ICorr Aberdeen: Annual Joint Meeting with AMPP

On Tuesday 23rd April 2024 the Aberdeen Branch held its annual joint meeting with AMPP with a talk by Susan Jacob from One Gas entitled: ‘Proportional hazard values for different pipeline coating types, used over the timeline from 1900’s till now’.

Susan Jacob is a Senior Pipeline Engineer in Asset Management for One Gas (Natural Gas Distribution, USA). She has worked for One Gas for over 5 years covering Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas. She previously worked with ConocoPhillips (Aberdeen, UK) for over 6 years as an Integrity Engineer. Susan completed a Masters in Subsea Engineering from the University of Aberdeen in 2016 and also had an internship with Total Energies UK at that time.

The One Gas Company is over 100 years old, and during those years there have been many acquisitions, takeovers, and spinouts of the company. This has resulted in inheriting multiple vintage pipeline systems with different coating types with poor historical records. As part of reducing risk in the system, efforts are being made to record the different coating types and determine their performance. Susan is currently in the process of studying the different coating types to determine their proportional hazards. These considerations will then be input into the company’s risk assessment model. This model will then be integrated into the prioritisation of inspection, maintenance, and replacement work plans.

History of Coating Types

1859: Use of metallic pipe, mainly Wrought iron, for oil transportation started soon after the drilling of the first commercial oil well by “Colonel” Edwin Drake in Titusville, PA. 1920’s – Some operators began to coat the pipe as it was being laid in the ditch, to protect it from corrosion. The idea was to place a barrier between the pipe and the corrosive conditions in the soil, hence the term “the barrier principle.”

1943: NACE (now AMPP) was established by eleven corrosion engineers in response to high levels of corrosion failures reported on pipelines.

1930’s–1950’s: Over-the ditch application of enamels and asphalts during construction continued up to the 1950’s.

The first plant-applied extruded polyethylene mainline systems were developed during the late 1950’s to early 1960’s with liquid-based epoxy coatings (coal tars and asphalts), polyolefin materials (polyethylene or polypropylene), and Fusion Bonded Epoxies. These powder coatings were used either as ‘standalone’ systems or as part of multi-layer system, which really gave birth to the three-layer PP (3LPP) and three-layer PE (3LPE) systems now largely used today.

1960’s saw the birth of trunkline coating systems such as FBE. FBE, a thin factory applied coating, provided excellent flexibility properties, and this was an answer to the failures of many previous materials due to handling and bending of the pipe spools during pipelay and subsequent cracking of the applied coating systems.

More recently, a new coating technology known in the coatings industry as visco-elastic coatings, and more specifically, polyisobutylene (PIB)-based coatings, has been promoted (by others) which do not age or degrade and remain in a viscous state throughout their lifetime. This is also an environmentally friendly coating repair tool.

The United States Department of Transportation Agency is responsible for developing and enforcing regulations related to the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound transportation of energy and other hazardous materials.

HSE is the UK’s national regulator for workplace health and safety covering a wide range of industries including agriculture. Compared with HSE, though similar, PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) is a federal regulatory body solely dedicated to the safety and regulations of pipelines on a national level.

Failure Analysis and Risk Methodologies 

One Gas is keen to make their pipeline operations as safe as possible. Probability risk models are increasingly deployed to assess the risk of failure.

“Risk is the mathematical product of the likelihood (probability) and the consequence of events that result from a failure.” ASME B318S: Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines and Chapter 8 PHMSA: Reporting Inspections and Investigations. Susan went on to explain the risk assessment processes in more detail.

Risk Assessment Process 


Key Threats identified by PHMSA:

  1. Corrosion
  2. Excavation Damage
  3. Equipment Failure
  4. Natural Forces
  5. Incorrect Operations
  6. Material Failure
  7. Other Outside Forces
  8. Other Causes

PHMSA Consequence Categories are:

  1. Corporate Image/Reputation
  2. Direct Economic Loss
  3. Environmental Impacts
  4. Health and Safety 
5. Regulatory Impacts

PHMSA identifies 3 Categories of Threat Considerations:

Time-Independent (Random) Threats:  These threats do not change significantly over time and are often unpredictable:

  • Equipment Failure
  • External Corrosion
  • Internal Corrosion,
  • Manufacturing and Construction Defects

Time-Dependent Threats: These threats tend to grow over time and require ongoing monitoring.  They are properties such as:

  • Environmental Stress Cracking
  • Fatigue Cracking
  • Hydrogen-Induced Cracking
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking

Resident Threats: These threats do not grow over time but may 
act when influenced by other conditions or failure mechanisms.   
They consist of:

  • Geotechnical Hazards
  • Mechanical Damage
  • Natural Forces (Earth Movement)

PHMSA has been collecting pipeline data since the 1970’s.

