From the Editor

From the Editor

Welcome to the May-June issue of the magazine. It is a great pleasure to join the Corrosion Management magazine team as your new Editor. I have been reading the magazine for over 15 years, and it has been very useful in my journey as a corrosion professional towards becoming a Fellow of the Institute. I offer my thanks at this time to Brian Goldie who has guided me through my transition after so many years as your Editor, and I am keen to live up to his high standards and to further build on the good work that he
has done.

The magazine will always respect the opinion of its readers regarding the content of the magazine. It is your magazine, and we always welcome news from those working in our industry and related industries, recent innovations, good quality technical articles, and suggestions from you. It is very important for us that we cover all the content that is useful, informative, and engaging to you.

We aim to make Corrosion Management a global and trusted journal. Please send your content for consideration to:

The President Writes

Dear Members,
A huge welcome to all those who have recently joined the Institute, or are in the process of upgrading their professional membership.

For anyone who has not yet renewed their membership, please do liaise with ICorr HQ,, who will be happy to help you, especially if your contact details have recently changed. If you have no changes, you can use our online link to renew,

As you know, at this time of year we normally review all our subscription rates, however, with exceptional times upon us, we very much recognise some of you may be struggling with increasing financial pressures of late. Exceptionally, and in order to assist you through this difficult period, the ICorr Trustees will not be raising membership rates during 2023.

As an institute, we value every membership and will work hard to assist you wherever we can.
Much has happened since the last issue. Our YEP 2022 winners have recently returned from the AMPP 2023 Conference in Denver, Colorado, after an eye-opening experience learning from SMEs in the industry, making fantastic friends along the way, and gaining new confidence through the Leadership Training programme. We are extremely grateful to AMPP and BP (our key sponsors) in this regard.

During April, we held our hugely successful CED Working Day event at NPL Teddington, which so many enjoyed. Special thanks are due to Danny Burkle and Gareth Hinds, who were ably supported by all three working party chairs, and of course, all the presenters on the day, to make this a fantastic technical event. We were also very pleased to be able to make the Paul McIntyre Award to Dr Roger Francis in person, and to thank Nick Smart after 15 years of CED service as its chair.

Upcoming very soon, we have our Joint conference with the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, on “Integrity Engineering for a Sustainable Future”, at the Neville Hall, Newcastle, Thursday 22nd – Friday 23rd June 2023. Do please register at Integrity Engineering for a Sustainable Future (NEIMME-ICorr Conference) Tickets, Thu 22 Jun 2023 at 09:00 on Eventbrite, or contact

June will also see the roll-out of our new Online CP Bookings System (Dante), spearheaded by Eva Whittaker. Across all our Training Activities we are striving to achieve both growth and improvements to the range of our offerings. Please do check this out yourselves at:

In August, we will once again be offering our Corrosion Awareness Day in Aberdeen, which has proved very popular in previous years. Register early at if you would like to attend this, or receive other ICorr Aberdeen event communications.

All our branches are becoming increasingly active in the UK and we soon hope to have some Overseas offerings too!

On that very positive note, l will sign off and wish you all a great summer ahead.

Stephen Tate
President: Institute of Corrosion

CEOCOR Congress in Bratislava, 2023

CEOCOR Congress in Bratislava, 2023

The presentation by Izabela Gajewska of Intertek, UK, winner of the UK Institute of Corrosion Young Engineer Programme, Member of Young ICorr, was a speaker at the CEOCOR Congress in Bratislava, May 30 to June 2 2023. Her paper on ‘Best Management Practice to Transfer Knowledge and how it can help Young Engineers and their Companies’ was well received. Izabella was one of an increasing number of young corrosion engineers benefiting from the knowledge and open sharing of expertise within CEOCOR. Next year we will be meeting in Leuven, Belgium. Plan to come 14-17 May 2024; early info on will follow soon.”

Download the presentation


New Sustaining Member:  Corroless Eastern

New Sustaining Member: Corroless Eastern

Corroless Eastern are a distributor of Corroless anticorrosion materials and a multi-disciplined coatings and repair contractor. The business was founded by Andy Hunt in 1992, initially focusing on the distribution of Corroless coatings materials, but branching out into the application of protective coatings.

A particular area of focus for the business has always been the application of tank linings, initially using Corroless materials but now also other manufacturers.

Over the last 20 years, another area of expertise has been the application of fast set polyurea coatings and membranes, with a particular focus on training adhering to the Polyurea Development Association standards.

Training and development of their team is core to the business, including 7 ICorr trained paint inspectors. They also have their own in house ICATS trainer.

Recent investments in the business include the purchase of two Hammelman Ultra high-pressure water jetting units used for both surface preparation and hyrdodemolition. Using this new equipment has allowed them to extend the scope of refurbishment works they can undertake, facilitating larger concrete repair contracts prior to the application of protective linings.

As a diverse contractor they also undertake significant resin flooring contracts, which is often considered an industry in itself. This includes sub floor repairs where required and the application of trowel applied resin screeds.

Some of the areas the company works in include, defence, utilities, food production and general industry. Based in East Anglia but working across the UK exposes them to a variety of projects and challenges.

In 2022 they celebrated 30 years of business and look forward to being members of the ICorr community.

New Sustaining Member:  PCS Painting Coating Services

New Sustaining Member: PCS Painting Coating Services

PCS painting coating services, founded in Egypt, was established 13 years ago, working in the painting, insulation, fire proofing fields, equipment rental, manpower supply and scaffolding services. Its owner and MD is Ali Hassan, BSc in petroleum engineering, and certified BGSCSWIP grade 1 painting inspector.

The company uses the latest technology in painting and coating services, to maintain the integrity and safety of customer assets, working to achieve the best quality in accordance with international standards
Recent PCS success stories include, the paint application to 120,000m2 on a double-swing rail bridge across the new Suez Canal with Egyptian Ministry of Defence (this bridge ensures the convenient travel between the two sides of the canal without interfering the daily passage of vessels along the canal), and supervision of the existing coating, hot/cold insulation, and fire proofing maintenance at the United Gas Derivatives, PS and Damietta Plants.