Electrochem 2024

Electrochem 2024

Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Corrosion, Society of Chemical  Industries and Manchester Metropolitan university would like to welcome you to Electrochem2024 to be held 11-13 Sept at the new John Dalton Science and Engineering Building. Please reserve the...

ICorr Annual General Meeting and Mini-Conference

On 1st November 2023 the Institute held its first in-person AGM since 2021, due to the prevailing COVID pandemic. We were hosted by the Birmingham Science Museum (Thinktank). ICorr greatly appreciates all those who travelled to help make the event a success and, of course, offers its thanks to the staff of Thinktank, that provided some magnificent catering on the day.

In support of the AGM, the Midlands Branch organised a very well received, multi-subject corrosion awareness event covering automated CUI monitoring case studies, corrosion control solutions for reinforced concrete and steel, holistic corrosion data management and recent advances in NDT and corrosion training by our key training partners Corrodere and IMechE. This followed on from a similar successful mini-conference held by the Midlands Branch in February 2023 at the Birmingham Council Chambers.

Our keynote speaker was Ryan Finlayson, discussing Holistic Data Management. The founder of Rysco Corrosion Services Inc. and the Rysco Group of Companies, a corrosion-focused set of businesses with international operations, services, and manufacturing. From their humble beginnings, working from his garage in 2007, Ryan and his growing team have continued to pursue technical innovation and value-added solutions for all their worldwide clients. Prior to Rysco Corrosion, Ryan worked for 7 years with Baker Hughes in their production chemistry division, learning about applied field techniques for many applications, including corrosion prevention. These experiences helped him prepare the solid foundations of Rysco by placing an emphasis on the importance of continuing education, knowledge sharing, and employee development.

Rysco are a long-time contributor to international corrosion associations, and champions these to evolve and improve the corrosion industry. With a formal education in engineering and business, Ryan is a promoter of skill acquisition within his companies and a firm believer that supporting educational initiatives build strength. The company recently hosted the Aberdeen Corrosion Awareness Event in August 2023, attended by more than 50 delegates.

Prafull Sharma then spoke to us on Automated CUI Monitoring Case Studies with examples from around the Globe, including UK upstream and downstream applications. Prafull is an inventor and the Chief Technology Officer of Corrosion Radar, with core expertise in Industry 4.0, Industrial IOT, Predictive Analytics and Sensing Technologies. Prafull obtained his PhD from Cranfield University UK. He has over fifteen years’ experience in industrial automation and sensing technology development, particularly for the Energy, Aviation and Chemical industry. He is also credited with over fifteen international patents and innovations. Corrosion Radar’s sensor technologies are now being widely adopted with support funding from Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures (SAEV) and NZTC (formerly OGTC – Oil and Gas Technology Centre) in the UK.

Christian Stone later joined us from Concrete Preservation Technologies (CP Tech).

Christian’s time has focused on the research and development of Corrosion Management Systems, working on surveying and corrosion in RAAC as a part of the University of Loughborough RAAC Research Team, and supporting teams all over the world to manage the corrosion risks of their structures. Christian has published on many aspects of corrosion and leads research to support the NHS in their issues with corrosion in RAAC.

His most informative talk focused on concrete repairs using galvanic anodes, consideration of their performance, and acceptance in reference to MCHW 5700 (Specification for Highway Works), and in particular, understanding the science around patch repairs.

In the afternoon, it was the turn of our two key external training partners – Corrodere and IMechE to update us on their recent activities. Both organisations have long-term relationships with ICorr and provide training to many hundreds of applicants every year, leading to formal certification by ICorr assessors following periods of industrial experience.

Lucy gave a great insight into the world of a training partner and how it interfaces with industry, the community, prospective course attendees, and its relationship with ICorr, particularly with regard to online training provision, which has grown enormously with the COVID pandemic. Lucy has worked with the Corrodere Academy for many years and is involved with its daily operations, development, and global growth.

