuring the safety and longevity of infrastructures on which billions depend (both people  and money).

Here’s how ICorr’s Level 2 Coating Inspector training propels you from learning to leading.

Why Do I Need Level 2 Coating Inspector Training?

Level 2 Coating Inspector training is the logical next step in your career in the field of coating inspection. While Level 1 will have given you the essential foundation, Level 2 training takes you deeper into the complexities of corrosion protection, inspection techniques, and project management, providing you with the skills you need to climb the next rungs of your personal career ladder.

What Does Coating Inspector Level 2 Training Cover?

Coating Inspector Level 2 training focuses on practical application of skills and in-depth knowledge, making it indispensable for those aspiring to supervisory roles.

You’ll spend five days on the course (or equivalent if studying online), with an additional day of examination. The curriculum builds upon the Level 1 syllabus, covering topics such as Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA & QC), and inspection in greater depth. Key areas include:

  • Advanced inspection techniques: Usage of density cups, flow cups, and electromagnetic dry film thickness (DFT) instruments with statistical capabilities for large area testing.
  • Document and equipment control: Focus on document control, equipment calibration, national and international standards, and the production of written instructions.
  • Comprehensive understanding of coatings: From paint formulation and manufacture to the application of metal coatings and identification of coating faults.
  • Environmental controls: Learning to identify standards and inspection concerns for centrifugal blast cleaning, water-jetting equipment, and environmental controls using digital tools.

What Else Can I Expect to Learn on ICorr’s Level 2 Coating Inspector Course?

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the role of cathodic protection, the importance of precise surface preparation, and the application of various coating systems. The training aims to:

  • Equip inspectors with advanced skills: For utilising destructive coating inspection equipment, such as adhesion testers and Holiday Detectors.
  • Develop specialised knowledge: In the application of non-liquid coatings, including powdered coatings and hot-dip galvanising.
  • Enhanced project management capabilities: Through detailed insights into coating survey techniques, maintenance coating operations, and health and safety concerns related to inspection work.

How Does Assessment and Certification Work?

Certification at Level 2 isn’t just about acing a test. You’ll be faced with a rigorous examination that assesses your comprehensive understanding of the course material. Moreover, an experience assessment has been introduced which ensures that you not only meet industry standards, but also have the ability to apply your knowledge in practical scenarios.

Why Does ICorr accreditation Matter?

ICorr accreditation signifies that the Level 2 course meets the highest standards of relevance and quality for the coating inspection industry. It’s an accreditation that demonstrates you have been trained to the highest standards, and that your knowledge and experience equips you not only for technical roles, but also to lead with confidence.

Train as a Coatings Inspector Level 2 Your Way

We understand that corrosion professionals have different preferences, schedules, and learning styles. Whether you excel in the buzz of a classroom or hit the books best in the comfort of your own home, there’s a training provider to meet your specific learning and lifestyle preferences, as well as your career aspirations.

·       Online Learning with Corrodere Academy

Flexibility is the name of the game here. Corrodere Academy lets you learn at your pace, with 12 months to soak up 40 hours of interactive content. It’s perfect if you wish to balance your training with professional or personal commitments.

·       Classroom Learning with Argyll Ruane

There’s something about being in a classroom, right? IMechE Argyll Ruane offers this immersive experience in Sheffield, complete with state-of-the-art facilities and the chance to learn from pros face-to-face. It’s a five-day deep dive into everything Level 2, perfect for those who thrive on direct interaction.

Why did the Institute of Corrosion select Corrodere Academy and IMechE Argyll Ruane as training providers? The short answer is on the criteria of the quality of their training, and their commitment to continue to innovate their course delivery (we’ve recently renewed our strategic partnership with IMechE Argyll Ruane to help us deliver the highest standards in global corrosion training and are currently in the process of renewing our partnership with Corrodere).

Whether you choose the dynamic interaction of classroom learning or the flexibility of online courses, you can be confident that you’re receiving training that prepares you for the challenges and responsibilities of a supervisory role in coating inspection.

Coating Inspector Level 2: The Final Assessment

Completing the Level 2 Coating Inspector course is a significant achievement that opens the door to supervisory and leadership roles in the coating inspection field.

