London Branch

Welcome to the London Branch

The fundamentals of the Institute of Corrosion is for the local Engineering Fraternity to gather, discuss the pro’s and con’s of the latest technology and network.

The branches are therefore located in strategic cities and grouped into six regions. Each Branch is made up with volunteers who work together to engage and provide support to the local engineering communities.

We also work with other Engineering Institutions to provide interesting and diverse topics for discussion at a local level, to include; IMechE, IOM3, Institute of Welding, Institute of Chemical Engineers.

London Branch Committee Members

Paul Brooks – Committee Chair,  Xmas lunch subcom Chair / May social Chair

Ashokan Gopal – Committee Vice chair / Streaming subcom Chair

Brian Goldie – Committee Secretary external / Speaker Chair subcomm

James Glynn – Committee – Treasurer

Anthony Setiadi – Committee – Secretary internal

Ennery Leon – Committee – Speaker subcomm

Chiara Sorrentino – Committee – Streaming subcom

Ali Morshed – Committee – Speaker subcomm

Alejandra Fernandez-Vinas – Committee – Xmas lunch subcomm

Email address:

Branch Meetings

Venue: The Lancaster Hall hotel, 35 Craven Terrace London, W2 3EL

London Branch meetings are held every 2nd Thursday in the month from September to May.

The evening events start at 18.00 with complimentary drinks.

The Technical Presentation starts at 18.30.

There is complementary buffet and a full bar from 19.30 onwards.

The meeting generally closes around 21.00.


The Lancaster Hall hotel

York Hall 

The Lancaster Hall hotel, 35 Craven Terrace London, W2 3EL

Latest News & Newsletters

London Branch

The branch’s February technical meeting was held online, to a large audience including many international attendees, and Mr. Phil Low, presented on “Diversified Approach to Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs).” Philip Low is European/Middle East/GCC Business Development...

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London Branch Online Meeting 13 January 2022

On 13 January 2022 London Branch had an online meeting featuring “Life extension of offshore platforms, through retrofit CP design assisted by modelling’’ – Talk by Dr Paolo Marcassoli, Cathodic Protection and Inspections Manager at Cescor, and Istvan Bartha,...

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Latest News from London Branch

Latest News from London Branch

There was plenty of anticipation for the first in-person technical presentation of the branch since early 2020, a joint meeting with the London Materials Society (the London Branch of IoM3), which was held at the Lancaster Hall Hotel in London. The presentation was...

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London Branch

London Branch

The second technical presentation of 2021 was held on 11th February and featured a talk by Jay Warner, from Dairyland Electrical, who discussed, DC Decouplers – Why Are They Needed? and Improving Speed and Accuracy of CIPS Measurements with 
PCRX Decouplers. Pipelines...

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Local Technical Programme

2024 Presentations