Welcome to the first issue of 2023, and as The President noted, my last issue as editor. It’s time to retire and relax in the sun, well south London anyway. I will work with the new editor, on the next issue, but it will be his decision as to what it contains.
This issue has the usual columns, with some very interesting articles in “Ask the Expert”, and “Fellow’s Corner” The technical articles cover maintenance painting in shipyards, with details of using a robot to increase productivity, and how the use of Big Data can improve pipeline integrity management. There is also a new column aimed at young engineers in our industry, and I would like to hear from readers if this should become a regular column.
I have enjoyed producing this magazine, and working in the industry, and wish all readers success in their careers.
CEOCOR 2025 CONGRESS – ANCONA, ITALY – Call for papers
CEOCOR is the European society that has been studying and reporting on corrosion and protection of buried pipelines for some 50 years. It covers pipelines carrying drinking water, waste water, oil and gas, transmission and distribution, internals and externals. Its...