It’s an advanced qualification that ensures you are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competence to oversee complex projects, lead teams, and contribute to the maintenance and safety of infrastructure on a global scale.

Whether you’re aiming to specialise further or step into a leadership role, Level 2 training is your pathway from learning to leading in the coating inspection industry.

For more information, and to discuss which type of course is best for you, contact ICorr’s admin team by email today.

The Role of Microbial Activity in Corrosion: Prevention and Control Strategies for MIC

The Role of Microbial Activity in Corrosion: Prevention and Control Strategies for MIC

Understanding the Impact of Microbial Activity on Corrosion

Corrosion represents a formidable challenge to almost every industry. It affects infrastructure integrity and operational performance. The degradation of metal structures, primarily due to electrochemical reactions, poses significant economic burdens and safety risks. Consequently, effective corrosion management is critical to prolong the lifespan of industrial structures and infrastructures, and to ensure safety and uninterrupted production.

Microbial metabolic activity has come into focus due to its profound acceleration of corrosion. With the significant improvement of our understanding of industrial microbiology, and the number of MIC failures with massive financial, operational, and health and safety consequences, it is critical that professionals acquire pertinent competencies to develop robust prevention and control strategies.

In this article, we look at a few basics behind the science, and how you can improve your own knowledge to both protect company assets and advance your career.

Microbial Influences on Corrosion

Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) occurs through complex mechanisms. These involve the formation of biofilms and the production of corrosive metabolites on a metal surface, leading to an accelerated and localised form of corrosion. They can colonise a system with just traces of water. Microbes are symbiotic and work in a cyclic mode with detrimental effect. Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC) is a special case of MIC affecting steel piles (e.g. in ports) and commonly involves the effect of one or collective groups of cycling microorganisms including sulphur reducing/oxidising bacteria and iron reducing/oxidising bacteria, resulting in severe damage.

The detrimental impact of uncontrolled microbial activities in industrial systems extend beyond the acceleration of corrosion. Uninhibited microbes could have a detrimental effect on cement and polymeric structures, processing systems such as water filtration, plugging of reservoir formation, and souring.

There are many types of corrosive microorganisms including sulphate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP), acid-producing bacteria (APB), iron-oxidising/reducing bacteria (IOB and IRB), and denitrifying bacteria (DNB). These microbes thrive in diverse environmental conditions and are the prime cause of a number of premature failures in different industries. MIC is predominately manifested in the form of pitting.

·       Sulphate-Reducing Prokaryotes (SRP)

Sulphate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) consist of both bacteria (SRB) and archaea (SRA). They are obligate anaerobes and respire sulphate to produce hydrogen sulphide (H₂S). This wide group of prokaryotes are prevalent in most industries.

Sulphide generated by SRP reacts with iron to form the strong cathodic iron sulphide (FeS) to steel leading to pitting, and posing significant risks to system integrity and equipment.

·       Acid-Producing Bacteria (APB)

Acid-producing bacteria generate organic acids as metabolic byproducts. They thrive in both aerobic and anaerobic (facultative) conditions. APB affect corrosion through two different mechanisms:

  1. Generated acids significantly lower pH levels at the metal surface, creating highly corrosive environments.
  2. Generated organic acids are used by other co-existing groups of detrimental microbes as a carbon source (symbiotic effect) to support reproduction and metabolic activities.

·       Iron-Oxidising/Reducing Bacteria (IOB and IRB)

Iron-oxidising bacteria (IOB) are aerobic microorganisms that derive energy from the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron. These bacteria are often found in toxic environments and abundant iron. Iron reducing bacteria (IRB) are facultative and they reduce ferric iron to soluble ferrous iron.

The cyclic mode of IOB and IRB destabilises the oxide layer leading to accelerated localised corrosion.  This type of corrosion is particularly insidious, as it can occur beneath seemingly protective corrosion products.

·       Denitrifying Bacteria (DNB)

Denitrifying bacteria (DNB) are a large group of facultative microorganisms. They reduce nitrogenous compounds to nitrogen with the possibility of intermittent production of nitrite and ammonia. Nitrite, under certain conditions, increases the risk of pitting while ammonia poses a major risk to copper alloys.

