Young ICorr joint meeting with IMechE Young Members

Young ICorr joint meeting with IMechE Young Members

Young ICorr held a joint meeting with the Greater London region IMechE Young members network on the 21st of November. The talk was held in the Council room of the IMechE on Birdcage walk followed by networking in a nearby hostelry. The evening brought together young engineers, professionals and students from across the country who are interested in corrosion, materials, metallurgy and welding. It was a great opportunity to meet like-minded peers from other industries and also provided many of the attendees enrolled on the 2020 Young Engineering Programme (YEP) to meet prior to the programme starting in January.

Guest speaker Roger Francis (RF Materials) gave a fascinating talk on “Corrosion Engineers (& Metallurgists) can save you money”. This covered a whirlwind tour of case studies from fertiliser production to deep sea diving, highlighting poor materials selection and the importance of working together to understand the operating environment for the mechanical equipment. Often mistakes are repeated without learning, emphasising the need to engage a corrosion engineer. Roger’s extensive knowledge on duplex and superduplex stainless steels, in conjunction with correct heat treatments, demonstrated how the corrosion problems could be solved, often with cost savings. He then emphasised the importance of corrosion engineers’ involvements in QA/QC activities to ensure the correct testing and support regimes were put in place at the procurement stage. The talk was very well received and definatly got people thinking about the importance of materials selection.

Sponsorship was kindly provided by the Institute of Corrosion and IMechE. To stay informed about future Young ICorr events please join the LinkedIn group by searching for ‘Young ICorr’ or alternatively email

The Young Engineer Programme (YEP) – Final Evening Presentation

The 2018 YEP culminated in the teams presenting their findings on the Case Study at Imperial College on Thursday 8th November.

This was 12 months of work for the delegates who have worked through modules that span the breadth and depth of our industry.

It was a truly fantastic evening with 3 excellent presentations from the teams

Team Boran

Agniezka Knyter

Rachel Colpitts

Liam Fox

Konstantinos Katsounis

Team Doggett   

Daniel Burkle

Oliver Smith

Caroline Earl

Jessica Easton

Team Googan

Mark Fearns

Stephen Shapcott

Liya Guo

There were a good deal of questions from the audience after each presentation following which the Judges went away to deliberate.

Bill Hedges of BP, when making his award speech, said “its been very hard to select a winner as they were all so good. However there has to be a winning team and that is Team Doggett.”

The winning team will be travelling to the USA in April 2019 to attend the NACE Conference in Nashville where a whole programme will be arranged. They will post a blog of their activity and learnings on a daily basis which will be attached to the Institute of Corrosion website. We are grateful to the President and staff of NACE for pledging their support to the winners whilst they are in Nashville by providing conference registrations and access to the student award ceremony.

The teams will also present their conference learning in the 2019 winter lecture series at ICorr London Branch.

The response from the delegates has been incredibly encouraging;

This programme has altered the way I think about my work and how I carry it out”

“I have found a new job and moved to London living in Kew Gardens and cycling to work each day  I love it”

“I hadn’t realised the value of ICorr and I will go back to work on Monday and encourage them to engage

A comment from one of the senior Engineers in our fraternity gave the programme even more credibility, “This is probably the most important function in the UK Corrosion calendar, it’s truly fantastic

It’s also interesting to note that Agne Knyter of Team Boran travelled to the U.K. from Poland in 2015 under her own steam to take part in the YEP Case Study presentation and decided then she wanted to be involved in the next YEP programme.

The week before the YEP presentation, Chris Bridge and Simon Bowcock, representing Young ICorr, presented at Oxford University and 32 people signed up as student members of ICorr. We are finally pulling young Engineers into our Institute and showing them the value of being a member.

Thanks go to all those involved in the YEP process; the organising committee, the lecturers, the hosts, the mentors, the Judges, the delegates and of course a big thank you to the sponsors of the event BP.


Next YEP Programme

Following on from the successes of the previous YEPs, the next Young Engineer Programme will start in January 2018. Lectures will cover, basic corrosion, welding, materials, coatings, painting, fire protection and linings, cathodic protection, chemical treatments, and...

