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In an age when materials and engineering systems are expected to withstand ever more extreme environments corrosion remains of great importance. The cost of corrosion is still estimated to be 4% GDP for most developed nations although this has increased to 6.2% in the USA as per the latest NACE Corrosion cost study in 2016. This confirms that better mitigation techniques are still required and new approaches need to be explored. Managing corrosion is a pertinent challenge for industry and academia across many industrial applications (e.g. oil and gas, automotive, biomedical, energy, space exploration). In this 59th Corrosion Science Symposium we will capture exciting and recent advances in corrosion science and engineering, the application of these principles to engineering systems, and discuss the exciting developments across a wide range of application areas.
Jo Thompson
CSS Secretariat
CPD, Conference & Events Unit, Faculty of Engineering
University of Leeds
T: +44 (0)113 343 2494