She was instrumental in the expansion of the Train the Painter’ programme around the world.
Dale from IMechE then closed our AGM technical programme with a very informative talk on recent advances in corrosion and NDT training, describing their excellent classroom teaching facilities at their Sheffield and Fife operations. IMechE now provides NDT and coatings training, examinations, and NDT consultancy services around the world.

As ICorr Manager, he now supports all ICorr-related training development, providing secure IT systems for their new online training options and their day-to-day training centre operations. Dale is a driven and passionate individual who is keen to ensure training-related projects are delivered on schedule and within agreed budgets. He has been working closely with ICorr since 2020, with his involvement ramping up in 2021 and 2022, leading to him taking on the ICorr Manager role earlier this year from Chris Kirby, (now a Business Coach and Strategic Business Developer at REBLADE of Denmark).

Each year, the Institute of Corrosion bestows a range of internationally renowned awards in recognition of excellence in corrosion science and engineering and to reward outstanding service to the Institute and the wider corrosion community. Our Institute was extremely proud to announce the selection of Trevor Osborne FICorr (Hon), NACE Corrosion Specialist, for this year’s H.G. Cole Award and presented at the AGM. The most prestigious award is made in recognition of exceptional services to the development of the institute.

It is only awarded on an occasional basis, reflecting the highest possible level of commitment of the recipient to the activities of the institute. The inaugural H.G. Cole Award (in the form of a poignard) was presented to Charles Booker in 1997 by Gwen Cole (wife of the late Henry Cole) in recognition of his many years of service as Honorary Secretary of the Institute. The modern form of the award is a plaque whose design captures the essence of the original poignard. Trevor is a Past President of the Institute of Corrosion and long-standing Chair of the Board of its commercial arm, Correx Ltd. He is Managing Director of Deepwater Corrosion Services (UK) Ltd and has worked in the Energy Industry for over 43 years, with very wide experience of corrosion control and project execution.The institute offers its sincere congratulations to Trevor on this magnificent achievement.

Following some excellent presentations and the awards ceremony, the day’s events closed with our formal institute AGM presented by current President Stephen Tate along with George Winning, our new ICorr Treasurer.

This part of the days programme included a detailed update of our account’s status, along with the latest updates to our re-organisation and growth plans, to be presented formally to ICorr Council in February 2024.

Our congratulations were also offered to our Lionel Shreir, Paul McIntyre and U. R. Evans Award winners for 2023, along with our thanks for special contributions made to the Institute by: Bill Hedges, Brian Goldie, David Harvey, Gareth Hinds and Tony Collins – Council Members who have all offered exceptional service and helped make it an outstanding year in terms of taking the Institute forward to the next phase of its development both internationally and within the UK.

Full details of all proceedings, discussions, and votes taken may be found in the ICorr Website Members Area at: www.icorr.org/members-area/

Thanks to all for supporting this unique event in the institute’s calendar. The relaunched Midlands Branch is planning further technical meetings for later in the session. We are pleased to welcome Prafull Sharma to this committee. For other general inquiries about events or supporting the branch, please feel free to get in touch with Bill Whittaker, Midlands Chair, at midlandschair@icorr.org
All the AGM + Feb. 23 Mini-Conference technical presentations may be found at: www.icorr.org/midlands/ please scroll down to Local Technical Programme – 2023 Presentations.

Midlands Chair Bill Whittaker and CPSM introducing the Conference and ICorr AGM.

Speaker 1 – Ryan Finlayson, CEO & President, Rysco Corrosion Services, Alberta, Canada.

Speaker 2 – Prafull Sharma Inventor and the Chief Technology Officer of Corrosion Radar.

Speaker 3 – Christian Stone, technical consultant, Concrete Preservation Technologies.

Speaker 4 – Lucy Pavia, Commercial Director of Corrodere.

Speaker 5 – Dale O’Reilly, ICorr Manager & Business Systems Manager of IMechE.

Speaker 6 – Stephen Tate, ICorr President.

Speaker 7 – George Winning, new ICorr treasurer.

