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April 30, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Venue: Swansea University Bay Campus, Room B001, SA10 6JW

Tuesday 30th April 2024, Start Time: 6:00pm (UK)

In-Person Presentation only.

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Event is Free of Charge to attend.

Listening for Corrosion – Using Acoustic Emission to Inspect

Storage Tank Floors

Speaker:  Dr. Ryan Marks

Event Programme:

18.00 – 18:30: Arrival / Networking / Refreshments
18:30 – 19:15: Presentation
19:15 – 19:30: Q&A
19:30 – 20:00: Concluding Remarks / Networking / Refreshments

The Talk: Listening for Corrosion – Using Acoustic Emission to Inspect Storage Tank Floors

Effective tank monitoring and inspection is essential in ensuring that storage tanks maintain their structural integrity. This however comes with significant challenges as traditional inspection methods require complete shutdown of the asset, removal of product and significant cleaning before inspection can take place. In this case, inspectors are then required to enter the tanks to conduct the inspection. This carries significant risk as well as financial and operational implications. Acoustic Emission (AE) is a passive inspection technique that works by ‘listening’ to sound waves that are emitted when damage occurs. When active corrosion is present in a tank, the technique can detect its presence and locate the regions of active corrosion whilst the tank remains full of product and is only required to be taken out of service for a short period of time. This presentation will present an overview of the AE technique and how it is applied to detect corrosion as well as other damage mechanisms including leakages and cracks.

Case studies of the how the technique is applied in industry for the inspection of storage tank floors will be presented. Finally, a live demonstration of the technique will be given demonstrating the benefits and limitations. 

Dr. Ryan Marks is the Head of Monitoring for MISTRAS Group Limited in the United Kingdom. MISTRAS are world leaders in monitoring and inspection technologies, pioneering the Acoustic Emission Technology.

Ryan obtained his MEng Degree from Cardiff University during which he interned in structures design at Airbus. Following his undergraduate studies, he subsequently completed a PhD in AE sensor optimisation at Cardiff University sponsored by Airbus and continued this research theme as a Post-Doctoral Researcher. Since leaving Cardiff University, Ryan has led the Monitoring and Inspection Research Section at TWI before joining MISTRAS in 2022 and was appointed Head of Monitoring for MISTRAS in 2023.

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April 30, 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Category:


Swansea Univeristy Bay Campus
Room B001
Swansea, SA10 6JW United Kingdom
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