Over a 10-year period, there were 1364 incidents and threat causes identified (numbers and percentages, as shown). The second largest category was corrosion with over 20% of incidents over the 10-year period. External corrosion failures accounted for ~36% and internal corrosion was nearly 64% of cases.

Susan explained that in order to measure and evaluate risk in their pipelines they need to move towards a probabilistic mechanistic risk model. To determine such uncertainties one such model is the Weibull’s proportional hazardous model, this aids in evaluating threats in operating systems.  This is a complex statistical model which incorporates the Weibull distribution h(t).

There are two parts to the equation with one part defining the base 
failure rate for the entire asset population and the second part makes adjustments to the failure rate.  Each type of threat has a model, so for the corrosion threat.

The main factors here are:

  • Age
  • Asset size
  • Coating factor
  • Leak history

A coating performance ranking was necessary to be incorporated in order to get input for the model. One Gas has given priority to different coatings based on its studies.

The Company are is still studying and ranking coating performance of pipelines installed in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas from in 1900s to today. One Gas is currently evaluating 2000 miles of installed pipeline and additional distribution systems and ranking them, but it is believed that the best way to achieve this is to set up accelerated testing within a laboratory which we can then check against the field data gathered for our modelling of performance.

This was a very stimulating presentation by Susan which generated many interesting questions form the Audience.

We thank AMPP our Partner for making this Joint Event possible. Further joint events are planned in 2025 across our UK branches.

On Tuesday 25th June 2024 the Aberdeen Branch meeting was a most interesting talk by Peter Beck and Simon Fenton from IRISNDT entitled:  Metallographic Replication of In-Service plant.

Peter is a senior metallurgist with 8 years’ experience split across the power and automotive sectors. His background includes corrosion characterisation in power boilers; materials testing within a UKAS accredited laboratory; and failure analysis of various metallic components from a wide range of industries and manufactured from various metallic alloys. He has significant experience 
examining metallurgical 
replicas from in-service plants, assessing them for mechanical and corrosion related degradation mechanisms. During his time in the automotive sector, Peter developed standards for structural adhesive bonding and castings for lightweight structures. He currently manages the metallurgical laboratory at the IRISNDT Derby office.

Simon, his colleague, has over 30 years’ experience in the power industry, where he has held several senior technical roles. His key skills are in component inspection and integrity assessment, failure analysis and legislative compliance. He is currently the Technical Manager of Asset Integrity Engineering, based at IRISNDT’s Derby office. This involves working with power station clients to develop and deliver inspection strategies that are aligned with industry good practice, thus ensuring regulatory compliance and confidence that process safety risks are being adequately managed. Simon covers both conventional (coal-and gas-fired), biomass and energy from waste plants.

Peter and Simon went onto describe in detail their work processes, technique constraints and supporting methods deployed.

Metallographic Replication of In-Service Plant  

Metallographic surface replicas can provide important information relating to the metallurgical condition of a component, that can have a direct bearing on its fitness-for-service. Such fitness-for-service considerations can include its susceptibility to corrosion and suitability for design mechanical stresses; both of which are key factors when making run, monitor, repair or replace decisions. The condition of metallic materials can be affected by several factors, which primarily include:

  • Environment
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Mechanical stresses
  • Process fluids
  • Service life consumed
  • System design
  • Thermal inputs

Replication is often used as part of routine inspection strategies to monitor the material condition over its service life. It is also employed to further evaluate unexpected damage revealed by NDT techniques or after unplanned events such as a fire. It can also be used as part of the quality assurance process for weld repairs.

The concept of metallographic replication is analogous to taking a fingerprint. Depending on the condition of the site to be replicated and the information required from assessment, there are two main methods utilised on the plant. For deep defects where surface morphology is required a two-part putty can be used. This takes on the surface contours and sets hard for removal and assessment.

The second and more common method of replication is to polish the metal surface and etch it before partially melting an acetate sheet onto the surface. Once the acetate has hardened it is peeled off and adhered to a glass microscope slide. A curved surface can be flattened for analysis under an optical microscope on-site or in the laboratory.

This technique provides the full metallurgical information of the site replicated, which can then be assessed remotely from the component and provides a permanent physical record of the condition of the site at that moment in its service life.