H. G. Cole Award to Trevor Osborne at AGM with President Stephen Tate.

Celebrating 10th Anniversary of INWED – International Women in Engineering Day (June 23rd)

Celebrating 10th Anniversary of INWED – International Women in Engineering Day (June 23rd)

The Beginning
UK National Women in Engineering Day held annually on June 23rd, a movement started by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) the forerunner to International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), and first took place in the UK in 2014. The objective behind this WES initiative was to raise the profile of women in engineering. The day gained support from UNESCO two years later, raising awareness on a global scale. Finally, in 2017, the day was celebrated on an international level for the first time. The day was first observed internationally in 2017 – a day that honours and celebrates the tenacious efforts made by female engineers.

The main goals of the day are to raise awareness and promote female participation in the engineering field. INWED recognises importance of female engineering pioneers, who are frequently overlooked. The awareness campaigns are to equip young girls with boundless opportunities to help them carve a niche for themselves. INWED also gives a platform to conduct outreach programmes with younger generations and early career professionals. The initiative has listed 40 UK-based events, with many more occurring elsewhere, to deliver and support learning sessions.

This year will mark the 10th celebration of International Women in Engineering Day. Every year the day is attributed to different themes and INWED 2023 theme is ‘Make Safety Seen’ to highlight how female engineers have broken through barriers in creating technology for a safe future. It also serves as a platform to discuss the actions that can be taken to ensure a safe personal environment for female engineers to work in.

INWED 23 Celebrations and Awards
Various events, including webinars, podcasts, award ceremonies, and tours, were held to mark INWED 23 by businesses, organisations, and educational institutions. Several INWED 2023 events are listed on following website: https://www.inwed.org.uk/events/
A new free gallery at London’s Science Museum was opened to public on Friday 23rd June. The gallery will explore how engineers
change the world.

RWE, the UK’s electricity generator celebrated International Women in Engineering Day by hosting a tour of the largest wind farm in
Welsh waters.

CORROSION journal hosted a podcast in which Dr Jen Locke, from The Ohio State University, and Dr Erin Karasz, from Sandia National Laboratories, discussed their careers in materials science and engineering.

Women Engineers Making News
Sharon Harte of Dacrylate Paints was elected President of British Coatings Federation (BCF). Sharon taking over from Guy Williams and becomes the first female President of the BCF – or its predecessor organisations – in its 111-year history. For the 2023 British Coatings Federation (BCF) Annual Conference, more than 150 top business leaders and decision-makers from the UK’s paints, coatings and printing ink industries gathered in Derby.

Within the Transport sector, Kris Kinnear, capital delivery director at Network Rail recently commented:

“As an industry, we are keen to encourage more young women and girls to get involved in engineering opportunities and careers. Visits such as these support our platform of diversity and inclusion, and help us to promote the role and contribution female engineers play in the industry on a daily basis.

“As an industry, we are keen to encourage more young women and girls to get involved in engineering opportunities and careers. Visits such as these support our platform of diversity and inclusion, and help us to promote the role and contribution female engineers play in the industry on a daily basis.

“It’s great to see the work of female engineers being acknowledged finally.”

Amongst our younger Corrosion Members, Claudia Martinez Pinon from Corrosion Radar is an excellent example of someone who has excelled within her role in our Industry. Graduating from Universidad de Oviedo with BSc (Hons) in Industrial Chemical Engineering and Specialization in Environmental Engineering and Sustainability, she joined Corrosion Radar (CUI Sensor specialists) in May 2019 and has since gone onto develop a very wide skill set in Corrosion Management areas – Algorithm Development, Risk Management, Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Project Management, Research and Development (R&D), Data Analysis and Experimental Design.

See also: https://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/news/levenmouth-offers-a-platform-for-women-in-engineering
Within our own Institute of Corrosion, Dr Jane Lomas regularly delivers our Fundamentals of Corrosion Engineering (FOCE) course. Attendees on the course are given a wide-ranging introduction to all major aspects of corrosion engineering.

