CED working day April 28th 2021 – ‘Managing Corrosion in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies’,

CED working day April 28th 2021: Managing Corrosion in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies.

The Corrosion Engineering Division will be holding its Spring Working Day on April 28th 2020. If the Covid-19 situation allows it, the meeting will be held at the York National Railway Museum, otherwise the meeting will be held on-line, as it was in 2020. The theme of the meeting will be ‘Managing Corrosion in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies’, which will include, for example, heat pumps, solar power, wind turbines, hydro power, hydrogen fuel, fuel cells, nuclear, and carbon capture and storage technologies.

Invitation for presentations

The organisers would like to invite speakers to apply to give a presentation during the day. If you are interested, please send your contact details, a title and a brief summary of your proposed talk to the CED chair, Nick Smart at nick.smart@jacobs.com. The event will also include meetings of the CED working groups; for more information about these, see https://www.icorr.org/technical-divisions-ced-csd-2/.

Working group agendas

The working group agendas have just been released, click on the links below to download them:

CED Agenda Coatings Working Group 2021

CED Agenda Renewables General Discussion 2021

CED Agenda CP Working Group

CED Agenda Oil and Gas Working Group

CED Agenda Corrosion Concrete Working Group

CED Agenda Nuclear Working Group

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