Assessment of the replicated microstructures is typically carried out by optical microscope using bright field illumination. Depending on the degradation mechanism of interest, magnifications of between x50 and x1000 are used. Some of the common degradation mechanisms that can be assessed with respect to corrosion include the presence of sigma. Replication is often used as part of routine inspection strategies to monitor over time. It is also employed to further evaluate unexpected damage revealed by NDT techniques or after unplanned events such as fire. It can also be used as part of the QA/QC process for weld repairs.

Replication vs Direct Assessment

It is not always possible to examine a component directly. Considerations include:

  • Access to a component
  • Assessment sometimes requires a flat surface
  • Capability of portable equipment not equivalent to static equipment
  • Component geometry, e.g. crotch position of a branch

There is also a need to retain a permanent record ’snapshot’ for comparison with subsequent assessments. It can be useful in failure investigations to record features prior to destructive testing.

Microscopes and equipment can be taken to the site and set up, but it is not always easy to get good fields of view on curved pipes or in junctions or weldments, so replication is the preferred method to get a flat surface from what may be a curved surface. Replications can also be made of surfaces before they are cut up for study, meaning we have a record of the original, now partially destroyed. Obviously, replication cannot transfer colours of etched/polished surfaces, so these images are black and white, further no compositional information is available. IRISNDT is able to obtain additional materials information on site using an XRF Gun for PMI (Positive Material Identification), which provides broad compositional elemental data and will also undertake strength assessment with portable hardness testers in order to support the replication technique. Replications are effective tools to investigate failure mechanisms in metallic components caused by their circumstances 
and environment:

Most of the replication process involves polishing parts on site and taking surface replicants which allow further study by microscope of micrographs of the material structures. This reveals the phase structures of the materials and hence the state of the material can be assessed on basis of phases within them or the heat treatment or working a component may have been subject to.

The other main area of study is that of defects or cracks within the materials. This may be shrinkage cracks or porosity within castings, or, more commonly, cracks within materials at weldments, or as a result of creep, corrosion, or fatigue. While the corrosion product is removed in the process of replica preparation, the nature of the cracks seen can be identified as being from, say, pitting corrosion, corrosion fatigue, or stress corrosion cracking.

Micrographs here show trans-granular cracking in SCC of austenitic stainless steel. To study corrosion fatigue, the company would look at the crack tips which would reveal oxides as grey amorphous regions in the replicas.  Putty type replica method may be used for studying pitting corrosion and hydrogen cracking as this lends itself to capturing more 3D surface information and some measurements can be made with a microscope. The crystalline structure is characteristic of hydrogen concentrations around grain boundaries.

The most common use of replicas in the power industry is to study creep; a process of slow elongation of the steel which leads to cracking. Metal loaded below the yield stress and at about 30-40% of the melting temperature (°Kelvin) can deform and cavities form on grain boundaries. Cavities link to form microcracks and coalesce to give macro-cracking. It is only when macro-cracks appear that IRISNDT can deploy conventional NDT, replication has to be used to identify early stages of creep.

The above illustrates a typical plan for study using replication on a pipe bend to investigate creep phenomenon. Peter and Simon’s Online talk was extremely successful and generated a high volume of questions for this topic, which is rarely presented in such an informative way. During the 2023-2024 Aberdeen Technical Programme, we have been extremely fortunate in sourcing such high quality presentations and we thank all our Presenters for their most valuable contributions. Copies of both of the above presentations may be found on the ICorr website – Aberdeen page.

Future Aberdeen Events 

Coming up, 27th August 2024 will then see take place its 2024 Annual Corrosion Forum (ACF), kindly hosted by ENGTEQ Aberdeen on the theme “Corrosion management in the energy sector.” This full-day in-person event is always much in demand, with an estimated attendance of 50 – 70 people, comprising students, technicians, technologists, engineers, scientists, researchers, managers, directors, and other professionals mainly in the energy industry.

Please contact ICorrABZ@gmail.com and see https://www.icorr.org/events/month/2024-08/ for more information and registration.

The Aberdeen Branch provides a very full technical programme of both in-person and online events. Abstracts of potential papers for the Aberdeen Technical Programme are always welcome for consideration, and anyone wishing to present should correspond soonest with the 2024/2025 Chair and Technical Programme Co-ordinator: meilingcheah@gmail.com

Further information about the Aberdeen Branch, and past 
presentations, may be found on their website page: Aberdeen Branch – Institute of Corrosion https://www.icorr.org/aberdeen/ under Local Technical Programme and to join the Aberdeen Branch mailing list, 
please contact: icorrabz@gmail.com

Susan Jacob – Senior Pipeline Engineer in Asset Management for One Gas (Natural Gas Distribution, USA).

