Preserving the Integrity of ICorr’s Professional Membership

The Professional Assessment Committee (PAC) has a crucial role to play in how the Institute of Corrosion operates as an organization. It’s critical that we correctly evaluate and assess applications for professional membership of the Institute, chartered scientist, and cathodic protection personnel certification – this is the role handed down to PAC.

Structure of PAC

The PAC consists of a Chair and at least five other members, though committee numbers are limited to a maximum of 10.

The Chair is nominated by the Council of the Institute of Corrosion (ICorr). Members of the committee may be nominated by any Professional Member of ICorr, and nominees should be a Professional Member of ICorr. They should also have extensive experience in the corrosion industry or relevant academia.

Once accepted as a member of PAC, a nominee will usually serve a normal term of four years – though any PAC member is eligible for re-nomination. The Chair’s normal term is also four years, though he or she may also be re-nominated for a further term of office.

Roles and Responsibilities of PAC

The PAC is responsible for assessing all applications for Professional Membership of ICorr (TICorr, MICorr, and FICorr). They are also responsible for evaluating applications for Chartered Scientist and, via the cathodic protection sub-committee, Cathodic Protection Personnel Certification.

Among its prime responsibilities is to ensure that all applications are treated confidentially and in compliance with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) requirements. This includes eliminating any potential unconscious bias.

All members are obliged to act in accordance with Data Protection Regulations.  For example, no information provided by an applicant will be discussed or passed on to any third party.

How PAC Works

The first job of Pac is to ensure that applications comply with ICorr’s membership regulations:

  • Education, training, and experience is appropriate to the applied-for grade of membership
  • The application is accompanied by two references
  • At least one reference is from an existing Professional Member of ICorr, though in exceptional circumstances appropriately certificated and qualified members of other bodies may be acceptable at the discretion of the Chair

Once confirmed that the application for Professional Membership is compliant with these requirements, it is sent to three PAC members for assessment. None of these three may be a referee of the applicant. The process then progresses as follows:

  • The three members assess the applicant independently, and make a recommendation of suitability.
  • If the recommendation is unanimous, the application is approved. If this is not the case, the PAC Chair adjudicates the decision. If required, the President of ICorr may be called upon to help in this process.
  • The Chair then recommends whatever action is necessary. For example, if a meeting with the applicant is needed to discuss the application and address any concerns that the assessors have.
  • At the end of this process, the Chair prepares a report of approved applications, and this is presented to the Council for approval. Certificates of Professional Membership are signed by the President and sent to the new Professional Members.
  • Announcements are made in Corrosion Management magazine, unless requested otherwise.

Commonly, all communication between the members of PAC takes place either by email or post, with the PAC only meeting in person or online at the discretion of the Chair.

An applicant’s files are only retained for record purposes at Head Office, held in a member file and retained for no longer than five years after leaving ICorr.

Membership regulations and the procedures employed by PAC are reviewed and updated every 12 months, following discussions with the Professional Assessors and President and subject to their approval.

Could you play a part in PAC?

As a not-for-profit organization, the Institute of Corrosion is run by its members for the benefit of its members. The PAC has an essential role to play in delivering our mission and ensuring that the Institute aligns with its values.

PAC’s effectiveness depends upon its members. At the time of writing, its membership is close to the maximum number, but new assessors are always welcome. If you have the relevant experience and qualifications, are a Professional Member of ICorr, and would like to be considered as an assessor, please email the current PAC Chair, Paul Lambert.