Successful completion of the course and the associated examination is required for obtaining Professional Membership of ICorr for those without either formal qualifications in corrosion or the relevant field experience. The course is based very much on practical information with hands-on examples as well as relevant background theory.

The next FOCE Course dates are week commencing: 13 – 17th November 2023 to be held at Northampton



Dr Jane Lomas, ICorr Trustee and Honorary Secretary

More information on INWED 23 can be obtained from: inwed.org.uk

Upcoming issues of Corrosion Management will include articles about women in the corrosion community and highlight their career journey. These articles will discuss the motivation for their careers, the benefits of diversity and inclusion to the field, and challenges they have experienced, as well as their advice to young corrosion professionals.



The 2022 YEP programme was chaired during the year by Hooman Takhtechian FICorr, and has been previously documented at: https://www.icorr.org/young-engineers-programme-yep-winners-night/ and see also (24) Post | LinkedIn

The five winning YEP delegates listed below all attended the 2023 AMPP exhibition, full conference, and leadership programme. The Institute of Corrosion is extremely grateful to AMPP, and to BP (our key sponsor) for making this all possible. Each of the YEP participants has produced a comprehensive journal, and these will be published in subsequent issues of the magazine (the first appears in this issue), as we move towards the start of the YEP 2024 programme.
YEP delegates at AMPP in 2023 were:
• Christopher Slater
• Eilidh MacDonald
• Jamie Hillier
• Lee Hunter
• Praveena Nanthakumaran, (who was on the winning team for the 2020 YEP competition but was unable to attend at that time)

Rosie Bird (from the 2022 winning team) was unfortunately not able to go to the AMPP event this year but it has been agreed that she will attend AMPP in 2025, alongside the 2024 winning team.

During October 2023, the winning students will make a presentation of their experiences to Aberdeen branch, and this will be available to all ICorr members, as a hybrid event to which AMPP and Young ICorr members will be invited.

AMPP Retiring President
During the AMPP 23 event, a “thank you” plaque was presented to retiring AMPP CEO – Bob Chalker. Bob will be succeeded by Alan Thomas with a 2 month handover until July 2023.
The YEP wishes to express its gratitude to all the AMPP, BP and ICorr management teams, for their support and assistance provided for their 2023 visit, which was a huge success and greatly enjoyed by all. Some of the YEP winners’ comments are extracted here below, and their full journals will be published as space permits

YEP / AMPP – Delegate Feedback
• The YEP programme was a huge success. I developed my technical, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills, to a huge extent. I got to play so many different roles that I simply would not get exposure to during my usual day job as subsea engineer. At times I felt like a leader, a follower, a technical consultant, and a salesman. The value of the programme was really demonstrated to me through the opportunity to play these roles, (Jamie Hillier – Senior Subsea Engineer at Xodus Group, Aberdeen).

• If you are just starting your career as a young engineer and are interested in corrosion, I highly recommend applying for the ICorr’s YEP. It was an eye-opening experience. I have learned from SMEs in the industry, made fantastic friends along the way, and gained new and exciting opportunities through the programme. Additionally, the AMPP conference (and Leadership programme) winner’s prize, is incredibly valuable for knowledge transfer, networking, and potentially finding new clients or services for your company, (Praveena Nanthakumaran – Mechanical Engineering Graduate at Worley, London).

YEP – AMPP Visit prize – Leadership Programme / Conference / Exhibition / Awards
• On arrival at the event, we participated in a team building activity after being familiarised with the Drexler-Sibbet team performance model. This was a great way to get involved with other participants and build connections with them. The ‘carpet maze’ required us to work as a team to figure out the correct route to cross the mat without being able to talk to each other, in a limited time frame. This exercise was a practical way to teach us certain things that are directly applicable to the problems we face in a professional setting. Often, we just see our end goal, but to achieve this, mistakes will be made, side steps will need to be taken, and sometimes you even need to go backwards – it’s never just a straight route! (Eilidh MacDonald – Coatings Engineer at Subsea7, Aberdeen).
• The leadership programme experience left me feeling much more confident to go forward with my leadership and management skills, as I was able to develop effective communication skills. It gave me a good understanding of effective leadership, to make me feel much more confident going ahead as a leader to manage change. Also increasing my experience on how to navigate situations with heightened emotions effectively, being able to read a room and recognising what actions to take, through better emotional intelligence, depending on scenarios faced in professional and personal situations, (Christopher Slater – Project Engineer at STORK, Aberdeen).

