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London Branch Technical Talk
Lancaster Hall Hotel 35 Craven Terrace, London, United KingdomLondon Branch - Technical Talk
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London Branch - Technical Talk
Paper 1 - PSVs are classed as safety critical when protecting hydrocarbon containing equipment and, even on non-hazardous services are always safety related. Pressure Safety Valve RBI will be discussed using Half a Billion Hours of Data. Paper 2 - For FPSO cargo tanks the main degradation threats are fatigue cracking and corrosion / coating […]
CANCELLED - due to the risk posed to our members and guests of the Coronavirus. Chairman’s Presentation Bee TechnicalA light hearted insight into the realm of keeping Honey Bees
POSTPONED DUE TO HPS COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS. CHECK CALENDAR FOR NEW DATE PLEASE Ian Drummond as Lead, will be joined by experienced Integrity Professionals / Advance NDT Technologists who will be available for around 60 mins, to take live Integrity related questions from the Audience, (which will appear on a large / high vis. screen behind […]
Technical Talk “Do you believe in RBI for CUI? Dr Clare Watt (KAEFER Isoliertechnik) gives an informal presentation of her technical Eurocorr 2019 paper, “Using industry data to compare performance of different risk-based methods for the management of corrosion under insulation” In conjunction to a Q&A session”
Webinar on - The Six Core Elements of Asset Management To register for the link for the webinar click here
Webinar on - Corrosion Under Insulation Online Monitoring With Electro-Magnetic Guided Radar (EMGR) To register for the link for the webinar click here
O&G Corrosion & Materials Engineers need to be economically literate, as well as technically advanced and competent. The basis of a methodology for commercial success will be proposed and applied to the O&G Integrity & Corrosion Management Sector. Event Type: Joint ICorr/MCF Speaker: Alan Hunter Economic Engineering Limited Time: 17:30 Event to start, 18:00 Presentation […]
CED Working Day on ‘Corrosion Control in Transport and Infrastructure’ will now be held on-line An excellent group of speakers has been lined up, including Phillip Watkinson (Corrocoat), Chris Atkins (Mott MacDonald), Steve Paterson (Arbeadie Consultants), Cliff Harris and Clive Harrison (Jacobs) and Pablo Merino (CLH Pipeline Systems). If you are interested in taking part […]
Webinar on - Hot Topic: Cold Bonding, Using Epoxy Adhesives in Place of Hot Metal Welding To register for the link for the webinar click here