Detection and Monitoring of Microbial Corrosion

Managing MIC presents unique challenges, which fall into five distinct categories:

  1. Company to recognise MIC in internal documentation including standards, guidelines, regulations, best practices, and professional codes.
  2. MIC to be considered at the design stage with the implementation of adequate barriers from the start of operation.
  3. Include MIC as an element of the company corrosion management system including risk assessment.
  4. Active collaboration between corrosion engineers and microbiologists to ensure a system-specific monitoring system is in place, and to establish a database of all corrosion cases that may involve microbes.
  5. A pro-active management with an alive performance improvement steps and cycle system for prevention and adjustment to any potential changes.

Regular and consistent sampling procedures are critical for managing MIC. Techniques such as swabbing, scraping, and fluid collection are employed to collect samples to ensure a better understanding of operating conditions. Analytical techniques include microbiological culturing, molecular microbiology techniques like polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and geochemical and nutritional analyses.


Preventing and Controlling MIC

MIC control and prevention techniques can be broadly divided into two categories:

  • System resistivity to microbial colonisation; and
  • Methodologies to kill or control system microbes.

·       Material Selection and Coatings

Choosing fit-for-purpose corrosion-resistant materials and applying protective coatings are effective strategies for preventing microbial corrosion. Another example is the selection of specialised alloys that are resistant to microbial activities but do not affect colonising colonies. Note, coatings may not affect microbial activities, but they create a barrier between microbes and metal.

·       Environmental Control

Controlling environmental factors such as flow rate, oxygen concentration, temperature, precipitation, separation, stagnation, and nutritional availability can mitigate microbial growth.

·       Cathodic Protection (CP)

Raising the applied potential by -100mV (in the negative direction) can prevent microbes from attaching to a metal surface. Cathodic protection does not affect microbial activities, but it prevents their attachment to a metal surface due to the generation of hydroxyl radicals.


·       Biocides

Biocides are chemical agents designed to kill or inhibit microbial growth. Commonly used organic biocides include glutaraldehyde, quaternary ammonium compounds, and THPS. Biocide treatment is system-specific and should be regularly reviewed and upgraded every a few years. Disinfectants such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone and hydrogen peroxide are commonly used in water treatment.

·       Use of Bacteriophages

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect and kill specific bacteria. They offer a targeted treatment to controlling microbial populations. Phage therapy is an emerging technique with potential for precise microbial management without the drawbacks of biocides.

·       Competitive Exclusion Strategies

Competitive exclusion (survival of the fittest) involves the addition of a practical and economical substrate to stimulate the activities of ‘friendly’ microbes to control detrimental bacteria. This strategy leverages natural microbial interactions to maintain a balanced and less corrosive environment.

·       Mechanical Cleanliness

Keeping equipment clean and free of deposits and debris helps to minimise problems related to MIC.  For pipelines, pigging is an effective way for penetrating and damaging sessile colonies. The technique is most effective against bacteria when combined with a high concentration of biocide.

MIC Training and Case Studies

Recognising the need to address the challenges of managing MIC, the Institute of Corrosion offers two tailored courses designed to aid consultants and corrosion professionals in this field: the one-day Awareness Course and the comprehensive four-day Certified MIC Technologist Course.

The Awareness Course provides an overview of MIC phenomenon, while the MIC Technologist Course offers in-depth training, including practical sessions. An optional exam for the Certified MIC Technologist Course enhances professional credentials. The courses are available at ICorr Headquarters or your own company premises, and use a number of case studies to share industry best practices.

The courses benefit managers, project leaders, industrial biologists, engineers, scientists, industrialists and technical staff, in different industries including oil and gas, marine, water, infrastructure, and power generation sectors.

Enrolling in these courses equips professionals with the knowledge to monitor and mitigate MIC and safeguarding assets, and reduce costs, while fostering career growth and networking within the wider corrosion community.

For more information about our upcoming MIC Training Courses, please contact the Institute of Corrosion by email ( or phone on +44 (0) 1604 438 222.






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Join Us for ICorr’s 2024 AGM and Offshore Wind Technical Program

Join Us for ICorr’s 2024 AGM and Offshore Wind Technical Program

A Day to Connect, Learn, and Celebrate!