AMPP 23 Conference – Participant Feedback
• I realised just how busy this conference was when I tried go to the Surface Preparation lectures – there wasn’t even standing room left! (Eilidh MacDonald – Coatings Engineer at Subsea7, Aberdeen).
• The AMPP seminars provided practical tips and strategies for overcoming challenges, and the opportunity to learn from industry experts was invaluable. I left the conference feeling inspired and motivated to apply the knowledge and insights I
had gained to my work, (Lee Hunter – Operations Manager at
AIM Group, Aberdeen).

AMPP 23 Exhibition – Participant Feedback
• Highlights of the exhibition for me were spending time discussing technologies on the market with various vendors. This included talking through pigging solutions to wax-filled pipelines, retrofit ICCP system solutions, and remote UT monitoring sensors. Being able to discuss these technologies and then bring back learnings from them into projects I’m working on would’ve been worth the trip to Denver alone, (Jamie Hillier – Senior Subsea Engineer at Xodus Group, Aberdeen).
• I was impressed by the diversity of the AMPP exhibitors and the range of products and services they offered. From coatings and corrosion protection solutions to equipment and instrumentation, the exhibitor hall had something for everyone, (Lee Hunter – Operations Manager at AIM Group, Aberdeen).

AMPP 23 Awards – Participant Feedback
• The EMERG Leaders Awards Ceremony at the Filmore in Denver, sponsored by BP was absolutely fantastic, and we were invited on stage to receive our ICorr YEP awards from Stephen Tate. It was also great to celebrate the achievement with the friends we had made on the MDLP earlier in the week, some of whom were also receiving awards that night. The atmosphere, the band, and the food (and drinks!) were great, and the night was definitely my highlight of the trip, (Eilidh MacDonald – Coatings Engineer at Subsea7, Aberdeen).
• The evening of entertainment and networking that followed the ceremony was a great opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and learn from their experiences. Overall, it was a truly memorable event, and I feel privileged to have been a part of it, (Lee Hunter – Operations Manager at AIM Group, Aberdeen).

YEP 2024
We look forward, of course, to the next YEP competition, starting in January 2024, which will be managed by our very successful YICorr division, and take place in London. This 11-month programme provides a great opportunity for young engineers to expand their knowledge in corrosion management and engineering, and to combine it with their experience in energy and other industries.

The programme is designed to offer the following benefits:
1. Attendees will gain practical skills and knowledge on key issues in the energy industries, including Net-Zero technologies.
2. The lectures and workshops will form part of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the Institute of Corrosion. Additional attendance at local branch technical meetings will be encouraged where possible.
3. Attendees will develop teamwork and presentation skills from the workshops.
4. CPD points will contribute to participants’ progression to MICorr and Chartership.
5. Excellent opportunities for networking.
6. Increasing the skill level for engineers and decreasing the gap in knowledge between new and senior engineers, overall facilitating a better working environment within the sector.

All students will go through a series of evening lectures and be given a case study. Events will be held once a month from January to November (excluding August). Following is a list of the topics covered during the programme:

• Fundamentals of Corrosion • Cathodic Protection.
• Coatings & Linings
• Corrosion under Insulation/Fire Proofing
• Integrity Management / Fitness for Service
• Materials / Welding • NDT and Corrosion Monitoring
• Production Chemistry / Chemical Treatments
• Presentation Skills, (in the form of ‘How to solve a corrosion case study’ – This will cover the basics to presentation skills anecdotally but importantly teach the participants the keys to problem solving in the corrosion world)

James McGladdery will co-ordinate the next programme on behalf of YICorr, who can be contacted at:
James.McGladdery@uknnl.com, Tel: +44 (0)1946 556 600

Denver Conference Centre, Colorado.