Figure 1: Joint AMPP-ICorr Presentation – Pipeline Coatings Timeline, Cited from Y Frank Cheng and Richard Presentation.

Figure 2: Joint AMPP-ICorr Presentation – Weibull’s Proportional Hazard Model.

Figure 3: Joint AMPP-ICorr Presentation – Corrosion Threat Likelihood Model.

Figure 4: Joint AMPP-ICorr Presentation – Coating Performance Ranking.

Photo 1: Peter Beck – Manager of the Metallurgical Laboratory at IRISNDT, Derby.

Photo 2: Simon Fenton – Technical Manager of Asset Integrity Engineering at IRISNDT, Derby.

Photo 3: Use of a Two-Part Putty for Surface Morphology.

Photo 4: Use of Polishing and Etching Technique.

Figure 1: Summary of Inputs and Outputs.

Figure 2: Effect of Heat on Microstructure.

Figure 3: Analysis of Cracking and Fatigue.

Figure 4: Analysis of Creep.

Figure 5: Replication Study Plan for a Pipe Bend to Investigate Creep Phenomenon.


From the Editor

From the Editor

Dear Members,

Welcome to the July-August issue of Corrosion Management.

The month of June was marked by two significant international events. World Environment Day, established in 1972 by the United Nations at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, was observed on 5th June. This day emphasises the urgent need to preserve and enhance our environment. Later in the month, on 23rd June, we celebrated International Women in Engineering Day (INWED). INWED began in the UK in 2014 as a national campaign by the Women’s Engineering Society and has since grown into a global celebration of the outstanding contributions of women in the engineering field. To honour these important events, we have included two special articles in this issue. The first, “The Importance of Corrosion Technology in Environmental Sustainability,” explores how advancements in corrosion technology are pivotal to protecting our environment. The second is an autobiographical piece by Dr. Jane Lomas titled “My Life in Rust,” offering an inspiring account of her journey in the field of corrosion engineering.         
We are excited to introduce a new column, Corrosion Morphologies. In this column, Sarah Bagnall has contributed an insightful article about CO2 corrosion.

Our “Ask the Expert” column features an article by Joseph Itodo Emmanuel titled “Screening Tests for Corrosion Inhibitors.” This piece provides valuable guidance on selecting and evaluating the efficacy of corrosion inhibitors.

The first technical article in this issue, “Investigation of Green Corrosion Inhibitors and Comparison with Conventional Inhibitors, Using the Electrochemical Noise Method (ENM),” is authored by Tianyang Lan and Douglas Mills. Their research demonstrates that ENM is a reliable and fast method for assessing the corrosion process and the protective effects of inhibitors at ambient temperatures.

I have contributed the second technical article, “Combating Corrosion Challenges Using Green Corrosion Inhibitors in Acidic Mediums,” where I discuss solutions for addressing corrosion in challenging environments using environmentally 
friendly inhibitors. Dr. Idrees Zafar has authored the third technical article,        “Case Study: Corrosion Monitoring of In-Service Reinforced Concrete Structures.” This case study presents an approach to evaluating the corrosion state of reinforced concrete structures in service and estimating their expected service life in existing harsh/marine environments.

As always, we welcome your contributions and encourage you to send in your content for consideration, including industry news, technical articles, and pieces for the Fellow’s Corner. Thank you for your continued support and engagement with Corrosion Management.

Best Regards

Dr Shagufta Khan, FICorr Consulting Editor,  editor@icorr.org

The President Writes

The President Writes

Dear Members,

Welcome to the 3rd quarter of 2024 and our excellent journal Corrosion Management.

It has been a real pleasure to see so many improvements delivered to ICorr’s offering, including the expansion of our overseas activities and recent branch development in the UK in Wales and Central Scotland, all described below.  Much of this achievement is down to our dedicated local ICorr volunteers.

As an institute, we continue to focus heavily on investment in our training offerings at all levels, from applicator, through to technician and onwards to inspector/supervisor. New engineering courses in materials topics and corrosion mechanisms continued to be rolled for Industry managers and those seeking CEng/CSci status or specific certifications in areas such as CUI and MIC management.

