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ICorr Quality Management System
The Institute of Corrosion and its commercial arm, Correx Ltd, are fully compliant with ISO 9001
ISO 9001:2015
The Institute of Corrosion and its commercial arm, Correx, are both certified to ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management.
The scope of the ICorr Quality Management System covers:
- Governance
- Professional assessment and sustainability of the membership of Institute of Corrosion
- Approval and monitoring of training and certification schemes such as Cathodic Protection, Coating Inspection and the Industrial Coating Applicator Training Scheme (ICATS)
The scope of the Correx Quality Management System is the management of the Industrial Coating Applicator Training Scheme. In addition to enhancing the operation of the scheme, it is also a requirement of Highways England that schemes approved for the Training and Certification of Personnel Engaged in Industrial Coatings Application for National Highway Sector Scheme 19A (NHSS 19A) comply with ISO 9001.
Institute of Corrosion Quality Assurance
At the Institute of Corrosion, we have always understood the importance of providing a high quality of service to our Members and Clients. We have therefore established a Quality Management System (QMS) fully complying with ISO 9001:2015. This has also been a requirement by Highways England. The QMS is audited both internally and externally by LRQA to ensure ongoing compliance with the Quality System and continuous improvement of our system. Correx is also separately accredited to this standard for ICATS.
David Harvey, CEng, FICorr – Quality Assurance Adviser
Institute of Corrosion Data Protection Policy
The Institute of Corrosion is required to maintain certain personal data about individuals for the purposes of satisfying operational obligations. The Institute recognises the importance of the correct and lawful treatment of personal data; it maintains confidence in the organisation and provides for successful operations.
The types of personal data that the Institute of Corrosion may require include, as examples, information about: current, past and prospective employees and officers of the Institute; members of ICorr; individuals who hold certification where the Institute is the Certificating Body; suppliers and others with whom it communicates. This personal data, whether it is held on paper, on computer or other media, is subject to the appropriate legal safeguards as specified in the Data Protection Act 1998.
The Institute of Corrosion fully endorses and adheres to the eight principles of the Data Protection Act. These principles specify the legal conditions that must be satisfied in relation to obtaining, handling, processing, transportation, and storage of personal data. Employees and any others who obtain, handle, process, transport and store personal data for the Institute must adhere to these principles.
Institute of Corrosion Req Doc (NHSS 19A)
Institute of Corrosion REQ DOC (NHSS 19A)
Requirements for the Training and Certification of Personnel Engaged in Industrial Coatings Application for National Highway Sector Scheme 19A (NHSS 19A – For corrosion protection of ferrous materials by industrial coatings)

Diversity and Inclusion
ICorr supports the Science Council’s initiative on diversity in science and engineering for further details see