CORINJ Sidestream System

The CORINJ sidestream 
system is designed to 
measure corrosion and 
chemical efficiency in a 
continuous way, even 
when inline monitoring 
points are not available. 
The CORINJ sidestream is 
custom built based on 
customer requirements 
and Specifications. The 
system can be integrated 
into any system and devices can be serviced quickly and easily without having to conduct live breaking containment retrieval work.

Monitoring Options

The sidestream has various options, you can choose from 2 to 10 monitoring points that include different types of probes and 
corrosion coupons.


The unit’s main block has different ports for various types of monitoring. The ports have NPT union fittings, which let you screw in and seal the devices.

H2S Monitoring

The CORINJ sidestream offers continuous ‘real-time’ H2S monitoring through a side-stream unit. If you want to monitor suspect, or known H2S issues this side-stream is ideal as it can be tied into the exact point on a specific system or wells.

ER Probes

ER probes are used to provide live corrosion rate readings or to gather and store data of corrosion rates and metal loss. The probes can collate data via logging equipment or can be connected to a transmitter which feeds back to the client DCS to provide live 
data feedback.

Corrosion Coupons

The corrosion coupons are aligned with the inner wall of the sidestream. They measure corrosion rates and pit depths by metal loss over a known time period.

Bio Probes

Sessile bacteria attached to the bio studs can be collected and analysed to check the efficiency of the chemical injection systems or biocide regimes using Bio Probes in oil and gas production.

Continuous Flow

This is key to a sidestream working effectively. The outlet of the side-stream is usually routed back downstream in the system where the pressure is lower, so the flow is continuous.


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General Enquiries

Institute of Corrosion
Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222

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