Institute AGM

Institute AGM

Dear Member,

The Trustees and Council of the Institute would like to invite you all to the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Thursday 22nd of November 2021 at the National Conference Centre & The National Motorcycle Museum in conjunction with the Midlands Branch meeting, including technical presentations by corrosion experts from across UK.

National Conference Centre & The National Motorcycle Museum, Coventry Road, Bickenhill, Solihull, West Midlands B92 0EJ

Please confirm attendance (for lunch numbers and remote access to the AGM) or apology for absence by email to


Arrive and registration


Midland Branch Meeting

Institute of Corrosion presentations of current ICorr training courses

Chris Spence – CP
Richard Edwards – CP certification
Kevin Harold – ICATS and certification
John Fletcher – ICorr Surface Treatment Courses


Comfort break 

11h00 – 12h00

Communication and Digitisation in the Corrosion Industry


Ian Sotherton – Omniflex
Dr Prafull Sharma – CorrosionRADAR
Jack Cornes – HausBots


Lunch and access to the museum  


AGM Agenda
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the previous AGM November 2020
President’s report
Treasurer’s report
Any other business
The Trustees and members of Council will be available before the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding the Institute and its future.
Again, as in the case of 2020, the Institute’s accounts, and the minutes for the previous AGM, will be available via the ICorr website (  Please examine them, and the website in general, as we would appreciate your feedback.
This year the AGM will also be live streamed via Zoom or Teams meeting, please confirm your attendance as detailed below to receive further instruct ions for remote access on the day.


Comfort break tea coffee


ICorr Awards and presentations 


Access to the museum – site closes at 17h30 

Annual General Meeting 2021

The Trustees and Council of the Institute would like to invite you all to the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Monday 22nd of November 2021 at the National Conference Centre & The National Motorcycle Museum. The meeting is organised by ICorr’s Midlands Branch and includes updates on ICorr training opportunities and technical presentations by corrosion experts.

The meeting will be available to attend In-Person at the NCC venue and for the first time, the event will be Live-Streamed on Zoom, providing remote access to our members.

National Conference Centre & The National Motorcycle Museum
Coventry Road
West Midlands
B92 0EJ


09h00-10h00 Arrive and registration 
10h00-10h50  Institute of Corrosion presentation of current ICorr training courses:

• Chris Spence – Cathodic Protection (CP)
• Richard Edwards – CP certification
• Kevin Harold – ICATS and certification
• John Fletcher – ICorr Surface Treatment Courses

10h45-11h00 Comfort break 
11h00 – 12h00 Communication and Digitisation in the Corrosion Industry 

Ian Sotherton – Omniflex –
Dr Prafull Sharma – CorrosionRADAR
Jack Cornes – HausBots 


12h00-13h30  Lunch and access to the museum 
13h30-14h45 AGM Agenda
Apologies for absence
Approval of minutes from 2020 AGM
President’s report
Treasurer’s report
Election of ICorr Council Members for 2021/22
Presentation of the Henry G. Cole award
Any other business
Meeting closure.
14h45-15h00 Comfort break tea coffee
15h00-17h30 Access to the museum – site closes at 17.30

The Trustees and members of the Council will be available before the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding the Institute and its future.

If you plan to attend in person it would really help us if you would confirm attendance by e-mail to (so we do not order wasted food and refreshments). If you have any specific dietary requirements please note these in the email (vegetarian and vegan options will be provided). If you cannot attend and wish to send an apology please also send it to

Remote access via Zoom For those wishing to join all or part of the meeting remotely, please use the following link and meeting information which will be accessible from 09:30 London, UK time: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 8519 6636 Passcode: 761928

The President Writes

The President Writes

Welcome to the first edition of Corrosion Management for 2021 and my first column as President. I was honoured to be given this opportunity at our last AGM in November and I have big shoes to fill! First and foremost, I want to thank Gareth Hinds for his outstanding contributions as President for the last 2-years – how quickly the time goes by. Gareth oversaw many important changes to the Institute such as our new brand, which I love, implementing a digital and social media strategy, launching new and updated training courses, and the transition to our new agreement with the Society of Operational Engineers. These are the highlights. However, what has impressed me so much about Gareth is his willingness to be involved in so many day-to-day activities. He has led by example with his time, energy and enthusiasm – he epitomises the saying that if you want to get something done give it to someone who’s busy. Gareth thank you for all you have done for us.

In his last column Gareth also noted that the strength of our Institute is our people – I couldn’t agree more. So many of you give generously with your “spare” time and support. As the new President I’ve been astonished at how dedicated our members are. The list is almost endless and it is impossible to recognise everyone in these columns and so much of your work it is unpublicised. But it is recognised and I offer my sincere thanks to all of you who help make our Institute so special. Should you be that rare individual who isn’t currently involved with our Institute, but would like to be, please do reach out to me at my email address below – we always have opportunities to help us improve. On the subject of improving if you have any ideas of new things we should be doing, or could improve, please also let me know via email – but be careful – you may find I ask for your help to bring your idea to reality!