In a remarkable milestone, the Institute of Corrosion (ICorr), TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd., and IMechE Argyll Ruane (Sheffield, UK) our ICorr Training Partner, have just celebrated seven years of fruitful collaboration. Last month, we awarded our 1000th certificate to the recipient, Mr. Huang Guangan, who is the Coating Technical Director of Anhui Honglu Steel Construction (Group) Co. Ltd., China and responsible for coating quality, training, coating process of the company. This success has demonstrated the recognition of ICorr scheme as an international benchmark of personnel competence in surface treatment.

At this time and on behalf of the institute, I would like to express my sincere thanks to John Fletcher (Past President 2026–2016) for more than 40 years’ invaluable service to the Institute, and we wish him good health and happiness in his pending retirement from the Surface Treatment Scheme Manager (STSM) role. John will remain on Council for one further year. We will continue to feature in our Corrosion Management the excellent work of our Professional Tutors drawn from our range of courses and would welcome applications from any new Qualified Tutors that wish to join our Teams.

In support of our expanded Training offering, we now have onboard at our Northampton office Gerry Blomley and Joel Dobb alongside Patricia Bridge. We are most grateful to Bill and Emma Hedges who have been busy inducting our new recruits and to Denise Aldous who continues to support us meanwhile on the finance side. Plans are in progress to improve all our membership services, and particularly membership and certification interfacing, in alignment with our accelerated growth post-pandemic. The institute offers its apologies to any applicants that may have experienced delays during our recent staffing transitions at HQ.

Ahead of us, we have many major events upcoming. August will see our 2024 Annual Corrosion Forum (ACF) kindly hosted by ENGTEQ Aberdeen on 27th August 2024, on the theme “Corrosion Management in the Energy Sector.” This full-day in-person event is always much in demand, with an estimated attendance of 50–70 people, comprising students, technicians, technologists, engineers, scientists, researchers, managers, directors, 
and other professionals mainly in the energy industry. Please contact ICorrABZ@gmail.com for more information or register at the Online Delegate Registration Form.

September will bring us both EuroCorr24 in Paris and Electrochem24 in Manchester through our Corrosion Science Division. There is also the annual Shreir Prize for the best student presentation, please contact Julian Wharton, CSD Chair, for any further information J.A.Wharton@soton.ac.uk

All the above and other events highlighted in our magazine and diary illustrate the hard work put in by our volunteers behind the scenes. 
Please do get involved and keep an eye on the ICorr Events Calendar at: www.icorr.org/events/

Please enjoy your summer break.

With my very best wishes.
Stephen Tate, President: Institute of Corrosion, president@icorr.org

ICorr Welcomes Corrodere Academy: Pioneering Excellence in Corrosion Control Training

The Corrodere Academy stands as a beacon of expertise in the field of corrosion control alongside ICorr, providing unparalleled education and training to professionals worldwide. With a mission to combat the pervasive challenge of corrosion, the Academy equips individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect assets, ensure safety, and enhance durability across industries.

History and Evolution
Founded in 2000, the Corrodere Academy began with a vision to address the growing need for specialised corrosion control and prevention training. Over the years, it has evolved into a globally recognised Academy, offering a comprehensive suite of courses and certifications tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries such as oil and gas, marine, construction, and manufacturing and renewables.

Course Offerings
The Academy’s portfolio of courses has been designed to cover all aspects of corrosion control, covering inspection, application and specialist knowledge.

Above: Powder Coatings Course

Above: Blast Cleaning Course

Key courses include:

1. Inspection – ICorr endorsed Coating Inspection Level 1, 2 and 3 courses. – Other introductory Coating Inspection courses covering Insulation, Fireproofing, Pipeline, Hot Dip Galvanising, Thermal Metal Spraying, and Marine Coatings.

2. Train the painter – Protective Coating Application, Spray Painting and Abrasive Blast Cleaning modules.

3. Specialist Coating – Corrodere Diploma in Coatings for Corrosion Control alongside Coating Surveys, Corrosion Management and Corrosion Under Insulation courses.

Each course combines theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on training, ensuring that participants gain a deep and actionable understanding of their chosen subject.

Certification Programmes

The Corrodere Academy offers internationally recognised QCA certification that validates the skills and expertise of industrial coating applicators. Certifications such as are highly regarded in the industry, often serving as a benchmark for excellence.

– QCA – A1 Abrasive Blast Cleaner
– QCA – P1 Protective Coatings Applicator
– QCA – S1 Spray Painter
– QCA – T1 Thin Film Intumescent Applicator

Expert Faculty
The Academy’s strength lies in its team of seasoned experts, who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the training material. These industry veterans are not only educators but also active practitioners, providing students with insights drawn from real-world challenges and solutions.

