ICATS Latest News

Mr Steve Barke, the Managing Director of CORREX (which manages the ICATS programme), retired in December 2019 after several years at the helm. Steve took up the reigns at CORREX during a time of change and created much needed stability and new enthusiasm during this most important phase of ICATS.   Kevin Harold, was appointed as the new MD effective from 1st January 2020, and Steve will remain on the CORREX board and continue to help during 2020.

Towards the end of 2019, meetings were held between CORREX, IMechE and Hodge Clemco, which culminated in the creation of a new ICATS ‘Approved Training Centre’ in Sheffield. The ICATS courses will be delivered in Sheffield starting early 2020, with the theoretical aspects being taught at IMechE and the practical aspects of the courses held two miles down the road at the equally superb facilities of Hodge Clemco.

I think you will agree as a collaboration this has the ‘hallmark’ of quality written all over it.

ICATS Apprenticeship Update

The new Industrial Coatings Apprenticeship scheme started at the beginning of 2019 with CORREX (ICorr) providing the technical information, DN Colleges supplying the mandatory apprentice information and Jack Tighe would deliver the whole package. This was the first Industrial Coating Apprenticeship ever (in the UK).

Training continued throughout 2019, with a second wave of students started training during the summer of 2019.  The first students will complete their apprentice training in May/June of 2020 and our industry will have the first ever qualified, industrial coating applicators apprentices.

Corrosion and Protective Coatings Management, CPCM course

The CPCM course (previously the ‘managers course’) was launched in 2019. It was created for managers and engineers or anyone involved in management of protective coating applications, but who didn’t have the best understanding of what the Industrial Coating Applicator, ICA, was really doing. The one-day course takes attendees on a journey of the ICA and includes, H&S, preparation techniques, ISO standards, paint technology and paint faults. The course has been presented a number of times during 2019, and in fact has proved so popular that it is soon to be mandated for all trainees and apprentices at the Sellafield Nuclear Facility, thereby bridging the gap between management and applicators.  By the time this issue goes to print the latest course would have been delivered, exciting times.

The ICATS Family

ICATS continues to grow in the UK, with new companies joining, new trainers teaching, many more safe applicators on our projects, plus three new approved training centres in 2019.

ICATS has some representation overseas, but the family is about to grow with our delivery partner, IMechE, who have global distribution of many courses that includes Painting Inspection and NDT testing. IMechE will be expanding the ICATS family on a global basis during 2020 under the direction of Director Mr Chris Kirby and his team in Sheffield.

Dates for your diary

For those requiring a company trainer certification, the next ICATS Company Trainer Course will be held on 31st March – 1st April at Corrosion House, Northampton. This course teaches presentation skills, tests knowledge and demonstration of the ICATS ICA, Industrial Coating Applicator course and the ICATS Sprayer and Blaster specialist modules.

The next Supervisor course is on the 25th and 26th of February at Corrosion House. The supervisor course is now mandated in many places/industries including Highways.

Finally, the next Corrosion and Protective Coatings Management course (CPCM) is on the 2nd of April, also at Corrosion House.

Up-to date course information can be found at www.icats-training.org/

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