The Institute of Corrosion’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is back, and this year we’re going in-person at the historic Neville Hall, Newcastle Upon Tyne. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to connect with your fellow ICorr professionals, engage with cutting-edge technical discussions, and enjoy a memorable evening of entertainment – this is it.

We’re also thrilled to announce that the evening dinner is sponsored by Correx and the ICATS team, who have generously supported this special event. Their commitment ensures an unforgettable experience for all attendees, from the fine dining to the vibrant atmosphere of the live jazz band.

Mark your calendars for 13th November 2024 and get ready for a day packed with exciting moments, insightful presentations, and great networking opportunities.

Whether you’re a seasoned ICorr member, a new face to the community, or a guest interested in the corrosion field, this is an event not to be missed!

Why Should You Attend?

To be opened by Mayor of Newcastle Rob Higgins, we’ve lined up an exceptional programme to cater to both the technical minds and the social butterflies among us:

·       Offshore Wind Technical Program

Are you intrigued by the future of renewable energy? Our Offshore Wind Technical Program will explore the latest advancements in this thriving sector. Running from 2:15 – 4:00 p.m., this session is a great opportunity to learn, share insights, and discuss innovations that are transforming the offshore industry.

·       Exclusive AGM Event

Starting at 4:30 p.m., the AGM is your chance to catch up on the latest developments within the Institute of Corrosion, hear from our President, and get a detailed look at the Council’s work. It’s the perfect forum for members to ask questions, provide feedback, and take part in shaping the future of ICorr.

·       A Grand Evening Reception

And then… the evening begins! From 6:15 p.m., we’re hosting a drinks reception where you can enjoy a glass of bubbly while mingling with colleagues and friends. This leads into our elegant gala dinner, complete with a three-course meal and live jazz to set the perfect atmosphere. It’s a fantastic opportunity to relax, unwind, and celebrate another successful year for ICorr.

Priority seating for the dinner will be given to ICorr professional members and sustaining organisations, so don’t wait too long to register!

Register Your Attendance – It’s FREE!

The best part? The event is completely free of charge, including lunch, refreshments, and all activities throughout the day. Just one more reason to make sure you’re there! However, spaces are limited, and we encourage you to register early to secure your spot.

Here’s how:

To confirm your attendance (or send your apologies), simply email and don’t forget to include:

  • Your ICorr membership number
  • Professional grade
  • Sustaining member organisation (if applicable)
  • Or let us know if you’re attending as a guest.

Event Details at a Glance:

Date: 13th November 2024

Location: Neville Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 1SE

Running Order:

  • Lunch and Registration: 1:00 p.m.
  • Offshore Wind Technical Program: 2:15 – 4:00 p.m.
  • AGM: 4:30 – 5:15 p.m.
  • Drinks Reception & Gala Dinner: 6:15 p.m. – late

Venue: The Library, Neville Hall

This day promises to be filled with valuable knowledge-sharing, meaningful connections, and great fun. We can’t wait to see you there.

For further details, feel free to contact us at or check out our social media channels for the latest updates.

Let’s Make 2024 a Year to Remember!

Don’t miss out – register now and be a part of this incredible day! We look forward to welcoming you in Newcastle for an event that’s sure to inspire, educate, and entertain.

Meet the Corrosion Specialist – Izabela Gajewska

Meet the Corrosion Specialist – Izabela Gajewska

11 Questions in 11 Minutes

We haven’t posted an Institute of Corrosion member profile for a while, but have been lucky enough to catch up with Izabela Gajewska, a leading light in Young ICorr. We posed 11 questions for her to answer in 11 minutes. We asked her about her professional life, how she came to work in our industry, and about her passions outside of work. Her answers are music to our ears – as you’ll discover by the end of this interview.

1. Izabela, can you tell us a little about yourself, your background, and what made you enter the corrosion industry?

My journey began with a strong foundation in Chemical Technology, focusing on non-metallic materials. I enhanced this with internships at WESSLING and KP Brewery in Poland (owned by Japan’s Asahi Group), where I sharpened my analytical skills and gained valuable industry insights. After earning my Master’s in Engineering and relocating to Manchester, I worked as a Bulk Deliveries Planner at Kingsland Drinks for nearly three years, sharpening my planning and supply chain management abilities in a fast-paced environment.

