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Midland Branch
The Branch half-day event and ICorr AGM took place in the Chamberlain Room & Main Chamber of the Birmingham Council House on Wednesday 29th November 2017.
The event was well attended and after lunch and refreshments attendees were welcomed to the council chamber by Trevor Box, Midland Branch Chair. The first presentation was on the “Hammersmith Flyover Strengthening – Repairing the Effects of Corrosion” by Graham Stanford of Freyssinet. Graham’s interesting presentation covered the damage caused to the post tensioned structure and remarkable repair techniques employed to strengthen and repair this critical piece of London’s infrastructure.
The second presentation of the day covered an Innovative Solution for the Prevention of Crevice Corrosion at Pipe Supports by Clive Evans of Deepwater EU Ltd. Clive’s presentation dealt with Deepwater’s pipe support system to deal with crevice corrosion and the problems caused by crevice corrosion to pipes across a range of industrial sectors.
The next presentation dealt with the Cable Impregnation Technique for Corrosion Protection of Grouted Post-Tensioned Tendons by Peter McCloskey of Vector Corrosion Technologies. Peter explained this relatively new technique which has been developed by Vector in North America to deal with corrosion of tendons in grouted ducts of existing post tensioned structures.
The final presentation was an overview of “Cathodic Protection Training and Certification: The ISO Requirements” by Jim Preston, Corrosion Prevention Limited. Jim covered in detail the recent changes to the ISO standard and the implications of future training and certification requirements.
At the end of the presentations a lively panel discussion took place with some excellent questions from the attendees and much discussion between the attendees and the presenters.
The day was brought to a close by the ICorr AGM which included the financial report for the year.
Midland Branch has a new sustaining member, SegCorr Ltd, Independent Consultants Specialising in cathodic protection and corrosion management (more details can be found in preceding section).
One-day Workshop on Surface Analysis and Depth Profiling Techniques
The Branch in association with Loughborough Surface Analysis Ltd (LSA) and Midlands Surface Analysis Ltd (MSA), is holding a one-day workshop on surface analysis and depth profiling techniques, and how they can be used to help with a variety of challenges relating to corrosion. The workshop will draw upon a wealth of real-world experience in using these techniques, and will be held on 24 January 2018, at Aston University, Birmingham. It will consist of a series of seminars given by experts in the field on the individual techniques (including case studies), together with an optional practical demonstrations on some of the techniques in the laboratories of MSA Ltd. Opportunities will also be provided to discuss participants’ specific cases either in an open forum or in private with the analysts present.
The agenda for the day and further details can be found on the Institute website.
Midland Branch News
The Midland Branch welcomed two new sustaining members, Mapei Ltd based in Halesowen, West Midlands, and Cathodic Protection Engineering based in Wythall, Birmingham.
The last Midland Branch meeting took place on 27 June at Amey’s office in Birmingham. As well as updates on Branch and ICorr news; discussions were held regarding future branch meetings and presentations. Peter McCloskey, of Vector Corrosion Technologies then gave two presentations, “ Cable impregnation techniques for protection of grouted post tensioned tendons” and “Introduction to Termarust corrosion mitigation system for steel structures”.
Both presentations were well received and a detailed Q&A session ensued. The Branch would like to thank Amey, Birmingham, for providing the venue.