Next programme to run in 2018

Following on from the successes of the 2012-13 and 2014-15 young engineers programme, the Institute of Corrosion will be running the next programme in 2018, starting in January.

There will be lectures on the subjects related to Corrosion in Oil and Gas, including, basic corrosion, welding, materials, coatings, painting, fire protection and linings, cathodic protection, chemical treatments, plus presentation skills.

As before, the series of lectures will be followed by case studies, with a presentation to be given at an event around the London area.

We are currently carrying out pre-enrolment for this programme, and are looking for around 20 participants in the early stages of their career in the corrosion industry and who are looking for extra experience to set them up for their future. 

The lectures will be sponsored by BP and held at the CB&I offices in Paddington, London. There is no cost for this course for the delegates, and we would like to thank the sponsor and host for allowing this. 

If you are interested in this event please fill in the application form which can be obtained from, Institute of Corrosion, Barratt House, Kingsthorpe Road, Northampton, NN2 6EZ, or Email:-

The applications will be reviewed by the YEP sub-committee, and you will be notified if you are successful.  Deadline for receipt of applications is 30th November 2017.

Young Entrant Engineers

Young Entrant Engineers

Wednesday 30th January 2011 saw the opening presentation in the Young Entrant Engineers programme. This is the culmination of the work done by a sub-committee of London Branch of ICorr headed by past Chairman David Mobbs ably assisted by Sara Vasey, Alan Denney, Anthony Setiadi and Charlie Barraclough. The evening commenced with a safety briefing at the Akzo Nobel offices in Portland Place Victoria. There followed a brief explanation of the aims and outcomes of the programme presented by ICorr president Trevor Osborne.

The first presentation in the series was 
“The Fundamentals of Corrosion” delivered by George Winning of Wood Group Integrity Management (WGIM). George provided the basics of corrosion, its mechanisms and mitigations in a succinct and informative manner to an audience which included a group of twenty young engineers from a wide spectrum of graduate background and engineering companies. George’s presentation initiated a lively question and answer session followed by refreshments and a light supper provided by Akzo Nobel where the participants socialised and networked in readiness for the next presentation on 27th March 2013 which will be “Materials Selection” by Dr. David Shaw.

This is a great opportunity for the young and more experienced engineers to meet and exchange information and views on the subject of corrosion and corrosion control, we look forward to the next and subsequent presentations in the programme and to further convivial and informative evenings.

Trevor Osborne, President ICorr

The NORSOK standard M-501 was recently reviewed and revised and the current 6th edition was published in February 2012. This edition now includes reference to the Institute of Corrosion Coating Inspector qualification.

NORSOK standards are developed with broad petroleum industry participation by interested parties in the Norwegian petroleum industry and are owned by the Norwegian petroleum industry represented by the Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF) and the Federation of Norwegian Industry.

The success of the NORSOK M-501, published by Standards Norway and widely implemented in the North Sea, is such that it has now become universally recognised as providing a basis for selecting and applying protective coatings for service under adverse conditions where product reliability is essential. This applies to on-shore projects as well as in the aggressive conditions found off-shore, for which it was originally developed.

This NORSOK standard provides guidelines for choosing coatings systems suitable for new structures. It includes the requirements for pre-treatment, the application of the coating or metallisation and the application of the passive fire protection. All the recommended systems have been subjected to rigorous laboratory tests and benefit from long term practical experience.

The relevant ICorr Qualification has now been approved for incorporation into the standard.

Section 10.2.5 of NORSOK M-501 states:

Personnel carrying out inspection or verification shall be qualified in accordance with Norwegian Standard NS 476 Inspector Level III (FROSIO Level III), certified as NACE Coating Inspector Level III or ICorr Inspector Level III.

According to NS 476 Inspector Level II may carry out the inspection work under the supervision of an Inspector Level III.

Supervisors and foremen shall be qualified to tradesmen levels and should be qualified in accordance with NS 476 Inspector Level II or NACE Level II.

Supervisors, foremen or QC personnel involved in the application of passive fire protection shall, in addition, be trained and certified according to the procedures of the manufactures of the passive fire protection material.