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Corrosion Science Division
The Corrosion Science Division (CSD) is tasked with coordinating the annual Corrosion Science Symposium and acts as the selection panel for four ICorr awards.
The Corrosion Science Symposium predates both the founding bodies of this Institute and is in many ways unique in the corrosion calendar of this country. In particular, the symposium is one which seeks to encourage the participation of the junior members of the corrosion community, both academic and industrial.
CSD Committee and contact information
Julian Wharton – Chair
National Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton, University of Southampton
Richard Barker
Institute of Functional Surfaces, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds
Michael Bryant
Institute of Functional Surfaces, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds
Robert Burrows
National Nuclear Laboratory
Tony Cook
School of Materials, University of Manchester
Neil Fairweather
James Hesketh
Douglas Mills – Corrosion Engineering Division Representative
Engineering, University of Northampton
Tomas Martin
University of Bristol
Natalie Wint
Materials Research Centre, University of Swansea
Nick Stevens
School of Materials, University of Manchester
Corrosion Science Division Events
Corrosion Engineering: A Working Day to Remember
It may be the premier corrosion engineering event around the globe. ICorr’s CED Working Day and Symposium. Here’s the 2022 story.
Corrosion Science Division (CSD)
Corrosion Science Symposium Report The 61st Corrosion Science Symposium (CSS) was held online this year via Zoom between the 14th and 16th September. The CSS has been held annually since its launch in 1960 by Prof. L.L. Shreir, and is an ideal opportunity for students...
A Case Study for All Young Corrosion Engineers – It Could Be You
The rewards and benefits of the Young Engineer Programme from ICorr. A case study not to be missed by corrosion engineers.
61st Corrosion Science Symposium (Online)
The 61st Corrosion Science Symposium (CSS) will be held online during the week commencing Monday 14th September 2020. The CSS Online is the annual meeting for students and researchers working in all areas of Corrosion Science and Engineering. The CSS has been held...
The 63rd Corrosion Science Symposium at Electrochem 2022: All You Need to Know
The Corrosion Science Symposium 2022 will be held in a stunning location – perfect to stimulate discussion and networking.
Corrosion Science Symposium – Same Prestige in a New Format for 2020
One of the premier events in the Institute of Corrosion’s calendar is the Corrosion Science Symposium. In 2020, there is a new format for this prestigious event.