From the Editor

I hope you are all well, and that the restrictions are not causing too many problems for work. One indirect effect the pandemic is having on the magazine is that with companies shut down or working with fewer staff, and Institute of Corrosion meetings also cancelled, then there are less news items is this issue than normal.

However, we still have three technical articles, covering, inspection and the expert witness, a novel method of monitoring Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI), and an introduction to Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC). There are also the two new columns, “Fellows Corner”, which this time covers Corrosion Monitoring and Inspection from Bill Hedges of BP, and “Ask the Expert”, in which the questions deal with salt contamination of steel, and impressed current CP of pipes. Remember to send your technical questions for answer by our industry experts.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the content of the magazine, please let me know, it is important that we are covering topics of interest to you the reader, remember it’s your magazine. Also send your technical articles for consideration to,

Keep yourselves and everyone safe.

Brian Goldie, Consulting Editor

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