The President Writes

Thank you. It feels appropriate that I start my final article as president with a thank you to all of you as ICorr members. In my two years as president, I have seen what all past presidents say – that the strength of ICorr is its people. Leaders can help shape direction but it is our members that make things happen, and so many of you give your time and resources that prove that. In todays very busy world where so many things compete for our time, I have not ceased to be amazed by the generosity of so many
of you.

As I said in my first president writes article two years ago, it is an honour to be the ICorr president, and my time in the role has made me more conscious of that. Our Institute is a phenomenal organisation where we work hard to fulfil our mission to “Advance Science and Engineering in the Prevention of Corrosion”.
Over the last few years ,we have had our challenges – most notably the Covid pandemic and the global economic downturn. Despite these we have continued to perform well and found new ways of working to mitigate them. I would point to the use of digital tools such as virtual meetings and social media that have helped us.

At our recent Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually, we had very positive reports. Our membership is growing, our training courses are in high demand and our finances are in a very strong place. If you were not able to attend the meeting, I’d recommend looking at the annual report or presentation that can be found in the members area of the ICorr website. It is very encouraging.
Thus, I feel I’m handing over the Institute in good shape and, more importantly, into the excellent hands of Stephen Tate, who was unanimously voted in as our new president at the AGM. Stephen will bring fresh ideas and initiatives to us and I know you will all support him as you have me. Congratulations Stephen, I know you will enjoy the role as much as I have.

Before I close, I’d like to express my gratitude to my fellow trustees and council members who work really hard and have given me so much support, guidance and wise council. My presidency has been much the better for that – thank you.

As ever, your ideas and feedback are important to us so please continue to let Stephen know what you like and where you think we can improve, using the email. More importantly, if you’re not actively engaged and would like to be please let us know – we have lots of opportunities!
Kindest Regards,

Bill Hedges
Institute of Corrosion: Immediate Past President

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Institute of Corrosion
Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222

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