However, driven by a passion for Chemical Engineering, I transitioned into corrosion engineering consultancy at Intertek CAPCIS in 2019. This move was pivotal, allowing me to work alongside experts and gain hands-on experience in corrosion risk assessments, corrosion modelling, material selection, and technical reporting. I was encouraged by my employer to apply for ICorr’s Young Engineer Programme 2020-2021. I eventually became one of the Programme’s champions, winning a fully expensed trip to the AMPP (Association for Materials Protection and Performance) Annual Conference + Expo in USA.

2. What are some of the most significant challenges you’ve faced in your career to date, and how have you overcome them?

Moving to a new country just a month after graduation was one of the biggest challenges I’ve faced. Although I had studied English for years in Poland and was familiar with technical terms from my Master’s degree, overcoming the language barrier took time.

However, to accelerate my progress, I enrolled in a Professional Communication course and other professional training, which not only helped me improve my communication skills but also connected me with like-minded individuals. Despite the challenges of adapting to a new environment, my ambition and determination have always driven me to achieve my goals.

  1. What skills or traits do you believe are most crucial for someone to thrive in the corrosion industry?

To thrive in the corrosion industry, I think that several key skills are essential. A willingness to learn and a proactive mindset are vital, as is the ability to question and fully understand problems before tackling them. Taking a holistic approach to corrosion challenges, being open to innovation, and embracing new technologies – especially as AI rapidly evolves – are also crucial.

While adapting to advancements like AI is important, knowledge remains one of the most powerful competitive advantages. I feel that competent corrosion engineers will always be needed to validate AI outputs and collaborate with technologists to ensure these tools are both safe and reliable.

As N. W. Dougherty aptly put it, engineers do not need to be pure scientists, mathematicians, or writers, “but they must be capable of leveraging the knowledge and techniques from all these disciplines to solve complex engineering problems.”

4. How would you describe your role within the Institute of Corrosion to someone unfamiliar with it?

I serve as the Vice Chair of the ICorr’s Northwest Branch, the Young ICorr Industry Representative, and the planner and coordinator for the Young Engineer Programme 2024-2025. These positions help to master my leadership and highlight commitment to professional training.

I am passionate about Knowledge Transfer, and actively work to raise awareness of its importance for business and industry success. Through presentations and my roles at ICorr, I strive to support other young professionals, helping them to be well-prepared for future challenges in the field.

5. What inspired you to become involved in Young ICorr?

My experience in the ICorr Young Engineer Programme (YEP) in 2020 was truly inspiring. As someone new to the corrosion industry, I never expected to end up in the winning team and enjoy an incredible trip to the USA for the biggest annual corrosion event. Grateful for this memorable experience, I wanted to give back to the Institute and further my professional development. I also saw the need to emphasise the importance of Knowledge Transfer for the business continuity and future of the industry, and getting involved in ICorr activities felt like the perfect way to do this.

6. Young ICorr has a tremendous focus on continuing education. In your opinion, why is continuing education crucial for corrosion scientists and engineers, especially those in the first few years of their career?

Knowledge Transfer (KT) is a challenge that every industry faces, especially when senior and experienced personnel approach retirement. The potential loss of their knowledge can lead to significant risks, including a decline in core competencies, safety issues, and disruptions to business efficiency and continuity. As projects become more complex and unpredictable, and as industries shift toward sustainable and green energy, the need for effective KT becomes even more critical.

Bridging the gap between young corrosion researchers and senior experts is essential to ensure the smooth transfer of knowledge. Young professionals must be committed to continuous learning and gaining experience, while more experienced colleagues, mentors, and managers should provide them with the necessary opportunities. This collaborative effort will help cultivate the next generation of industry experts, capable of solving future challenges, designing safely and sustainably, and ultimately caring for both people and the planet.

7. Looking ahead, what are your main goals and aspirations for your career over the next few years?

My future aspirations include achieving chartered status and becoming a recognised corrosion specialist. I am committed to deepening my expertise, tackling complex challenges, and contributing innovative solutions to the industry in order to make a positive impact on our world and help communities.

