CEOCOR 2025 CONGRESS – ANCONA, ITALY – Call for papers

CEOCOR is the European society that has been studying and reporting on corrosion and protection of buried pipelines for some 50 years. It covers pipelines carrying drinking water, waste water, oil and gas, transmission and distribution, internals and externals. Its...

President Handover

Dear Members, The Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) is very pleased to announce the successful election of Dr Yunnan Gao as its New President and Dr Anthony Setiadi as its New Vice President at its AGM held in Neville Hall, Newcastle on 13 November 2024. Dr Yunnan Gao...

Institute of Corrosion 2024 AGM at Neville Hall

“The Institute offers its many congratulations to our newly elected President – Dr Yunnan Gao”
At the AGM of November 13th held at NE Branch, Stephen Tate passed on the Presidency of ICorr to Yunnan Gao and Yunnan passed on the Vice-Presidency to Anthony Setiadi.
Yunnan brings a wealth of experience to ICorr in many areas of Corrosion Management and has the full support of Council and employer bp.
Anthony also joins with considerable experience in many areas including renewables and Offshore Wind in his extensive work with Wood Thilsted. Together our new Team will move forward with renewed success.

ICorr President and Vice President visit to TUV Shanghai

Download ICorr President and Vice President visit to TUV Shanghai

Join Us for ICorr’s 2024 AGM and Offshore Wind Technical Program

Attend ICorr’s 2024 AGM and Offshore Wind Program in Newcastle. A day packed with insights, networking, and a grand evening reception.

ICorr and University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) Collaboration Meeting in London

On Sunday 28th April 2024, the President (Stephen Tate) and Vice President (Yunnan Gao) had the greatest pleasure in meeting up with the delegation from University of Science and Technology Beijing, USTB,  the foremost University in China for...

The CEOCOR2024 Congress is coming closer and closer

The CEOCOR2024 Congress is coming closer and closer. It is an in person congress, without any possibility for remote or virtual access. All info on, abstracts on Do not forget to register and to book your hotel room as soon as...

A Critical Review of the Science and Engineering of Cathodic Protection of Steel in Soil

Join PRCI and ETH Zurich as they present:  A Critical Review of the Science and Engineering of Cathodic Protection of Steel in Soil and Concrete. Presenter: Ueli Angst, ETH Zurich Presenter: Markus Buchler, Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Korrosionsschutz (SGK)...

Standards Up-date ISO

The following documents have obtained substantial support during the past two months, and have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting, or formal approval. ISO/FDIS 4624 Paints and varnishes — Pull-off test for adhesion (Revision of 2016 standard) ISO/DIS...

Integrity Engineering for a sustainable future

INTEGRITY ENGINEERING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURECall for presentations. The Institute of Corrosion with The North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers are pleased to announce they will be hosting a Sustainability Conference in June 2023. The corrosion...

Welcome to the News Section

Click down the page to the following categories: Insititute News, Industry News, Innovate Products, Ask the Expert and Fellows Corner.

Corrosion Under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation

Corrosion under a layer of insulation is a hidden threat that is very hard to detect. Additionally, it can lead to extensive damage that can burden companies with high reparation costs. Join our successful Corrosion Under Insulation Masterclass led by Dr. Clare Watt...

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Standards Up-date

Standards Up-date

ISO The following documents have obtained substantial support during the past two months and have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting, or formal approval. ISO/FDIS 1463 Metallic and oxide coatings — Measurement of coating thickness — Microscopical...

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Corrosion Under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation

"Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is still a major challenge for the process industries. Despite the publication of guidance and standards and often substantial control spend, there continue to be CUI failures, often in late life, many of which are significant in...

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Due to ongoing global health concerns and travel restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the local organising committee of EUROCORR 2021, in consultation with the EFC were compelled to cancel the physical EUROCORR 2021 congress scheduled for September in...

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Derek Hoskins  9 August 1928 – 11 January 2021

Derek Hoskins 9 August 1928 – 11 January 2021

Derek was born in Ramsgate then the family moved and he went to school in Walton on Thames. He had several jobs before joining Plastic Coatings Limited where he stayed for 34 years. During this time he travelled extensively with his family, working in Farnham,...

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Corrosion Under Insulation Masterclass

Corrosion Under Insulation Masterclass

Listen to warm invitation from Dr. Clare Watt and Dr. Steve Paterson to the Corrosion Under Insulation Masterclass and find out what special features are waiting for you at the upcoming online live edition! Together with the expert trainers, you will take a closer...

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From the Editor

From the Editor

Welcome to another issue of Corrosion Management. The clocks have changed, Spring has finally arrived, and lockdown is being eased, so 
the outlook is now a lot better for our industry and for you, the members of ICorr. The theme of this issue is “Testing and...

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Corrosion Under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation

I am happy to announce that our highly-demanded masterclass is coming back this May. As corrosion hasn’t slowed down in the current climate, make sure to join us online live! Corrosion Under Insulation26 - 28 MAY 2021 | 9:00 – 13:00 CEST These are your key takeaways...

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Standards Up-date

ISO The following documents have obtained substantial support during the past two months and have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting, or formal approval. ISO/DIS 2080 Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Surface treatment, metallic and other...

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Studying the water permeation in coatings

The objective of this new work was to develop and evaluate experimental approaches using different analytical techniques to measure the permeability, diffusivity, and solubility of water in model coatings. These properties are of primary relevance in studies of...

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Efficient inspection of complex piping systems

Efficient inspection of complex piping systems

The interior of pipelines that carry hazardous material are commonly inspected for corrosion and other defects using videoscopes. Long, complex piping is especially difficult to navigate and inspect because of complex bends and potential obstructions. TheIPLEXâ„¢ GAir...

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Institute News

ICorr Wales and South West Updates

ICorr Wales and South West Updates

By Sarah Bagnall In 2024, the Institute of Corrosion took a significant step toward expanding its reach 
and promoting the importance of corrosion prevention in the Wales and South-West region of the UK. With the establishment of the Wales and South-West Regional...

Industry News

Innovative Products

New Passive Fire Protection Coating

New Passive Fire Protection Coating

Global coatings manufacturer Hempel has launched Hempafire Pro 400, a new passive fire protection coating that maintains the stability of steel structures in the event of a fire for up to 120 minutes and has been optimised for maximum efficiency in the loadings for a...

Ask The Expert

Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert

What Stops the Reinforcing Steel in Damp, Porous Concrete from Corroding (Usually)? John Broomfield, Corrosion Engineering Solutions Ltd. Meet the Author John Broomfield John Broomfield is a Fellow of ICorr, AMPP, and the Concrete Society. He is a Chartered Materials...

Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert

Question: Why are coatings often supplemented with cathodic protection to protect against corrosion? Answer: Corrosion is one of the most critical failure mechanisms in structures, installations, components, and mechanical systems, in which materials go through decay...

Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert

The question in this issue looks at the role of an inspector. Question: What makes a good coating inspector? CM Answer: This is an interesting question and has numerous answers in my opinion. Having worked in industry for some 40 odd years, and been on all sides of...

Fellows Corner

Fellow’s Corner

Fellow’s Corner

This series of articles is intended to highlight industry-wide engineering experience, guidance, and focussed advice to practising technologists. It is written by ICorr Fellows who have made significant contributions to the field of corrosion management. This issue...

Fellow’s Corner

This series of articles is intended to highlight industry-wide engineering experience, guidance, and focussed advice to practising technologists. It is written by ICorr Fellows who have made significant contributions to the field of corrosion management. This issue...