YEP Winners, BP Sponsor and President at AMPP 2023 – (L to R),
Praveena Nanthakumaran, Eilidh MacDonald, Jamie Hillier, Timothy Bieri, Stephen Tate, Lee Hunter and Christopher Slater.

Presentation of the YEP Awards at the Filmore.

Plaque to Bob Chalker, retiring CEO of AMPP.

Aberdeen Branch

Aberdeen Branch

On Tuesday 28th March 2023, the
branch meeting welcomed Dr Kevin McDonald – Sonomatic, with a talk entitled ‘Effective pipework analysis and inspection planning using Digital Twins’.

Kevin is a principal integrity engineer within Sonomatic’s integrity team in Aberdeen. He is a mathematician with a PhD in computing science. He has extensive experience in data analytics and inspection planning for pipework, pressure vessels and pipelines, co-authoring the recommended practice for Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) as applied to pressure vessels. As well as integrity consulting, he is involved in the technical capability development for Sonomatic’s integrity team with a focus on statistical approaches. Recently, he has been involved in developing a statistics-based method of inspection planning and evaluation applied to subsea pipelines for a major operator.

Effective pipework analysis and inspection planning using digital twins

The integrity of pipework is essential for the safe and reliable operation of process plants. Inspections are traditionally performed at large numbers of individual test points, with results recorded in an inspection database. In general, this data is subject to relatively simple analysis, with the results used in integrity management decisions. However, this traditional approach can be heavily influenced by poor processes, outliers, or errors for example: incorrect entry of results, not recording higher thickness readings than those obtained previously, and inconsistencies in inspection location, are some examples of how error can be introduced into this process. This could lead to poor integrity decisions and misinterpretation of wall thickness trends. Analysis of pipework data, which is in general restricted to the difference between two thickness readings relative to the dates the readings were taken, can then be driven by measurement error.
Kevin proposed a novel alternative is to consider historic datasets as a whole and look at long-term statistical behaviour to consider how corrosion could be affecting pipework. This approach looks at whole datasets to determine behaviour before considering any sub-groupings of data points that are showing similar behaviour. The Sonomatic developed SPiDARS software accommodates many data formats. Boxplots can be used to display the whole of an inspection history in one view. In this example a normalised view allows all schedules of pipe to be compared. Boxplots can also be used to provide a quick overview of long-term trends (up or down) and can show stability over several years or highlight changes graphically that cannot be seen from data alone, due to spreads and errors affecting judgement.

The illustrated example shows a downward long-term trend indicative of increased corrosion activity. It provides context and a jump in the final result, indicating replacement of the pipe. Data can also be grouped for pipes by diameter which can show that larger pipes seem to have more corrosion issues than smaller ones, or by pipe configuration feature type such as bends, caps, reducers, or straight sections to search for trends.
Corrosion rates determined from Non Destructive Testing ( NDT) generally trend toward wall loss percentile values as the principal criteria. Looking at group trends mitigates measurement error and gives more accurate short and long-term corrosion rate estimates. Any point showing a concerning trend can be extrapolated to predict when an alarm limit may be reached. Corrosion rate data can be plotted in different ways to try and identify issues such as localised and unusual corrosion rates. Lots of data on wall thickness measurement may just behave in a linear sense such as presented here for selected years and locations – nothing unusual is shown and general corrosion is happening at expected rates.

Sonomatic have developed 3 different inspection planning methodologies. The Type 2 methodology was further discussed with steps detailed below:
• Define corrosion state (is it what we expect to find)
• Define a corrosion coverage from previous results
• Define extent of corroded material
• Define thresholds of concern (based on historic results)
• Consider points flagged as over/under inspected
• Consider expected corrosion mechanisms that have a bearing on applied technique
• Define detection threshold
• Define probability of detection (POD)
This approach is underpinned by simple and effective access to the data, which is linked to a 3D mini digital twin.

