Membership Upgrades

Upgrade Your Membership To Professional Status


Those with suitable qualifications/experience are eligible to become a Professional member, i.e. Technician, Member or Fellow, which entitles the use of TICorr, MICorr, FICorr as letters after their name. Full details of the qualification criteria and application process are below:

Technician Status - TICorr - £98.00 per year


  • To obtain your Technician status you will first need to be an Individual Member of the Institute of Corrosion. The applicant will then apply for the upgrade using the transfer to Technician Member Form.
  • This requires 2 referees and submission of documentation to demonstrate; evidence of education, training, experience and achievements, submitted in the form of Training and Experience report.



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Professional Status - MICorr - £128.00 per year
  • To obtain your Professional status you will first need to be an Ordinary Member of the Institute of Corrosion. The applicant will then apply for the upgrade using the transfer to Professional Member Form.
  • This requires 2 referees and submission of documentation to demonstrate; Professional Qualification, Knowledge of Corrosion Fundamentals & Corrosion Control, Publications and Reports, Training and Experience;


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Fellow Status - FICorr - £160.00 per year
  • To obtain your Status as Fellow of the Institute you will first need to be an Professional Member of the Institute of Corrosion. The applicant will then apply for the upgrade using the Upgrade from Professional Member to Fellow.
  • This requires 2 referees and submission of documentation to demonstrate; Professional Qualification, Knowledge of Corrosion Fundamentals & Corrosion Control, Publications and Reports, Training and Experience;


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