The President Writes

Dear Members,
A huge welcome to all those who have recently joined the Institute, or are in the process of upgrading their professional membership.

For anyone who has not yet renewed their membership, please do liaise with ICorr HQ,, who will be happy to help you, especially if your contact details have recently changed. If you have no changes, you can use our online link to renew,

As you know, at this time of year we normally review all our subscription rates, however, with exceptional times upon us, we very much recognise some of you may be struggling with increasing financial pressures of late. Exceptionally, and in order to assist you through this difficult period, the ICorr Trustees will not be raising membership rates during 2023.

As an institute, we value every membership and will work hard to assist you wherever we can.
Much has happened since the last issue. Our YEP 2022 winners have recently returned from the AMPP 2023 Conference in Denver, Colorado, after an eye-opening experience learning from SMEs in the industry, making fantastic friends along the way, and gaining new confidence through the Leadership Training programme. We are extremely grateful to AMPP and BP (our key sponsors) in this regard.

During April, we held our hugely successful CED Working Day event at NPL Teddington, which so many enjoyed. Special thanks are due to Danny Burkle and Gareth Hinds, who were ably supported by all three working party chairs, and of course, all the presenters on the day, to make this a fantastic technical event. We were also very pleased to be able to make the Paul McIntyre Award to Dr Roger Francis in person, and to thank Nick Smart after 15 years of CED service as its chair.

Upcoming very soon, we have our Joint conference with the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, on “Integrity Engineering for a Sustainable Future”, at the Neville Hall, Newcastle, Thursday 22nd – Friday 23rd June 2023. Do please register at Integrity Engineering for a Sustainable Future (NEIMME-ICorr Conference) Tickets, Thu 22 Jun 2023 at 09:00 on Eventbrite, or contact

June will also see the roll-out of our new Online CP Bookings System (Dante), spearheaded by Eva Whittaker. Across all our Training Activities we are striving to achieve both growth and improvements to the range of our offerings. Please do check this out yourselves at:

In August, we will once again be offering our Corrosion Awareness Day in Aberdeen, which has proved very popular in previous years. Register early at if you would like to attend this, or receive other ICorr Aberdeen event communications.

All our branches are becoming increasingly active in the UK and we soon hope to have some Overseas offerings too!

On that very positive note, l will sign off and wish you all a great summer ahead.

Stephen Tate
President: Institute of Corrosion

How the Institute of Corrosion operates – Professional Assessment Committee

How the Institute of Corrosion operates – Professional Assessment Committee

The Professional assessment Committee (PAC) is responsible for the evaluation and assessment of applications for Professional Membership of the Institute of Corrosion (TICorr, MICorr and FICorr), plus applications for Chartered Scientist and, via the cathodic protection sub-committee, Cathodic Protection Personnel Certification. PAC reports to the Council of ICorr through the Trustees. The committee consists of a Chair and at least 5 other members. The maximum number of all members should not normally exceed 10, and is currently around that size, although new assessors are always welcome. The Chair of PAC is nominated by the ICorr Council.
The members of PAC are expected to be Professional Members of the Institute and to have extensive experience in various disciplines within the corrosion industry or academia. Members of the committee may be nominated by any Professional Member or ICorr Member, and are ultimately appointed by the PAC Chair. The normal term of membership is 4 years, although any member approaching this is eligible for re-nomination. The Chair is also awarded on a 4-year basis, with the option for re-nomination by Council. The PAC’s terms of reference are to assess applications for Professional Membership in compliance with Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) requirements, including unconscious bias. All information provided by the applicant is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is not discussed or passed on to any third party in accordance with the Data Protection Regulations. Applications are checked for compliance with the Membership Regulations for education, training, and experience, as appropriate to the grade, and must be accompanied by two references, at least one of which must be from a Professional Member of the Institute. In exceptional circumstances, appropriately certificated and qualified members of other bodies may be acceptable at the discretion of the Chair.

Applications for Professional Membership are sent to 3 members of the PAC Committee (providing they are not also acting as a referee) for assessment and recommendation of suitability for Professional Membership at the grade appropriate to their experience. Where unanimous approval is not received, the PAC Chair adjudicates (with the assistance of the President if considered necessary) and recommends whatever action or consultation is considered appropriate. This may involve the arrangement of a meeting (currently on-line or by telephone, but face-to-face whenever possible) to discuss the candidate’s application and address any concerns that may have been identified by the Professional Assessors. The PAC Chair prepares a report of approved applications for presentation and approval by Council, circulated ahead of Council Meetings, and on approval, the appropriate Certificates are signed by the President and sent to the successful applicant. Successful candidates are announced in Corrosion Management, normally in the January/February issue, unless requested otherwise. The members of PAC only meet, either in person or on-line, at the discretion of the Chair. In general, communication is carried out by email or post, with the applicant’s files only retained for record purposes at Head Office. All applicant’s information and assessments are treated as confidential and held in the Member file in Head Office, and retained for up to 5 years upon leaving the Institute.

