From the Editor

Dear Members,
Welcome to the September/October issue of Corrosion Management.

The overall theme of this issue is the “Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in corrosion management”.
E Tolsma-de Klerk and L F Curado have jointly authored the first technical article, “The Challenges and potential of AI in asset integrity management.” They have discussed the history, implementation, and challenges of using AI in asset integrity management (AIM).
Our second article, “Unleashing the power of AI: corrosion prevention revolutionised,” is written by Muhammad Hussain and Tieling Zhang. The authors have explained the application of AI and machine learning in corrosion prevention, predicting corrosion rates, evaluating corrosion inhibitors, and corrosion monitoring. The article discusses predictive maintenance and proposes that AI can improve the ability to anticipate failures and can optimise corrosion control.

The third technical article, “Practical application of AI in steel corrosion analysis,” written by Shahrizan Jamaludin and Md. Mahadi Hasan Imran, focusses on the use of AI in analysing steel corrosion, especially in areas like reinforced concrete, atmospheric corrosion, and pitting corrosion of stainless steel.

Following on from recent complaints of the Paris Olympians, we have a special article “Why do bronze medals tarnish so quickly?” by Dr. Roger Francis. This article explains the corrosion mechanisms behind the tarnishing of bronze medals. Dr. Francis has described various environmental factors and human factors that cause the tarnishing of medals. Practical solutions to reduce tarnishing 
of medals are also provided.

We sincerely welcome all your contributions and encourage you to share your content and local observations / case studies for consideration. This includes industry news, technical articles, and photos for our “Corrosion Around Us” feature. We would also be delighted to receive further submissions for our “Ask the expert”, “Corrosion Morphologies” column and “Fellow’s Corner.” We look forward to your valuable contributions.

With kindest regards,
Dr Shagufta Khan, FICorr 

Consulting Editor,

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5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222

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