EUROCORR 2021 – Call for Papers

Hungary, Budapest Congress Center, 
19 – 23 September 2021

The hosts of the annual corrosion congress EUROCORR, HUNKOR, together with the European Federation of Corrosion, EFC, and DECHEMA, have issued a call for papers for EUROCORR 21.

The Congress has the motto “Materials science and advanced technologies for better corrosion protection”. The scientific programme will allow participants an opportunity to catch up with the most recent and reliable scientific results and the latest industrial achievements, and to take part in the development of new standards and regulations on the subject of corrosion control. As always during EUROCORR, each day, 12 to 14 parallel sessions will run, some dealing with the most important general corrosion problems and some focusing on those specific to each branch of industry. Further information concerning EUROCORR 2021, and instructions for abstract submission, can be found on the congress website.

The deadline for abstract submission is 19th January 2021, and instructions for abstract submission.

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