
‘End Point Assessments’ for the first seven apprentices in our industry were carried out by Kevin Harold, ICorr, and John Moody, BINDT during August. The practical assessments and interviews were documented by David Mobbs, ICorr, to record this major event which would not have been achieved without the tenacity of the Jack Tighe organisation and in particular training manager John Whitaker and Chairman, Martin Hillyard in association with DN Colleges, Scunthorpe. The trail blazing began with senior ICorr members, David Horrocks and John Fletcher, together with Highways England.
The very nervous students all gained ‘distinction’ and are now time-served apprentices.

ABRACO (Brazilian Association of Corrosion)

ABRACO is the equivalent of ICorr in Brazil, and sometime ago discussions began with senior ABRACO members and Lucia Fullalove of ICorr, for them to offer ICATS in Brazil. This included a presentation in Brazil by Lucia about ICorr at an Industrial Coating Seminar (VI SBPA) organised by ABRACO in December last year (see below).

Tabela 4 – Equivalência para Inspeção de Pintura Industrial Equivalência entre Esquemas e Níveis de Certificação.

Table 4

Turn the page a few times and we are now on the verge of supplying ICATS to Brazil via our overseas training provider IMechE, together with a conversion course for ABRACO paint inspectors to ICorr Paint Inspectors. Mechanisms are being put in place even during Covid to bring ICATS to the South American market in the very near future.

Also, the newly published Petrobras Standard, N-2941 dated 07 / 2020: Personal Competence for Inspection Activities, recognises ICorr Coating inspector levels 2 and 3.

The ‘equivalence’ table for Industrial paint inspector showing equivalence among the schemes and certification levels, can be found under Section 6 – Specific Requirements, item 6.4 – Competence Requirements for industrial Paint Inspector personnel, which is reproduced bottom left.
This is a great recognition for ICorr, and it is hoped other ICorr certifications will be added to the list.

Training Courses

ICATS training has started to resume in the UK, with training centres opening their doors once more. The newest of which is IMechE in Sheffield, normally associated with Painting Inspector and NDT courses. IMechE have trained ICATS trainers and will be working with partner Hodge Clemco for the practical aspects.

Training has also resumed for many of our members including new trainers from Taziker Industrial, Bolton, NWL Group, Merseyside and Galco Steel Ltd, Ireland.

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