Young Engineers Programme (YEP) 2022

Following the great success of its 2018 and 2020 Young Engineer Programme in London, the Institute of Corrosion will now be running a YEP from January to November 2022, in Aberdeen.  The ICorr Young Engineer Programme (YEP) is second to none and delivers a technical competency framework that’s consistent with the Institute of Corrosion’s aims and professional standards, to help prepare graduates for entry into the Corrosion Science and Engineering industries, with a broad range of knowledge. As well as providing an opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, the programme offers participants a solid foundation and a stepping-stone, as the first stage in achieving MICorr and CEng status.

This is a training programme aimed at young Engineers (graduates) from a range of disciplines who have a specific interest in Corrosion Management.

The programme consists of a series of mainly evening lectures spread out over a 12-month period with required attendance every month from January to November. In May 2022 the group will be split up into teams and appointed a mentor to assist them with a Case Study which will be a real corrosion problem that has required a solution. Each team will then present their case study to the Institute of Corrosion at the Aberdeen Branch meeting in November with invited guests from academia and industry. Each presentation will be judged, and the winning team will be awarded an expense paid trip to the AMPP 2023 Conference (formerly NACE) in USA.

Application for participating in this programme is now closed and the committee are in the process of selecting and enrolling around 20 participants.

Lecturers, mentors and organisations supporting the programme will all be professional volunteers however, we are still looking for sponsors to cover the following costs (fully or partially),

1. A second award for one engineer as selected by the judges due to their outstanding performance (one award is already sponsored by BP).

2. Sponsor for the venues / catering in Aberdeen for 9 lectures and competition event.

The YEP 2022 sponsors logo will appear on all the programme materials, including, posters, flyers, training material and application forms distributed to the companies in the ICorr mailing list.

Any interest in sponsorship, or queries, should in the first instance be addressed to: Hooman Takhtechian, Aberdeen Branch Chair,

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General Enquiries

Institute of Corrosion
Corrosion House
5 St Peters Gardens

tel: + 44 (0)1604 438222

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