The President Writes

The President Writes

How quickly two years flies by! This is my penultimate article before handing over the Presidency of ICorr into the very capable hands Stephen Tate at our AGM on 9th November. Details of the AGM can be found in this issue and I hope you can join us.
As we approach the AGM two very dedicated and long serving members of our council have decided to stand down from their roles:
• Tony Collins has been our treasurer for many years and overseen our turn round to the very healthy financial situation we find ourselves in today. Tony has provided myself, many past presidents, the Trustees and Council with clear financial reporting and wise coaching for which I am very grateful.
• Brian Goldie is the editor of this magazine and under his leadership we have seen the magazine become increasingly popular by providing a great balance of technical topics, Industry and ICorr branch news. He has introduced several new themes such as “Fellows Corner” where experts provide an overview of their specialist technical areas.
• Sarah Vasey who is a recent past president has also unfortunately indicated her need to step down from Council at this time, due to her company commitments overseas in Cleveland, Ohio.

I want to thank Tony, Brian, and Sarah for their wonderful contributions over many years and for being such professional
and easy people to work with. We will miss you all.

Of course, this means we have two vacancies so if anyone is interested in either the Treasurer or Magazine Editor roles,
please let me know.

As I noted in the last issue our office is now being run by Becky and Trish. I’d like to thank them both for organising a very successful, two-day office clean up with the outstanding support of Kevin Harold and Rob Hurley. Over the years we had collected a lot of “stuff” which took a lot of space. One skip later and we now have a a clutter free store room. Kevin and Rob also put up our new ICorr office signs which had been delayed due to Covid.
A highlight for me was attending the Aberdeen Annual Corrosion Forum on 30th August. You can see more details in this magazine and I want to thank the Aberdeen team for planning an excellent event which was well attended. Despite being held in the oil and gas capital of the world it was refreshing to see a focus on all energy sources. I also had the pleasure of joining the Aberdeen branch committee for dinner that evening and hearing many of the ideas they have for the future.

Our new microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) training course is now finished and we have received lots of interest in attending – look out for dates in the near future. More details are in this issue.

Until next time.
Bill Hedges, Institute of Corrosion President

AGM & Midlands Branch Symposium

Dear ICorr Member,

The Trustees and Council of the Institute would like to invite you all to the 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Wednesday 9th November 2022at the Council Chambers, Birmingham Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, in conjunction with a half day Midlands Branch meeting, including technical presentations by corrosion experts from across Europe.

The AGM for 2022 will be an in-person event only.

11.00 -12.00 Arrive; registration and networking, tea and coffee available.
12.00 -13.00 Lunch
13.00 -14.15 ICorr Award winners talks:

*Alison Davenport –Pitting: the delicate balance between dissolution and passivation.

*Chris Lynch – Cathodic Protective Standards Making

14.15 -14.30 Comfort break
14.30 –16.30 Midlands Branch Symposium Speakers:

*Chris Googan – Why do Protective Coatings Fail?

*Simon Daly – Challenges for Selecting Coatings for the fixed and floating offshore wind industry.

*Malcolm Morris – Update on International Standards Activity Within the Protective Coatings Sector.

*Ken Lax – BS EN ISO 21857:2021 Prevention of corrosion on pipeline systems influenced by stray currents.

16.30 -17.00 Tea and coffee break
17.00 -17.45 ICorr AGM


Institute of Corrosion
Annual General Meeting 2022.
Venue: Council Chamber, Birmingham Council House.
Time: 17.00 – 17.45


  1. Apologies for Absence.
  2. Minutes of the Previous AGM (2021).
  3. President’s Report.
  4. Treasurer’s Report.
  5. Elections of Trustees and Council Members.
  6. Any Other Business.

The Trustees and members of Council will be available before the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding the Institute and its future.

Again, as in the case of 2021, the Institute’s accounts, and the minutes for the 2021 AGM, will be available via the ICorr website (  Please examine them and the website in general as we would appreciate your feedback. The website will continue to be influential in increasing the Professional Membership and for informing non-members about ICorr, as well as a major means of communication with membership.

Please confirm your attendance (for lunch numbers) or apology for absence, by e-mail to

Members should check the ICorr website for any update to the arrangements before travelling.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Jane Lomas

Institute of Corrosion
Honorary Secretary

How the Institute of Corrosion operates

How the Institute of Corrosion operates

Members often ask what the organisational structure of the Institute is, and to answer this, a series of articles has been planned, starting with an overview of the Institute’s structure.

The Institute of Corrosion is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to putting its members at the heart of the global corrosion prevention community and ensuring that all that is done is aligned to its core values:

• Trust and respect
• Experts and leaders in the field
• Innovative and forward-thinking
• Supportive and inclusive

The organisational structure is the framework that enables this, and in which many talented and hard-working corrosion professionals help us to achieve our goals. The Head Office, Corrosion House, is where all the admin work is conducted, and is located in Northampton, where the staff of three work tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of ICorr.

