Dear Member
The Trustees and Council of the Institute would like to invite you to the 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Thursday 31st October 2019 at the Council Chambers, Chamberlain Room, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB in conjunction with a half day Midlands Branch meeting, including technical corrosion presentations by corrosion experts from across Europe.
Midland Branch Meeting
13:00 – 13:25 Lunch served and time for networking
13:25 – 13:30 Welcome to the meeting and introduction of the Speakers
13:30 – 16:30 Presentations by industry experts
• Dr Markus Büchler, SGK, Switzerland – Mechanism of Cathodic Protection and its Implications on Criteria Including AC and DC Interference Conditions (Key Note Presentation – 1 hour)
15 min Coffee/Tea Break
• Trevor Osbourne, Deepwater Corrosion, UK – 50 Years of Offshore Corrosion Control Experience (30 min)
• Brian Wyatt, Corrosion Control, UK – Cathodic Protection of Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure (30 min)
15 min Coffee/Tea Break
• Chris Wozencroft, Corrosion Engineering, UK – Differences between CP for Pipelines, Marine and Civil Structures (30 min)
16:30 – 17:30 Annual General Meeting
AGM Agenda
1 Apologies for absence
2 Minutes of the previous AGM, November 2018
3 President’s report
4 Treasurer’s report
5 Elections
6 Any other business
The Trustees and members of Council will be available before the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding the Institute and its future.
As in the case of the 2018 AGM, the Institute’s accounts and the minutes for the November 2018 AGM, will be available in advance via the ICorr website
Please examine them and the website in general as we would appreciate your feedback. The website continues to be influential in increasing our membership, influencing the perspective of non-members of ICorr and as a major means of communication with the membership.
Please confirm attendance (for lunch numbers) or apologies for absence, by e-mail to
We look forward to seeing you there.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Jane Lomas
Institute of Corrosion
Honorary Secretary