8. And for Young ICorr – what are your aspirations for this part of the Institute of Corrosion?

My aspirations for Young ICorr are to attract new talent to the industry, emphasise the importance of knowledge transfer, and equip young professionals with the skills and qualifications they need to solve real-world problems in the field.

  1. What has been your most significant learning or personal growth experience since joining the Institute of Corrosion and Young ICorr?

Numerous opportunities to speak with people from diverse backgrounds allowed me to learn to effectively communicate, adapting my communication style to different audiences. As a key planner and coordinator for the Young Engineer Programme 2024-2025, I have also developed my collaborative and leadership skills.

10. What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their scientific or engineering career, especially in terms of professional development?

To maximise your impact as a young professional, embrace challenges and step outside your comfort zone. Be proactive, and do not hesitate to ask for help or clarification. Blend various learning methods: focus on gaining work experience, but also seek mentorship and invest in formal training and industry certifications. 

11. Tell us something about yourself, something that might surprise fellow members?

I am a DJ and music producer with a passion for progressive house, melodic techno, and vintage sounds. My love for dancing and electronic music led me to dive into music production as a teenager.

I aim to create mixtapes with emotional depth and transcendent atmospherics with carefully selected tracks that I truly believe in. My tracks often draw their titles from the oil and gas industry and scientific themes, adding a unique twist. I have performed in various clubs, bars, several radio shows, and one festival across the Northwest. And when I have time, I host a DJ podcast, SPACEWALK, on YouTube and SoundCloud.

For me, music is not just a hobby but a form of emotional expression and stress relief. I strive to share positive energy with my audience.

What Do You Want to Ask a Corrosion Specialist?

Izabela’s career to date has certainly been interesting. Should we book her to do a DJ slot at the next ICorr Christmas dinner?

Now, over to you. Let us know what you’d like us to ask the next ICorr member we put in the hotseat for 11 questions in 11 minutes. Send us an email, and we’ll try to include your question.

The Role of Microbial Activity in Corrosion: Prevention and Control Strategies for MIC

Smart Coatings: The Future of Corrosion Prevention?

Key Innovations and Types of Smart Coatings for Enhanced Corrosion Protection

The advent of smart coatings represents a significant breakthrough in materials science and engineering, and is set to revolutionise the standards of corrosion protection and prevention. These advanced materials are designed with the capability to dynamically respond to environmental stimuli, thereby enhancing the longevity and efficacy of protective layers on various substrates.

Smart coatings are engineered to provide a multifunctional response, integrating self-repair mechanisms, contaminant resistance, and adaptability to environmental changes, ensuring optimal performance and durability. This evolution from passive protection to active defence marks a transformative development in coating technologies.

In this article, we take a brief look at the limitations of traditional coatings and the benefits that smart coatings offer.

Limitations of Traditional Coating Methods

Traditional coating methods have been used as a primary defence against corrosion for decades. The various coating techniques to protect materials against corrosion include paints and varnishes, which are organic coatings that create a physical barrier to moisture and oxygen. Another common method is galvanisation, where a zinc coating is applied to steel or iron to provide sacrificial protection. Additionally, polymer coatings such as epoxy or polyurethane are used to form impermeable layers.

However, despite their widespread use, these traditional methods possess inherent limitations. One significant issue is their mechanical vulnerability. Traditional coatings are susceptible to scratches and abrasions, which can compromise the protective barrier. Furthermore, they require frequent inspections and reapplications to maintain their effectiveness, leading to significant maintenance requirements and added costs. Environmental concerns also arise with traditional coatings, as many contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are harmful to the environment. These limitations highlight the need for more advanced and sustainable coating solutions.

Emergence of Smart Coatings

Smart coatings distinguish themselves through their ability to autonomously respond to external stimuli. Key innovations driving this technology include:

·       Nanotechnology

Integration of nanoparticles enhances the mechanical properties and introduces functionalities such as self-healing and anti-fouling.

·       Polymer Engineering

Development of stimuli-responsive polymers that can change their properties in response to environmental triggers like pH, temperature, or mechanical stress.