The Council of the Institute of Corrosion
The Council is like the Board of Directors of a large company. It is the Institute’s highest decision-making body, and every branch, division, and committee, reports to the Council, which is made up of the following members:
• The five trustees/directors
• Branch and division chairs
• Committee chairs
• The chair of Young ICorr
• The technical Editor of Corrosion Management magazine
• Various co-opted members

The Trustees of the Institute of Corrosion
There are five trustees, and these form the ‘committee’ that oversees the routine running of the Institute between Council meetings. The trustees are the following Institute members:
• The President
• The Vice President
• The Immediate Past President
• The Honorary Secretary
• The Honorary Treasurer
Beneath the Council, the structure allows information and operations to flow freely in all directions.

The Branches of the Institute of Corrosion
The six regional branches let us reach deep into the heart of the corrosion community in the UK:
• Aberdeen
• London
• Midlands
• Northeast
• Northwest
• Yorkshire
The work they do, and the networking opportunities they present to our members is vital. The branches have a great deal of autonomy, and run various events, including technical meetings/webinars, workshops, and social events.
Every event within the branches is a networking opportunity, and a chance for members to learn and share ideas, experience, and best practices.

The Two Divisions of the Institute of Corrosion
The two divisions stretch across every part of ICorr.
The Corrosion Engineering Division (CED)
The CED is made up of five working groups which look at specific aspects of our industry. The CED also runs an annual Working Day and Symposium. These Working Groups are:
• Nuclear Corrosion
• Coatings
• Cathodic Protection
• All Energy
• Corrosion in Concrete

The Corrosion Science Division (CSD)
This division consists of representatives from the corrosion research community – primarily academia and research – and runs the annual Corrosion Science Symposium.

Young ICorr
While the experience of senior corrosion professionals is crucial to our industry and to the Institute, equally important are the younger engineers and scientists who are entering and progressing in their careers in corrosion control.
Young ICorr is a vibrant and forward-looking group, through which many initiatives and early-career networks are formed, and from which the corrosion industry leaders of tomorrow will develop.

The Committees of the Institute of Corrosion
Finally, to the committees – without which the Institute could not function effectively. This is where much of the day-to-day work is managed. These teams meet when needed, collaborate with other teams, and ensure that actions agreed are carried out.

The Awards Committee
Responsible for overseeing the portfolio of ICorr awards, and for the nomination of members for external awards. The recognition of excellence both internally and externally helps us to demonstrate the authority with which the Institute operates and the professionalism, knowledge, and expertise of our members.

The Building Management Committee
This committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of our Head Office, Corrosion House. They may not get their hands dirty with building work, but without them we might not have a home!

The Course Approval Board
The education of the corrosion community, at whatever stage of their individual careers, is crucial to the future of our industry, and, indeed, the future of our world. The Course Approval Board is responsible for approving new courses proposed by the Professional Development & Training Committee.

The Professional Development & Training Committee (PDTC)
PDTC is responsible for one of our most important strategies – the development and upgrade of training courses offered by the Institute. To achieve this, PDTC has two sub-committees:
• The Cathodic Protection Governing Board (CPGB), responsible for cathodic protection courses
• The Surface Treatment Governing Board (STGB), responsible for surface treatment courses

The Digital Strategy Committee
In our digital world, it is easier to connect, build networks, and share expertise than ever before. However, to do this effectively, it is essential to develop and follow a strategy that aligns with the goals of the Institute. This is the remit of the Digital Strategy Committee.

The Membership Development Committee
The real strength of the Institute lies in its membership. The broader and deeper our membership is, the more we can offer and provide to them and the global corrosion community.
The Membership Development Committee is responsible for initiatives to increase our membership and highlight the benefits for members.

The Professional Assessment Committee (PAC)
While the Membership Development Committee is responsible for driving up membership applications, it is the PAC that handles membership and upgrade applications.

Correx Limited
Although the Institute is a not-for-profit organisation, our commercial activities are key to the present and future sustainability. However, it is also crucial that the operation of these is kept at arm’s length to satisfy the requirements of the Charity Commission. To ensure this is the case, we registered Correx Limited in 2003 (the name was derived from “Corrosion” and “Exhibitions”). Correx organises all of our commercial activities, and especially the administration of ICATS (Industrial Coating Applicators Training Scheme), which is mandated by the Highways Agency and Network Rail for all coating applicators – and it is also a requirement for many other major structure owners including Oil Companies, Power Generators, and Infrastructure Owners.

It is intended to explore each element of the organisation structure of ICorr in more detail in future articles, to help our members and the wider corrosion community to have a greater understanding of all parts of the Institute and the tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. If you’re interested in getting involved in any of these activities, please get in touch with us.