The procedures employed by the PAC, together with the Membership Regulations, are reviewed every 12 months and updated as required, following discussions with the Professional Assessors and President and subject to their approval.

The current PAC Chair is Paul Lambert, and there is a recently introduced Vice-Chair position that is currently vacant. Anyone who is interested in joining the PAC as a Professional Assessor should contact Paul via email on

Industry News Appointment of new Engineering Council Chair

Appointment of new Engineering Council Chair

The Engineering Council has announced the appointment of Prof John Chudley CEng FIMarEST to the position of Chair of the Engineering Council’s Board of Trustees. John will take up the role in June 2023 at the Engineering Council’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), at which Professor Chris Atkin CEng FRAeS FREng formally completes his term as Chair.
John has served on the Engineering Council’s Board of Trustees since 2017 and chairs the Registration Standards Committee. He was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Engineering Council in 2021, including supporting the implementation of the Engineering Council’s 2025 Strategy. He has also worked with the Civil Service, including serving as Director of the Learning and Skills Council and the National Apprenticeship Service, where he was instrumental in the development of Higher Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships.

The President Writes

The President Writes

Dear Members, firstly, may l add my own welcome and best wishes for the year ahead to all our membership, wherever you may be based. ICorr is expanding Internationally and will continually seek to find ways to serve you in your work, in a friendly and accessible manner.

I am deeply honoured to have been elected to serve you as your President for the next 2 years and to follow in the footsteps of Dr Bill Hedges, who has laid very solid foundations for the Institute going forwards and guided me diligently throughout my vice Presidency. I am also very appreciative of all the goodwill messages l have received from you in recent weeks.

Particular thanks are due to my colleagues of ICorr Aberdeen committee, who have supported me extremely well over the last 10 years in my various roles as Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. Dr Yunnan Gao, also a previous branch chair will join me as vice President along with Bill as our Immediate Past President, who have vast industry experience. This combined experience has been invaluable in preparing me for my new daily duties as your President and as a member of ICorr Council and its board of Trustees.

I expect by the time you receive this latest edition of the magazine, which sadly may be the very last by our current editor Brian Goldie, we shall be well into the first chapter of 2023 but many more Institute activities still await us through our YICorr organisation, across all our regional branches, and operating divisions.

Over the next few weeks and months, I’ll be meeting teams and visiting our branches to gain a deeper understanding of ICorr. I am really looking forward to spending time with you, learning more about our operating divisions, what is working well, and listening to your ideas and suggestions, around where we can make enhancements together.

We have already made a fantastic start to the year with the signing of our new 10year training agreement in January with IMechE to deliver ICorr developed courses globally along with Corrodere who continue to support us with our online training course delivery, plus Square One, and Eva Whittaker’s great work in modernising our CP course bookings system.

It was a great pleasure recently to meet with our branch members at the London Branch luncheon in December, a fantastic event as always. Also, to meet with committee members from our reactivated North-East branch in Newcastle, and to see both of these in-person events so well supported. The YICorr Xmas quiz was a great closer to a very active year which included a spectacular Young Engineer Programme final in Aberdeen. Many congratulations to Team 5 on their success.

Please do use all available opportunities to network with ICorr, to learn more about us, learn about each other, and the industries that we all work to serve.
Our Birmingham 1-Day conference on February 9th will bring together many of our award winners, several of our sustaining companies and training providers, in the splendid setting of the City Chambers. April 27th will take us to NPL, Teddington, for four Corrosion Engineering Division Working Day, and June 22nd and 23rd will feature our main 2-day Sustainability and Renewables Conference. August 29th will again see Aberdeen host its well-respected annual 1-day Corrosion Awareness event.

At ICorr HQ our staff – Denise Aldous, Becky Hurst, Patricia Bridge, Melanie Dunn, and Maureen Spittles, will be very active supporting you, and hosting several new ICorr training courses, ICATS seminars and examinations, throughout the year.

Our Hybrid technical programmes will continue over the coming months. Do please check regularly the ICorr Website, Upcoming Events – Institute of Corrosion ( and ICorr News – Industry Updates – Institute of Corrosion (

Corrosion management and prevention remains a very specialised field with many sub disciplines, some of which we will strive to become operating experts in, and others that we require a sound understanding of their principles, to engage with others constructively for the preservation of our infrastructure.
ICorr through its activities, seeks to provide a sound and safe basis to all those following careers in corrosion, at all levels and to provide opportunities for advancement to all.

I sincerely hope that you will join me on my journey over the 2 years and l of course welcome any of your suggestions, do please contact me on any aspect of the Institute’s work at,

With my very best wishes for the weeks and months ahead.

Stephen Tate
President: Institute of Corrosion

Institute of
Stephen Tate.

Cathodic Protection Courses

Cathodic Protection, Training, Assessment and Certification Scheme The Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) Cathodic Protection, Training, Assessment and Certification Scheme is an International Certification Scheme that evaluates the competence levels of cathodic...