·       Microencapsulation

Embedding microcapsules filled with healing agents within the coating matrix, which release upon damage to repair the coating.

These technological advancements have enabled the creation of coatings that are not only protective but also adaptive, ensuring enhanced performance under varying conditions.

Types of Smart Coatings for Corrosion Prevention

The development of smart coatings marks a significant leap forward in the battle against corrosion. Unlike traditional coatings, smart coatings are designed to actively respond to environmental stimuli, enhancing their protective capabilities and extending the lifespan of the underlying material. These coatings incorporate advanced technologies that enable self-repair, resistance to biological fouling, and adaptability to changing environmental conditions.

·       Self-Healing Coatings

These coatings incorporate microcapsules containing healing agents. Upon mechanical damage, the capsules rupture, releasing agents that polymerise and seal the cracks, restoring the protective barrier. Materials such as dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) and polymerisable monomers are commonly used as healing agents.

·       Anti-Fouling Coatings

Designed to prevent biofouling, these coatings utilise materials that deter the attachment and growth of microorganisms. Techniques include the use of hydrophobic surfaces, biocidal agents, and fouling-release technologies that make it difficult for organisms to adhere.

·       Stimuli-Responsive Coatings

These coatings alter their properties in response to specific stimuli. For example, thermo-responsive coatings can change their permeability based on temperature fluctuations, while pH-sensitive coatings can release inhibitors when exposed to corrosive environments.

Because of their versatility, smart coatings are suitable for a range of applications. These include:

  • To protect pipelines, offshore platforms, and maritime vessels from harsh environmental conditions, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
  • To enhance the durability and corrosion resistance of automotive components, improving vehicle longevity and performance.
  • To protect aircraft structures from corrosive environments encountered at high altitudes and during various flight conditions, ensuring safety and reliability.

Main Benefits of Smart Coatings

Smart coatings offer numerous advantages over traditional methods, but three benefits stand out:

1.    Enhanced Durability

Self-healing properties significantly extend the lifespan of coatings by continuously maintaining the integrity of the protective layer.

2.    Economic Efficiency

Reduced need for frequent maintenance and reapplication translates into cost savings over the lifespan of the protected structure.

3.    Environmental Advantages

Many smart coatings use less harmful chemicals and promote sustainability through longer service life and reduced material consumption.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite the promising potential, smart coatings face several challenges.

For example, the complexity of integrating multiple functionalities into a single coating and ensuring consistent performance across diverse environments present technical barriers we rarely find with traditional coatings.

As with all new technologies, higher initial costs when compared to traditional coatings may deter adoption despite the longer-term cost benefits.

Of course, we need to also focus on ongoing research to optimise formulations, enhance performance, and reduce costs.

These challenges notwithstanding, the future for smart coatings is promising. Continued advances in nanotechnology, material science, and polymer engineering are expected to drive further innovation. Research efforts within the sphere of corrosion science are focused on developing more robust, multifunctional coatings that can address the diverse needs of various industries.

Be at the Top of Your Game in the Coatings Industry

At the Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) we offer comprehensive Coatings and Inspection Courses designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills required to effectively combat corrosion. These courses are meticulously structured to cater to a diverse audience, including engineers, inspectors, technicians, and others involved in the application, maintenance, or inspection of protective coatings. By enrolling in these courses, participants gain access to cutting-edge education on the latest advancements in coating technologies, inspection methodologies, and industry best practices.

One of the key reasons to undertake these courses is the Institute’s commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation. Recognising the rapidly evolving nature of materials science and corrosion prevention, the course curriculum is regularly updated to incorporate the latest innovations in smart coatings, self-healing technologies, and advanced inspection techniques. This ensures that course attendees are not only proficient in current practices, but are also prepared to apply the newest technologies and methodologies in their professional roles.

The courses offered by ICorr are designed to be both practical and theoretical, providing a balanced approach that combines hands-on training with in-depth theoretical knowledge. This holistic approach ensures that you are well-versed in both the application of coatings and the inspection processes necessary to maintain their effectiveness. By staying abreast of the latest developments and continuously refining your knowledge, you’ll remain at the forefront in this dynamic field.

To learn more about ICorr’s Coatings and Inspection Courses, contact ICorr today.