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Here you will find the latest events and conferences.
Event Type: Joint Meeting with TWI Time: 17:45 Sign in & Network working, 18:00 Complimentary Buffet, 18:30: Presentations Speaker: Daniel Sadana Rosen
The branch will be hosting a half day networking event for sustaining members, with a steam train ride, tour of the railway engine house and buffet lunch, at the Severn Valley Steam railway. The cost of attending for sustaining members is covered by the branch. Please contact Bill Whittaker,, to reserve your place ASAP.
Organised by SCI’s London Group and the Institute of Corrosion – London Branch The Evening Chair will be John T O’Shea, Hon ICorr Life Fellow Book today! Free registration E: T: +44 (0)20 7598 1561 This evening event includes two presentations, followed by a networking reception at 19:30. Attendance to this event is […]
Venue: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, Bayswater, London Speaker: Kevin Harold, Paintel Ltd – Director, ICATS – Senior Specialist Trainer Kevin tells of his journey as a painter from the era when PPE was non-existent, how he moved into industrial painting, became a painting inspector and having joined the Tamar Bridge strengthening and widening project, found […]
Event Type: ICorr Technical Event Time: 17:45 Sign in & Network, 18:00 Complementary Buffet, 18:30 Presentation Speakers: Speaker 1: Dr Gareth Hinds (NPL / ICorr President) – ICorr Growing our Membership and ICorr Awards. Speaker 2 : Matt Streets (Rawwater / Senior Project Officer) - An understanding of Reservoir Souring and Mitigation. Please link below for […]
13:00 - 13:25 Lunch served and time for networking 13:25 - 13:30 Welcome to the meeting and introduction of the Speakers 13:30 – 16:30 Presentations by industry experts • Dr Markus Büchler, SGK, Switzerland - Mechanism of Cathodic Protection and its Implications on Criteria Including AC and DC Interference Conditions (Key Note Presentation – 1 hour) 15 […]
ICorr AGM 16:30 – 17:30 Annual General Meeting AGM Agenda 1 Apologies for absence 2 Minutes of the previous AGM, November 2018 3 President’s report 4 Treasurer’s report 5 Elections 6 Any other business Please confirm attendance (for lunch numbers) or apologies for absence, by e-mail to