Global Reach
With a network of training centres and partners around the world, the Corrodere Academy extends its reach globally, providing its training material in a number of multiple languages, that makes its portfolio of courses accessible to a diverse audience. This international presence ensures that the Academy stays at the forefront of global trends and developments.

Industry Collaboration
Collaboration with industry leaders and professional bodies such as the Institute of Corrosion is a cornerstone of the Corrodere Academy’s approach. By partnering with key stakeholders, the Academy ensures its training programmes are aligned with industry standards and address current challenges within the Corrosion

Prevention Industry. These collaborations also facilitate development initiatives, driving innovation in corrosion prevention and control.

Success Stories
The impact of the Corrodere Academy is best illustrated through the success stories of its alumni. Students have gone on to make significant contributions in their respective fields, from ensuring safety is at the highest level on site, to progressing their careers and leading large-scale corrosion management projects.

Future Initiatives
Looking ahead, the Corrodere Academy is committed to continuing its tradition of excellence and innovation in Training delivery. Future initiatives include:

• Development: Investing in market research to stay ahead of emerging corrosion challenges and provide training solutions to industry.
• Expansion of Online Training: Enhancing the accessibility and flexibility of its programmes through advanced interactive e-learning platforms.
• Sustainability Focus: Integrating sustainability into its training programmes, emphasising eco-friendly corrosion prevention methods and company operational initiatives.

The Corrodere Academy stands at the forefront of corrosion control education, closely working with international corrosion societies and setting the standard for excellence in the field. By offering cutting-edge training, fostering industry collaboration, and driving innovation, the Academy plays a pivotal role in protecting assets and ensuring safety across industries worldwide.

Photo: ICorr Level 2 Coating Inspector

For more information, visit the Corrodere Academy website or contact the team directly to learn how they can help your organisation. www.corrodere.com T: +44 (0) 1252 732 236 E: Lucy Pavia lucy@corrodere.com

ICorr welcomes Automa: Remote Monitoring Solutions as New Gold Sustaining Member

ICorr welcomes Automa: Remote Monitoring Solutions as New Gold Sustaining Member

Founded in 1987, AUTOMA is an Italian company specialised in the production of solutions for the remote monitoring and control in the Oil, Gas, and Water sectors. The company is best known for the design, engineering, and production of advanced solutions that enhance the efficiency and safety of distribution and transportation networks.

Photo: Automa G4C-Pro CP Monitoring Device

AUTOMA has introduced solutions for the remote monitoring and control of cathodic protection systems of buried metal structures in the water, gas, and oil industries, with over 45,000 units worldwide. Its cathodic protection suite offers reliable solutions for monitoring, logging and functional control of activities thanks to a variety of devices that can be used both for remotely and locally.

AUTOMA has also developed a proprietary SCADA system specifically designed for the cathodic protection field, that allows users to carry out analysis of historical data and graphs, to configure all the devices, to download reports and to receive real-time alarms.

Photo: Automa Intermediate CP Monitoring Station

The complete solution, known as GOLIAH®, offers all the necessary tools for a correct and timely monitoring in accordance with the current industry standards. This guarantees network operators a real and complete ownership of all the data and enabling a real-time and accurate control of the cathodic protection system. www.goliah.info/en/

AUTOMA’s key focus is on the quality and reliability of its products, guaranteed by international certifications and a constant commitment to innovation. Each solution is custom-designed to meet customer needs, supported by a dedicated research and development team.

Contact information
AUTOMA s.r.l.
Ancona (An) – Italy
Tel.: +39.071.8028042
e-mail: sales@byautoma.com


ICorr CEng Direct – Volunteer Assessors

ICorr CEng Direct – Volunteer Assessors

The Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) is currently in the process of becoming a Full Licensee of Engineering Council, in order to 
be able to provide CEng, IEng and EngTech, directly through ICorr in future. This will be a major improvement to our membership offering and member retention.

We are now looking for Professional Registration assessors 
(for both Applications and Interview assessment purposes).

  • Are you Engineering Council registered at CEng level?
Do you want to give back to the profession by helping the next generation of engineers achieve professional registration?
We are looking for volunteers to become Professional Registration Interview (PRI) assessors who will be reviewing, assessing, and interviewing applicants.

By giving us your time, you will be doing vital work, ensuring the future of the profession. All we need from you is 6 hours of your time per month.

If this is of interest to you, please reply: F.A.O Anthony Setiadi admin@icorr.org