Several people have asked me what do I want to achieve as the President of ICorr? This is something I’ve been thinking about during my time as vice-president and I should start by saying my primary goal is not to mess anything up and making sure our members get the support and opportunities they want. Beyond that I have four things I’d like to focus on:

1. Governance of ICorr
We have a lot of very sensible rules and bye-laws which we follow to ensure we meet the standards required by the charities commission and the engineering council. There are many of our members who quietly work behind the scenes to ensure that this happens, and I’d specifically like to thank David Harvey for his dedicated work in this area. I have been thinking that it would be good to form a Governance committee to pull all of these activities together to support David.

2. The ICorr Training Offer
We have world leading training in many areas of corrosion and corrosion control and it’s exciting to see the potential opportunities that are emerging for these to be delivered beyond the UK through both ICorr and our training partners of Correx, IMechE and Corrodere. David Mobbs has begun to outline how all of our training courses fit together and how they help develop corrosion professionals. I want to support this activity so we can offer a holistic corrosion training programme worldwide that provides a clear pathway to becoming a fully rounded corrosion specialists.

3. Balancing ICorr’s mission to promote corrosion understanding and control with our business strategy
As I noted earlier, our training courses are very popular – even with the problems brought by Covid-19. I’ve found it quite easy to become obsessed with how many courses we run and how the income can be used to further the goals of our institute. But it’s not only about money – we have a mission to serve our industry and especially our members. So we need to strike the right balance. Thankfully the Trustees and Council are alert to this balancing act and I want to support this.

4. Growth and Support of Our Overseas Membership
Corrosion is a global issue and we are seeing increased requests for membership from outside of the UK which is fantastic. We need to identify how we can continue this growth and support our overseas members.
These are my thoughts, but I’d love to hear from you if you agree or if you think there are other things we should be focusing on – again please email me.

I look forward to hearing from you and our journey together.

Bill Hedges, Institute of Corrosion President



The Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Corrosion, was held virtually on 19th November 2020. This was preceded by presentations from the 2020 recipients of the Institute’s premier awards, Prof. Carmen Andrade (Paul McIntyre Award) and Prof. Robert Cottis (U.R. Evans Award).

Bob Cottis gave a talk about hydrogen induced cracking in high strength steels, which was recorded and will be available in the Members area of the website. Due to a technical glitch Carmen Andrade’s talk was not recorded, but a version was previously published in the July/August 2020 issue of Corrosion Management.

In his last speech as President, Gareth Hinds reported on the many events that had happened during his 2 years as ICorr President, including the opening of the Institute’s new home in St Peter’s Gardens, the new branding of the Institute’s logo, and the development of new courses to expand the knowledge of corrosion. The challenges of COVID-19 have resulted in many events being held on line and this has allowed people to attend workshops, seminars and the AGM from all around the world. Gareth thanked all the people who had helped him to make his Presidency run smoothly, especially the Trustees, Office staff and Council members.

The Honorary Treasurer, Tony Collins reported that the Institute was in good financial shape, despite the difficulties of running courses in the current climate. Gareth thanked Tony for his ongoing excellent management of the Institute’s finances.

A list of proposed Trustees and Council members was presented to the AGM attendees. The majority of people had agreed to continue in their current (voluntary) posts, with the President Gareth Hinds becoming the new Immediate Past President; the Vice President Bill Hedges becoming President and Stephen Tate becoming the new Vice President.

Bill Hedges

Bill Hedges

Stephen Tate

Stephen Tate

Sarah Vasey, who was the previous Immediate Past President has been co-opted onto Council and it was proposed to include the Chair of Correx, which is occupied by an ICorr member in an unpaid capacity. The nominees were unanimously accepted by the ICorr members present. A full list of the Trustees and Council members can be found at,

The Articles and Memorandum of Association of the Institute had been thoroughly reviewed, modernised and brought into line with current ICorr practice. These had been available for viewing on the ICorr website prior to the AGM. The revised versions were unanimously accepted by the AGM attendees.

The final item of business was the awarding of an Honorary Life Fellowship of the Institute to Trevor Osborne for his outstanding contribution to ICorr. In addition to his other work for ICorr, Trevor had personally organised and supervised the refurbishment of Corrosion House, without any remuneration and the Trustees and Council wanted to acknowledge his altruistic work.

David Winn OBE

David Winn OBE

It is with sadness that we report the news that the Chairman of Winn & Coales International Ltd, David Winn OBE, passed away on the 21st of September 2020.

David Winn, the grandson of founder Paul Winn, joined the company in 1965. He had a long and distinguished career at Winn & Coales, serving as Deputy Chairman from 1968-1991 and Managing Director from 1988-1995. When Frank Coales passed away in 1991, he became Chairman of the company and held this position for 29 years until his passing in September 2020.

David Winn had many wonderful and notable qualities, one that shone through was his charitable nature. He was awarded an OBE on the 12th of May, 1995 by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales for being a Governor of West Norwood College for 24 years and for successful fund raising for Eastbourne College.

He was also Chairman of the Trustees of the National Missing Persons Helpline for many years. David Winn hosted a variety of fundraisers at his residence in Twickenham, London for The Missing Persons Helpline and contributed a great amount of his time and resources to the Charity.

David was an ardent supporter of the Institute of Corrosion and especially London Branch, whose meetings and events he regularly attended. In particular, his Company provided considerable encouragement and financial sponsorship to the Institute, especially when Tony Logan, one of his Managers, was the Chair of London Branch.