The mini-Twin also hosts a variety of data, as well as individual test points, corrosion maps, and can house inspection histories, photographs, and further data analysis of corrosion rates, fitness for service etc. 3D is used to present data in efficient ways to quickly provide an overview of the health of the pipework circuit, for example inspection frequency, inspection count, corrosion rates, all of which is valuable information for engineers and asset stakeholders.

Considering sub-groupings of features within a pipework circuit has several benefits – a more representative statistical corrosion rate can be calculated per sub-group that will yield better insight into corrosion behaviour, and an illustration of points that could have been over inspected or under inspected, and information on features that may be of concern on other circuits. This methodology can deliver more efficient and targeted inspections, which represents significant cost savings in the form of lower inspection costs, and better planning of when repair or replacement may be necessary.
• Data is screened on upload for spurious points and has automated and electronic reporting. New inspection data can be uploaded to it to refine analysis and it links to mini-Twin.
• Inspection recommendations from SPiDARS are fed into the digital twin for ease of issue. Data extrapolation can be done within the digital twin, and also by SPiDARS – as they talk to each other. This will flag when repair or maintenance is required.

This was a fascinating and very worthwhile presentation from Kevin, that generated much interest from the online audience.

During April, the branch held two events, firstly, a joint hybrid event with the Marine Corrosion Forum, on the 25th April at the Palm Court Hotel. This was followed by an industrial visit to ICR’s premises at the Bridge of Don, to which MCF members were invited, with several demonstrations of ICR’s technology initiatives.
The industrial visit was split into group presentations in rotation for 6 demonstrations, which showed examples of ICR’s core business activities:

• Chemical Injection / Corrosion Monitoring
• OMNI Integrity Management Software.
• QuickFlange™ Weldless Connectors
• Sky-Futures™ Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Inspection
• Technowrap ™ Engineered Composite Repairs
• INSONO Composite Wrap Integrity Inspection

Chemical injection / corrosion monitoring services are provided throughout the energy sector by ICR who have specialist tooling and trained engineers for retrieving corrosion monitoring coupons, probes, and quills into live pipeline valve stations. The pre-installed fittings on the pipes allow threaded plugs, which carry the mounted coupons, to be inserted into the pipe. This is carried out using either mechanical or hydraulic, telescopic portable tooling, which, through the valve gate, can introduce fresh coupons of pipe grade material which sit within the line for the study period and suffer metal loss through corrosion in the fluid stream. Recovery of the coupons allows weight loss assessment and corrosion pattern study, which can be used to evaluate the
corrosive nature of the fluid and help provide remedial measures such as chemical injection solutions, for which ICR supplies a range of pumping equipment.

OMNI is a cloud-based integrity management software that enables full-lifecycle digitalisation to be tailored and implemented in line with organisational requirements and can connect directly to the latest advancements in technology, such as digital twins (as described above), robotics, and corrosion sensors. OMNI is configured as an ‘all in one’ platform, able to capture all integrity and inspection data formats, compare and provide real-time defect detection and enable the close-out through anomaly and repair –- offering improvements to operational safety and reliability. Organisations can communicate and manage operational workflows more effectively using OMNI’s innovative features such as process automation, tracking and online collaboration, allowing for better safety and operational risk management and supporting legislative compliance.

ICR also offers on-site weldless, flange to pipe connections (Quickflange TM), which are effected using a hydraulic, colleted ram system. The flanges to be fitted to the pipe have an annular groove in the inside of the flange into which the wall of the pipe can be expanded using tooling inserted inside the pipe end. The hydraulic ram contains a split collet which expands inside the pipe and forces a ring of the pipe wall into the flange grove. This provides a weldless metal to metal gas tight seal which is dressed each end with Belzona sealant to prevent water ingress to the junction. This can be performed on pipe to flange connections in any remote situation for 3” up to 15” connections. A full demonstration of the operation was performed on 10” pipe using a hydraulic compressor and ram, and sectioned flanges were offered to the audience as proof of the integrity and bond.

