London Branch

The first meeting of the new season is a joint meeting with LMS on 12 October, and the evening has been handed over to the Young ICorr Group, who have organised a presentation by Simon Bowcock of BP on “Corrosion challenges and considerations for the design and installation of 316 stainless steel-clad subsea flowlines’.

The meeting will be held at the usual venue, Imperial College, Skempton Building, London, with the presentation at 18.30, followed by refreshments and networking between 19.30 and 21.00.

For further information please contact or

On 19 October there is a  meeting, organised by the Society of Chemical Industry’s London group, and the Branch entitled “From the Foundations of Electricity to Modern Corrosion Failures “ – see diary page, and advert on page 11.

This free evening event includes two presentations, the first on the historical background of electricity, by Dr F Parrett, and the second on the recent problems of AC Corrosion on pipelines, by Dr David Eyre.

Planning is well underway for the forthcoming 29th Annual Christmas Luncheon which will be held on the 7th December in London at the normal venue, the Royal Overseas League.  Formal advertising and the ability to book tables will take place later in the year.  At this time the London Branch – Luncheon Subcommittee would like to offer companies the opportunity of supporting the event in terms of contributing to the cost of the entertainment and the raffle prizes. All companies who contribute to the cost of the entertainment will receive visual publicity on the day for the duration of the event. If you would like to support this event by providing sponsorship, please email ICorr head office ( indicating the amount, and they will email you an invoice by return. To help with planning, it would be appreciated if you could respond by 31st August.

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