International Virtual Congress & Technical Exhibition

17 – 20 May

CEOCOR, founded in 1956, is an international scientific non-profit association dealing with corrosion and protection of pipes and pipeline systems. CEOCOR brings together specialists from universities, research centers, institutes and companies within:

  • Water, gas and oil distribution
  • Waste water collection and treatment
  • Pipe production and manufacture of equipment for cathodic protection systems

The 2022 congress:
The congress consists of high level technical presentations, working group meetings, as well as a technical exhibition.

Program of events

Level 4 Cathodic Protection Examinations

Level 4 Cathodic Protection Examinations

ICorr rolls out Level 4 Cathodic Protection Examinations at Corrosion House. These examinations will enable experienced CP Level 3 Senior Technicians who have been mentored and trained by Level 4 colleagues and have studied independently the complex CP design processes, to sit the examination before making application for Assessment for Certification, all in accordance with BS EN ISO 15257. The first L4 Core and Buried examinations are March 17. Examinations in Buried, Concrete and Marine sectors will be held, subject to bookings, September 17th and December 8 2022. More to follow in 2023. See CP Training, Assessment and Certification Scheme page

40 years of regulating the UK Engineering Profession

40 years of regulating the UK Engineering Profession

This week marks the Engineering Council’s 40th year of setting and maintaining standards, to ensure that society continues to have confidence and trust in the engineering profession.

CEO Alasdair Coates: “Voluntary regulation is important because standards matter – the public has a right to expect engineers, who do so much to shape our world, to be able to demonstrate their competence and behave in an ethical, sustainable way.”

There are currently over quarter of a million professionally registered engineers and technicians on the Engineering Council’s Register, who have all committed to maintaining and developing their knowledge throughout their careers: 

The Engineering Council’s mission as a regulator is to maintain internationally recognised standards of competence and commitment for the engineering profession and to license competent institutions to champion those standards to deliver public benefit. 

As the importance of competence becomes increasingly clear in all areas of life – standards matter. We look forward to continuing to deliver public benefit by setting and maintaining standards: 

A full press release can be downloaded 

As a member of the Engineering Council, the Institute of Corrosion is proud to offer professional registration for Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech) .  We encourage all of our members to aspire to the appropriate one of these accreditations as recognition of their professional capability.  For information on how to apply please visit our website at or send an email to

Royce calls for Technology Roadmap to help co-ordinate action to address degradation issues following  publication of landscape report

Royce calls for Technology Roadmap to help co-ordinate action to address degradation issues following publication of landscape report

The Henry Royce Institute for advanced materials today calls for co-ordinated action to address the significant degradation challenges presented by the transition to net-zero through a ‘Technology Roadmap for Net-Zero’. This follows the publication of the ‘Degradation in structural materials for net-zero’ report which presents the results of a landscaping exercise conducted by Royce and Frazer-Nash Consultancy, supported by the Institute of Corrosion.

Such a roadmap would select which technologies should be prioritised for investment and also be attached to key dates linked to when they’re expected to come online. It could also define the most cost-effective investment pathway to net-zero, allowing industry and academia to develop Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) programmes in alignment with clear timescales for delivery.

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