ICR also offers on-site weldless, flange to pipe connections (Quickflange TM) which is affected using a hydraulic, colleted ram system. The flanges to be fitted to the pipe have an annular groove in the inside of the flange

Sky-Futures™ UAS drone inspection devices are a relatively new addition to ICR’s services, and these are widely used across the energy sector including more recently for integrity assessment in the Beatrice wind farm in Scotland’s Moray Firth, as was further discussed at the event.

The turbine’s support structure and blades had exhibited various forms of damage and irregularities, including cracks and compromised safety components, previously identified by rope access personnel. Furthermore, as the turbines were due to reach the end of their service life in the next five years, it was crucial to visually confirm the structures’ overall condition and ensure their continued functionality. This method has reduced the exposure of personnel to working at height and enabled a swift and thorough inspection deploying ultra-high-resolution imagery, to evaluate identified anomalies. The following component areas of the two turbines were successfully inspected to identify any potential dropped objects, or other conditions which could impact the safe decommissioning of the turbines later including:

• Access platforms
• Jackets
• Nacelles
• Support towers
• Turbine blades
The detailed reports and accompanying imagery later provided the client with a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the turbines and their support structures, serving as a crucial component of their future decommissioning strategy.

Technowrap ™ Engineered Composite repair solutions widely used in the North Sea were presented for pipework and structural beam strengthening. These repairs use glass and carbon fibre cloth, which is soaked in epoxy and then systematically wrapped around surface prepared pipes, T-junctions, elbows or structural beam sections, to cover and reinforce damaged or thinned areas of pipe or steelwork. The wrapping fibre used has a woven nature and anisotropic strength. Once wrapped, a compression bandage is added, and within 24 hours, the epoxy laden fibre will reach full cured strength.

The wrap system is ideal for situations where emergency or temporary repair is required but is often suitable (when fully engineered at the outset) for a longer-term fix until major maintenance programmes are permissible. ICR is also able to wrap/resolve low pressure pipes that are leaking under service. A flanged threaded plate is fitted into the leak, and a hose is added to divert the leaking fluid while the pipe and edge of the plate are wrapped in the composite. Once the wrap has cured, the threaded plate can be fitted with a blanking plug to reseal the pipe!

INSONO is an innovative NDT technique for the inspection of engineered composite repairs that is now widely used across the energy sector. This system can validate the condition and integrity of composite repairs, providing operators with assurance of their application and long-term performance. INSONO detected defects fall within three main areas: the composite laminate, the bond line, and the substrate. Based on the principles of the acoustic inspection method with pitch and catch, resonance and mechanical impedance analysis can detect and size the defects. A scanner provides 3D models and a visual representation of the composite repair, allowing for precise dimensions to be used in the assessment. ICR’s manually operated, angled probes are designed to access all geometries and system configurations, detect defects in the composite material, the bond line, and the steel substrate and provides a user-friendly automated inspection report.

The ICR event was a fantastic opportunity to witness one of Aberdeen’s long-standing ICorr sponsors in action and proved to be a most enjoyable evening.

ICorr Aberdeen welcomes suggestions for further industrial visits.

Abstracts of potential papers for the branch technical programme are always welcome, and anyone wishing to join the committee should correspond with the 2023/2024 Technical Programme Co-ordinator: Adesiji Anjorin, anjorin@gmail.com

Further information about the branch, and past presentations, may be found on their website page: Aberdeen Branch – Institute of Corrosion (icorr.org), and to join the Aberdeen Branch mailing list, please contact: icorrabz@gmail.com

Dr Kevin McDonald, Sonomatic.
Boxplots, Sonomatic
Digital Twin – Analysis, Sonomatic.
3D Data Profiling, Sonomatic.
ICR Chemical Injection and Corrosion Monitoring.
ck Flange™ Weldless Connectors.
ICR-Sky Futures, Drone Inspection.
Technowrap ™ Engineered Composite Wrap, ICR.
Technowrap ™ Engineered Composite Wrap, ICR.